This started out as a comment and evolved into a diary.
BOTH Hillary and Obama are being funded by the same group of people. The Democratic Tsunami 2006 Election made the Financial Establishment very, very nervous. In former times the entire group would back Hillary. Because of the 2006 populist uprising and the mood for change in the country, the Money People made a calculated decision to fund not only Hillary, but another Candidate who could appear different.
Enter Obama in December 2006, with a very well prepared Power Point presentation. After a little further vetting of Obama, the Money Guys decided to fund TWO candidates this year. Hillary got those over 50 years old. The younger ones drew Obama. With TWO candidates, Hillary became the publicly recognized Establishment Candidate, and Obama, the New guy, not yet publicly known as being connected to the movers and shakers, was cleverly labeled the Change person. In this manner the Money Establishment insured that their comfortable merger between government and Business could continue.
Money Chooses Sides from New York Magazine in April 2007, explains the story.
The Clintons had POWER of the White House before their uneasy alliance was made with money. This gives the Clintons a bit more freedom and flexibility in setting the agenda. To the Money Guys she is a known quantity, and therefore their risk on investment is low. In financial terms they will need less interest/expectation of favors.
The a bigger story is that Obama, with very little money and at a standing start in December 2006, built a fund-raising apparatus as powerful as Clinton’s in unheard of short order. Obama required the money people to get started. With his speaking skills, Obama could gloss over populist/progressive issues. Read Social Security on Obama’s Web Site and you will see Privatization. Obama cannot promise to Uphold the Constitution and Rule of Law as some of the Money Peoples current and/or former associations would likely become public.
Obama being a new brand is considered High Risk. As a result of the increased risk to the Money People, a greater rate of return/favors are expected. To ensure the `safety’ of their investment in Obama, the Financial people placed current or former Lobbyists in high level positions for each of Obama’s State Campaigns.
To cloak their manipulations from becoming public, The Money People turned to the CORPORATE MSM, which they ultimately own. It was off to the races, with Hillary being the known Establishment Candidate and Obama, being a new brand was diabolically labeled the Change Candidate. Both these labels were meant to re-enforce the mood of new and young voters with perceptions garnered from the 2006 exit polls.
The main MSM stories all year, have been mostly about the size of the crowds each candidate drew, and the amount of money they raised. This tactic prevented any close look at issues, or in depth vetting of candidates. A quick comparison between Obama’s and Hillary’s VOTES will show very minute differences in their policy positions. Controlling the story was a brilliant and successful ploy on the part of the Money people to obfuscate that fact that issues were not being examined.
Media coverage was also deliberately designed to assist in eliminating Net Neutrality. By creating superficial stories that focused almost solely on personality and popularity, they drove people into sharply divided camps. Expending a few more dollars on servers, and having people sign up as new members of popular blog communities, they were able to create an almost cult like veneration of Obama, that has played out so shrilly and nastily at the Great Orange Satan. Destroying the largest Progressive Blog’s credibility, Net Neutrality will become much easier to eliminate.
No, it was not by accident that Biden, Richardson and others were knocked out so early in the Primaries. As they say , “Other states vote; New York invests.”
As others have said, it’s an auction, not an election.
I heard an interview with a Florida voter today. She said that she was still researching the candidate, watching the polls, etc. Then she claimed that the polls don’t influence her.
very good points, and more factual than most voter’s even realize.
but then again, the public is asleep at the wheel…the populus has become “Stepford Workers”
Edwards 08
I got that quote from the link you supplied Grandma M. It says he wants to increase the $97,500 income limit on social security taxes. You had me freaking out. Then I read this too: