I now fully believe that candidates from both sides, all of them, are willing to say anything to get elected. Watching them go after each other in “debates” (where no issues are debated and only press-oriented comments are blurted out) is less entertaining than most TV situation comedies (and that includes next Monday’s State of the Union Address, where Bush will become the biggest comedian of all.)

Part of the problem is that this has gone on for so long. Part of it is that the press is looking for absolute poop and sees no difference between discussions on aiding the economy and kvetching about Bill Clinton losing his ex-Presidential credibility by being the competition chewer for Hillary.

The Republicans are only interested in prayer, abortion and (if you’re Giuliani) 9/11, or (if your McCain) Military Victory. The Democrats seem interested in what each of them has voted on in the past, race (by arguing that it’s not about race), and experience or non-experience.

None have come out and said the rich will pay taxes again. None have come out and said no more money will be (borrowed to be) spent on the war. None have come out against the “Treaty” that Bush is about to get us in with Iraq which will keep us there forever.

If any of them did start talking about the important things, it would show up in blogs and on NPR. Maybe then I’ll watch again.

Under The LobsterScope