The truth hurts:
John Kerry, the Democratic Party’s 2004 nominee for president, took aim at Bill Clinton Friday, telling the National Journal the former president does “not have a license to abuse the truth.”
The Massachusetts senator, who endorsed Barack Obama’s White House bid earlier this month, said Clinton’s criticisms of the Illinois senator have been “over the top,” and suggested the former president is getting “frantic.”
Targeting Clinton’s recent spate of attacks on Obama, Kerry said, “I think you had an abuse of the truth, is what happened. …I mean, being an ex-president does not give you license to abuse the truth, and I think that over the last days it’s been over the top.
“I think it’s very unfortunate, but I think the voters can see through that,” Kerry added. “When somebody’s coming on strong and they are growing, people get a little frantic, and I think people have seen this sort of franticness in the air, if you will.”
Can we just call him a liar? Is it so difficult?
No surprise here. The Clintons have always had challenges with the truth.
Robert Reich also went at Bill Clinton’s distortions.
Now something to watch for in the GE should HRC be the nominee; Bill Clinton will not be the official federal candidate so infinite amounts of unaccounted dollars will be spent by the VRWC to attack the Bill Clinton Years.
count on it.
Kerry’s right about everything except:
“I think the voters can see through that”
I think the voters can see through it. Lately I have been constantly reminded of just what Bill and Hillary look like when they’re lying. After the 90’s, I think most of us learned to tell the difference with that pair.
Fool me once…
Especially considering how Clinton slobbed Reagan back in ’91 when a certain philanderer from Arkansas was running for president…
let me pimp my diary that’s just up and confirmed by Reuters b/c this is a very big deal:
Clinton in vote dispute – to snub party rules?
Just can’t play by the rules.
Despite severe misgivings about Clinton’s character I voted for him twice. What a sick politician! He wants us to believe that Obama was responsible for interjecting the race issue into the campaign. He must think that the electorate is made up of fools and idiots.
He was partially responsible. He admitted it during the debate before last. Forget so easily?
It depends what “is” is.
From their DLC beginnings the Clintons have been attacking the progressive movement. They will continue to Republican raid on the treasury.
Well, said.
Memory is so faulty that no one can recall when Bill was known by his adversaries as “Slick Willie.”
Adversaries or not, there seems to be some validity in this characterization, and we are seeing it today.
Well you know, Kerry rarely says things in one word (like “liar”) that could be said in many.
Kerry can’t be to the point nor can he confront. In the 2004 campaign he let himself be swiftboated in broad daylight and in open view of everyone, which was extremely embarrassing to see, how the man gently rolled over for his enemies. The Clintons have a stranglehold on the Democratic Party. They’re very happy about that, I’m sure.
First Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary for Clinton, and now Kerry fall just short of calling Bill a “liar.” It is Clinton’s history to lie when his back is against the wall. Which, it seems, is quite often.
Obama’s done his share, too.
This wrestling match has been good for further blacking out Edwards. Such an evolution, when horse race becomes wrestling match.