Crossposted from Left Toon Lane, Bilerico Project & My Left Wing
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In past elections, only those poor souls in Iowa and New Hampshire were abused at the hands of a media circus, but now it has spread to South Carolina. South Carolinians are getting tired of the way the media is trying to shape the election.
Kathey E. Adams […] said when traveling and watching reports about her state, “I was horrified by what I saw.” She deplored reports that focused on black voters, saying “It’s a new South. What do they think, we’re in hoop skirts?”
As for her choice in Saturday’s primary, Adams said she will “probably” supporting Clinton. She had been a Joe Biden supporter before leaning toward Clinton.
She said was “disappointed” by the exchange between Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama during the debate Monday. She said she is considering former Sen. John Edwards because she agreed he was “the only adult in the sandbox.”
The coverage I have seen has not been kind to SC – cataloging it as a backwards state, podunk, etc. Folks, South Carolina makes BMWs! Yes the South is a living dichotomy. New South vs Old South. Klan vs. Progress.
I wonder if they will vote for Edwards just out of spite? Besides he is actually a local.
my hopes are that more people were convinced about Edwards, after the sand-box display, of the accomodator’s ; )
Edwards 08
A friend of mine is a dyed in the wool feminist and was wholly behind Hillary – absolute blind faith for Clinton.
That was until the Myrtle Beach debate. She told me without all the other distractions of the other candidates in the previous debates, she too saw Edwards in a very different light and is now actively spreading the word about his qualities.
After the debate, all my co-workers here in NC are now very interested in learning more about Edwards. I passed out copies of his 80 page fix-it guide to everyone and they were shocked with its readability.
Our boy is gaining.
Hoooooooooooooo Laaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwddd, that’s great news….thank ya ; )
Edwards 08
Coming from NH, I can completely empathsize with the poor citizens of SC.
They’ll learn how to survive and avoid the Media. Even Hillary was smart enough to pay special attention to Local NH Media instead of National Media. She knows we don’t care what National Media thinks we think.
In fact I’m still reveling a bit in Schadenfreude – It felt good to show up the media for the fools they are!
It gets worse.
The machines that failed the Republicans in their primary last week are bound to fail us too (and what do you want to bet, in the most heavily black areas?)
The ES&S iVotronic was also the source of Florida’s pain in the 2006 CD 13 race. Thousands of “undervotes” were recorded, as if people would go all the way to the booth NOT to vote for a Congressional seat in that political climate.
I fear for South Carolinians this weekend….