In the grand scheme of things this is not terribly important, but it does illustrate the revolving door of American politics. It also illustrates that this is not a Washington, DC problem, it is an American problem:

Casino fight turns fierce, ugly

For example, lawyer Lance Boldrey drafted the original Bay Mills land-settlement agreement as a legal adviser to Gov. John Engler. After Engler left office, Boldrey took a job with Dykema-Gossett, a prominent Detroit law firm.

In his new role, Boldrey is advising casino developer Mike Malik, who’s positioned to make tens of millions of dollars in management fees if Bay Mills opens a Port Huron casino.

Under the Michigan Bar’s code of ethics, Boldrey would be allowed to advise Malik only if he first obtained a waiver from Engler’s successor, Gov. Jennifer Granholm.

Liz Boyd, the governor’s press secretary, confirmed that Boldrey indeed has obtained such a waiver.