I had heard of bloggers being disconnected from their blogs, of course. It always seemed an overblown concern for a free service that, presumably, few would bother with. I guess a mounting Technorati score should have been a warning that things had changed somewhat during the past two years : I had fans. If they didn’t call often, they sure did check in !
So : an uninformative notice a blog has been archived when you’re busy doing a WTF ( and planning on cutting down on frequency of posts ) rather disorients anything one might have been doing in the nature of plans. Anyhow, I’m running over my contacts lists and setting up my runs-on-forever list of things to check out online in a different – and perhaps more organized fashion.
Things are sporadic as I’ll be away most of the week much of the time for the indefinite future. Blogging will be catch-as-catch-can : but the links for websploring await.
did you mean to provide some links?