The Kennedy endorsement show is airing now on your cable news channels.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Love it! Ted really knows how to say it.
Chris Matthews must be wetting his pants.
“Obama opposed the war from the beginning and let NO ONE say otherwise.”- Ted Kennedy
Uh, hear that, BILL? He’s talking to YOU.
NPR’s top – of – the – hour – news reported Clinton begged Ted Kennedy to stay neutral.
Matthew Yglesias:
Why Teddy Matters
Ted Kennedy is really working it up there.
he shove the ‘Day One’ rhetoric right back in the Clintons’ faces.
When he used Bill Clinton’s actions compared to Harry Truman…that was pretty sweet.
according to fournier at the AP, Kennedy’s shoving EVERYTHING right back at the Clintoons.
Sounds like ted came out swinging. I love me some Ted kennedy, always have.
that was my favorite part!!
Ted and Caroline (earlier) giving the one/two punch.
Love it. He stole Hillary’s line:
I KNOW “He’s ready to be president on DAY ONE!”
Yeah – talk about a smack in the face!!
C Matthews: if anybody wonders what it was like in the ’60’s, this is it!
Big and powerful stuff that just made Bill’s race cards seem petty and shallow.
Feels good to be a Democrat today.
Why is Obama the only politician who can make me all patriotic? I swear every time I hear him speak I have the urge to put a 50 flag pole in my front yard.
I know! He makes me get all emotional and what not…
They say someone like this happens only once in a lifetime, JFK had this same effect, and it’s been a long time coming since. Obama does indeed bring inspiration to life again in a country thirsting for it. I’m impressed.
not to interrupt the celebration, but the fisa vote is coming up at 4:30pm est, and glen greenwald has these latest updates up at salon:
also this:
web contact information for the entire senate can be found HERE.
keep the pressure on!
I’m glad both candidates can be there for this!
Campaign in progress or not, it IS their job to show up for this.
At note over at EmptyWheel that she’s at a Senate event where Reid spoke and right up front thanked Joan at DKos & Christie at FDL for all their hard work and inroads on the FISA bills.
Looks like the House is coming into session right now to vote on a 30-day extension bill. That’s all, to my knowledge. No “new bill” with telecom immunity.
If they get this done and over to the Senate before they debate in a bit, they could possibly get the 30-day bill to Dubya so he can shoot himself in the foot with his veto threat.
And rather eloquently: