Let’s see if Kathleen Sebelius is vee-pee material. And let’s have some more funk!!
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
What a f#ckwad. They’d better not cave in to his FISA threats. Send him to the Server in the Sky!
PS. Nice funk. Much more inspiring than that speech!
I fucking HATE that song. I’d rather hear Martika singing about Toy Soldiers or Kriss Kross threatening to make Jump Jump!
How about Hanson singing MMmmmBop?
And I don’t even have any idea what you’re talking about! I’d rather hear tone deaf people playing polka on kazoos.
Why are you whipping out all of this Cleveland stuff tonight, Boo? It’s too much for me…
you gotta focus on the irony.
Here she is!
repeating myself..but is chris matthews in love with John McCain now??
Gov. Sebelius speaking now
Yep. She wants to be BO’s veepee. A ‘nonpartisan’ response. bleah.
this seems like a big preamble to her endorsement for tomorrow
Holy Shit! Sebelius is calling out the pundits, issuing a Call to Action.
She’s got the Obama virus… Good for her.
I still think she’s a robot, but the response is pretty good so far.
well … Dick Cheney was a robot. It might be a pre-requisite to be veepee.
some one give her some amphetamines.
She’d make a fine VP choice for Obama but I am more partial to Janet Napolitano (Gov-AZ)
Janet is a master triangulator from the school of the DLC, be careful what you wish for…
I’ve not yet figured out why she’s always named as the great hope of the future.
Slightly Stepfordish if you ask me.
I’ve voted for her twice, but not without holding my nose.
I don’t know. When I lived there, I was really impressed with what she was able to make the republican legislature do.
But if she’s going anywhere, she’s gonna have to admit to her lesbianism. I have no problem with it, but I’d hate for it to turn into a scandal.
Her husband is a front?
When did she get married? When I was there, she brought her dad to events so she had a man beside her. She’s a dyke.
Tim Russert gave her bio before she spoke and I thought he said she was married to a federal judge. I thought – that will kill his chances on the supreme court if she’s elected.
you’re talking about two different people.
oops I thought you were talking about Kathleen.
She’s married. I don’t know about Janet.
no husband.
I don’t think she’s a sell-out, but have been disappointed with some of her actions in the past couple of years. The other side of it is that if she joins the ticket, we are stuck with Jan Brewer as Governor (ack!)
For people in Kansas this is more exciting than watching the wheat grow.
Yes. Kansas is a rural state.
you should see the slanders people make about New Jersey.
Well, crawling south on the I-95 at the end of a Thanksgiving weekend can seem almost as mind numbingly boring as driving through Kansas.
well, I guess that’s what we can expect from a Missourian .who can’t make kool-aid because they can’t figure out how to get 2 quarts of water into the kool-aid packet..
Of course there are some decent people in Kansas …
but after watching her address I went outside to looked for a winter wheat field to watch it grow..that was more exciting..
You’re never going to let me forget this are you?
who knew John Kerry had a sister…
May the FSM touch you with her noodly tentacle.
Last year’s Jim Webb address was the bestest!
…”If he does, we will join him. If he does not, we will be showing him the way.”
wow. this is listless.
She cannot be the veepee unless she is never allowed to speak.
kind of the dan quayle model.
But she looks maaahvelous.
yeah, she does. Kind of a female John Kerry, but pretty.
Sleep well? I feel like my mom just tucked me in.
Hillary now on NBC.
Asking her about the Kennedy endorsement and Bill.
She talks about experience, who is best prepared, blah, blah, blah. Says nothing about Bill.
Right. Not a very good speaker. Nope.
Quick! Someone dispatch a case of Crest Whitening Strips to St. McCain.
Barack is on NBC now. Wow. Just switched from MSNBC to NBC. Much better than listening to McCain.
He looked much more relaxed than Hillary did.
Now he’s on MSNBC and NBC is done with their coverage, Switch back.
No cable. You’ll have to live blog it for me.
No cable? No satellite? What century is this?
Jim Webb is on…
Sebelius looked very stiff…
Oh my… Watching CNN. Anderson Cooper apparently didn’t get the memo re: McCain. He’s calling him out on lies about Romney and the economy vs War issues. He didn’t roll over for McCain. McCain looked shocked, like someone is breaking some agreement he had with the media.
Isn’t she the one who has a grown son still (pun intended) Real family values sort of game… where male rape, thuggery, and drug-dealing are featured?
Given the current office-holders, making jokes about prison life wouldn’t necessarily concern voters, but we Democrats ought to do better than the torturer-in-chief when it comes to entertainment.
If Obama wants to “balance” the ticket with his opposite: a white Jewish female from the other side of the country, might I suggest Barbara Boxer?