Just a preliminary comment about health care proposals:
The Reagan-Bush sponsored National Debt is killing us, in some sense preventing any continuation of the Democratic liberal-socialist agenda, whose next advance seems to be in the area of universal health care.
Yet it is highly significant that Hillary Clinton is disparaging, no accusing Obama of supporting single payer health care, while she is for a corporate run system.
Can you imagine, a proported Democrat, accusing another Democratic candidate of liberal-socialism, of sponsoring a universal health care system on a par with all of the EU and English speaking countries?
Hillary and Bill are so out of touch that one would suspect that they might also be against the Medicare and Medicaid programs, the single payer systems that support the elderly, disabled, and poor.
Just had to get this opinion out. Come back after seeing the video.
From the Republican perspective, this mother is a lazy freeloader, who wants society to take care of her. Motherhood, afterall, is not a job whether you have two kids or four, like the mother in this video. Motherhood is merely an excuse for watching soap operas all day. Get her a job.
This perspective is also part of Bill Clinton’s program to change welfare as we know it in the 90s, one of his tacts to steal the right wing Republican agenda. Workfare will cure this mother from the motherhood farce, the preposterous idea that motherhood is a job, let alone an all day job.
Of course, at the time, welfare was equated with young promiscuous “Black” welfare clients in the public’s mind, the same association that gave rise to Reagan Republicans in the 80s, the movement in suburban America to get rid of these leeches on society, usually poor Black and Hispanic people, or the poor in general (white welfare clients seem to have been excused from these associations), so that we could lower taxes and live the high life.
But in the end it was the wealthy who lived the high life. What better example is there of social Darwinism at work in the Republican, and Republican Lite (Clinton), eras.
Just a preliminary comment about health care proposals:
The Reagan-Bush sponsored National Debt is killing us, in some sense preventing any continuation of the Democratic liberal-socialist agenda, whose next advance seems to be in the area of universal health care.
Yet it is highly significant that Hillary Clinton is disparaging, no accusing Obama of supporting single payer health care, while she is for a corporate run system.
Can you imagine, a proported Democrat, accusing another Democratic candidate of liberal-socialism, of sponsoring a universal health care system on a par with all of the EU and English speaking countries?
Hillary and Bill are so out of touch that one would suspect that they might also be against the Medicare and Medicaid programs, the single payer systems that support the elderly, disabled, and poor.
Just had to get this opinion out. Come back after seeing the video.
From the Republican perspective, this mother is a lazy freeloader, who wants society to take care of her. Motherhood, afterall, is not a job whether you have two kids or four, like the mother in this video. Motherhood is merely an excuse for watching soap operas all day. Get her a job.
This perspective is also part of Bill Clinton’s program to change welfare as we know it in the 90s, one of his tacts to steal the right wing Republican agenda. Workfare will cure this mother from the motherhood farce, the preposterous idea that motherhood is a job, let alone an all day job.
Of course, at the time, welfare was equated with young promiscuous “Black” welfare clients in the public’s mind, the same association that gave rise to Reagan Republicans in the 80s, the movement in suburban America to get rid of these leeches on society, usually poor Black and Hispanic people, or the poor in general (white welfare clients seem to have been excused from these associations), so that we could lower taxes and live the high life.
But in the end it was the wealthy who lived the high life. What better example is there of social Darwinism at work in the Republican, and Republican Lite (Clinton), eras.
Error: “Reagan Republicans in the 80s” was meant to be “Reagan Democrats in the 80s.”