His announcement will be at 1:00 in New Orleans.
See more here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/01/30/AR2008013001069.html?hpid=topnews
His announcement will be at 1:00 in New Orleans.
See more here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/01/30/AR2008013001069.html?hpid=topnews
I’m sorry I don’t have time to write a proper diary entry, but I just found out a few minutes ago.
Also, he’s not immediately endorsing anyone.
Despite my recent switch to Obama, I’m really bummed about this. The corporate media wins another one.
What concerns me is that I haven’t seen Elizabeth Edwards lately and I hope she’s OK–thought that is just my speculation, only. We’ll learn more in a few hours.
I hope so too AP. It does seem strange that he would drop out right after a primary that doesn’t mean anything, especially after saying he was in it until the convention just a couple of days ago.
I really thought he’d stay in until next week, I really did. I’m really surprised (I let out a gasp on Metro…I try to keep that kind of thing to myself).
Then I started wondering: Is he out of money? but then I thought, he could last until next week. Didn’t he just make an ad buy?
That’s when I started wondering if it was Elizabeth. I don’t know, and I don’t want anyone to think that I do, but that might make sense.
This is from a CNN article:
Oh, thank God. (Or thank the deity/non-deity-FSM of your choice. Seriously.)
That’s good to hear.
Boo has this on the front page now. Should I delete the diary?
no, save the comments.
OK. Will do. Just didn’t want to clutter up the space for other diaries.
The primary didn’t mean anything in terms of delegates, but it was meaningful as a measure of voter sentiment. And as much as I wanted Edwards to get the nomination, it’s been pretty clear for a while now that he doesn’t have the votes. (That this is due to the news blackout imposed on him by the media is sad, but beside the point.)
I’ve been hoping for an Edwards vice presidency under Obama, but someone mentioned the possibility of his being appointed Attorney General — and boy, lemme tell you, that is perhaps more appealing than even the presidency. It’d be Hercules and the Augean stables all over again!
I raised the possibility here but I was certainly not the first to do it.
There is an attractive symmetry in it, I think; Edwards has (rightfully or not, I don’t know) been compared to RFK, and now that Obama is inheriting JFK’s legacy, it would be neat to see the ‘new RFK’ be the AG under the ‘new JFK’ just as it was in the past.
That would work. And after these wretched 7 years, John would never be bored.
John never had a chance in hell. The media made damn sure of that. It has come down to who has the most money and the big wigs of the party behind them. That is the truth. We are now letting Corporate America and the media(which is now part of Corp Am) choose our candidates.
Oh this has been going on for some time and we allowed it.
Since the last real Democrat has dropped out, there will be a smaller Democratic turnout. If McCain doesn’t win outright, there will be lots of accusations of voting irregularities, followed by the democrat conceding for the sake of national unity.
Vice president Jeb Bush will become president when McCain dies in office.
hens tooth. I feel that most Edwards voters will go to Obama. Hillary has the core centrist part of the party and alot of women(not all so we are clear) that are not voting on the issues but because she is a woman. I think John and Obama made a pact as far back as Iowa. They double teamed Billary at the debates and it backfired on them in NH.
No matter what it will be a barn burner down to the wire.
I hope that he backs Obama, and is granted the power to shine sweet, cleansing sunlight onto the misdeeds of the current lot (as AG).
He is using the Federal matching funds system. I understand that the system is currently out of money until tax returns come in. He is borrowing against future funds.
Possibly he has reached a borrowing limit.
… but he will have had to decide whether he wanted to proceed with a guerrilla campaign, given a limited ability to buy paid media. Unlike many, he easily had enough online fundraising capacity to pay staff and direct event expenses from online contributions alone.
… even if you don’t agree. Heck, I even put BooMan Tribune in the poll.
Burning the Midnight Oil for John Edwards and the New Progressive Populist Movement
well shit, it just wants to make me take a trip to new york, and kick some so called news anylist ass….
but, I’ll just listen to some music instead….”Only the Good Die Young”