Oh…I was watching Olbermann. I guess there is a Republican debate on CNN. Did you know that Rudy spent 50 million dollars for his sole delegate?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I was on PoliticalTicker and had no idea what Schneider’s posts were about before I remembered it.
I just tuned in. According to Romney, Bush’s fuckup are all the fault of the Democrats.
McCain and Romney hate each other and they’re sitting side by side.
This is a real snoozer, they all look tired and it’s only 6pm there…
ha! they are going at it with each other now on who is more pro-war. Gotta luv it
Romney’s got some fans in Simi Valley.
It’s a bad set. That plane doesn’t make a good background.
I’ve never been to the Reagan Library, hell I hate driving on the 118, the Reagan Freeway. But I’m dying to know if that stupid plane is part of the set or part of the library.
It’s part of the library. It’s a real plane used by multiple presidents. They took it apart and reconstructed it at the library and it’s set up and decorated like it was for Reagan.
They explained it at the beginning.
The hideous website (scroll all the way to the bottom).
The only important question so far: Did Ronald Reagan make a mistake appointing Sandra Day O’Connor to the Supreme Court. Of course none of them said “yes” with Nancy sitting there.
Huckabee went on and on about being pro-life.
McCain was proud of Sandra, who is from his home state, but he would appoint someone like Roberts or Alito.
Romney would appoint someone like Romney or Alito.
Anybody who claims they wouldn’t vote for one of the Democrats in November should remember this. ANY Democrat would be better than a Republican on this issue.
I agree. Even if Hillary is the nominee, I will vote for her for this reason.
Me too.
Bill Clinton did a good thing when he appointed Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the court. And Breyer isn’t bad either.
things I learn on my teevee…
Republicans don’t like snark.
um … huh?
they did that thing with the dials where people judge what they’re seeing in the debate. And the people pretty much hated McCain so they asked them about it. They said he was too snarky.
ah. well. No surprise. They don’t like lefty blogs either. Probably for the same reason.
The supreme court was lost in the 2004 election.
Yes, it is a conservative court.
But it is not yet the type of conservative court that the movement conservatives want. Kennedy isn’t one of them, although he is conservative. Kennedy is unlikely to vote to overturn the cases that were the foundation of Congress’ power to enact the New Deal legislation.
So we have to keep it 5-4 with Kennedy as a non-ideological conservative swing vote.
Because if it becomes 7-2 with Kennedy looking like a moderate and the 2 new Justices in the Roberts/Alito mold, all bets are off. And the movement conservatives will have won the war. Not just a bunch of battles.
All of them are wearing blue ties. Paul and McCain tie for best tie. HAHAHA
Romney still looks like a ’76 sportscaster. When he capped his pen, I expected him to say, “And back to you Jane!”
I’m amused that the M and R show up with his head between them from the plane behind.
I just clicked to the stream to check it and the camera just changed to that angle. That’s too funny.
He makes me want to sleep. He reminds of the counselor in school who’s trying to tell you what’s good for you before inquiring what you need.
Running our empire?
WTF crack is he smoking?
Paul just kicked all their asses and Cooper just said, “Bachelor #4, same question.”
McCain: Eisenhower didn’t bail us out of Korea.
Hate to tell you John. There is no line we can draw across Iraq that would work for a DMZ.
LOL…McCain: I can lead!
As he slumps over his podium. I’m thinking, “Sit up you fool!” And then he did!
Drinking game every time he says he was a foot soldier in the Reagan Army.
McCain is losing this crowd. Did you hear that grumbling?
I hope he loses California.
I think he will. Already people are grumbling about the Giuliani endorsement. Arnie endorsing could possibly sink him in CA. Arnie is NOT popular right now and people are talking recall.
he terminates McCain 🙂
Tends to forget that Bush was a governor of a state before becoming president and he managed to screw up the country like he did to Texas.
Would Ronald Reagan endorse you and why?
Republican variation of the “Would MLK endorse you and why?” that was asked in one of the Democratic debates.
Dumb question of the night – why would Ronald Reagan endorse YOU? (At least he didn’t feel a need to make it clear that Ronald is dead like the MLK question of the Democrats.)
McCain – I think he knows …
I’m wrong. Anderson should have made clear that Reagan is dead.
McCain sees dead people.
And McCain is still getting in digs at Romney. No matter the question, McCain has to dig at Romney. It just makes him petty.
Zombie Reagan Orgy for 4!
Four losers. Who will Californians pick? Who is the least bad?
I loved it when they said that Ahnold will endorse McCain tomorrow but didn’t announce it during the debate because he didn’t want to appear to be taking sides. But, of course, he leaked it during the debate.
Arnold looked like he had a henna rinse earlier today.
Not to be shallow or anything.
BRAKING NEWS!!!! Ahnold is coming out.
oh yeah. For McCain. Take your foot off the brake and keep driving.
So they’ll either go for Romney or Huckabee. I think McCain’s too old. Most of the super GOP areas of CA, at least down here in SoCal put too much emphasis on looks and never enough on actual ability. That’s why so many of our Republicans look like TV newscasters or jocks and they all blow.
split the Shallow vote – that leaves McCain.
I’m thinking…CA is a huge state.
I can see McCain carrying the military areas, like San Diego. I can see Huckabee appealing to the white-flighters who bought over-priced houses in the boonies and are losing them. I can see Paul appealing to those who live in the desert and mountain regions to get away from “diversity”. Romney is a bit harder to pin down. I only know SoCal. I’m somewhat familiar with the Central Valley even though North of Santa Barbara is iffy to me. Northern CA is completely off my radar. My friends up there tell me that Romney is huge in Sacramento, while everything else I see points to McCain.
If we’re talking LA…then I think white people will go with Romney over Huckabee. Sure he looks plastic, but we’re used to that. Still Huckabee has the crazy-Christian thing going, while Mormons are normal. I think Asian and Latino Rep. would go with McCain too.
You westerners …
Huckabee was here last night for the Florida return-watching party. I found out today that someone I know went to check it out. He won’t vote for Huck, he’s a Dem. But he was just fascinated to see what it would be like. He said it was a packed room – not a big room but packed. Everyone that he could see was white and most were male. They all looked fairly normal.
But the best part was – they had free handouts of literature so he took a little booklet. It was a prayer booklet. Prayers for our country. He brought it in for us to see.
Actually fairly “normal” prayers (I didn’t see any end abortion prayers or prayers to send people to hell). Things like “Dear Lord, help me be an informed voter …”
I got 6 churches within walking distance of me. In my old neighborhood (described below), I had 8 synagogues within walking distance. LA is covered in churces, mosques and synagogues. It’s just that the crazy-Christian churches like Huckabee’s are out in the boonies. Or Orange County.
the crazy Christians need a lot of land because they build mega-churches.
But now I’m thinking it was a job we did. There’s this HUGE church out there, it was 8 buildings, two of them were amphitheatres, one held 5K people, the other held 2300. Gosh, I’m trying to remember when we worked on the site, so I can at least get an address for a sat map. It was like the Disneyland of churches it was so big. There wasn’t a thing around for miles, but when I went out to shoot the site, during the midweek the parking lot was full. They were shooting a TV show that day and people had come from all over to attend.
Well, I liked Anderson as a moderator better than I like The Beard when he does these things.
Who’s moderating the Dem debate tomorrow?
Who’s got the beard?
Wolfie Blitzer.
I’m almost positive I saw that he was going to bore us to tears with his babbling again.
I wonder what kind of set the Dems will get. After all – it’s LA. The Repubs had Airforce One. The Dems deserve … the Labrea Tar Pits?
The owners of the theatre were saying, “Well, this is good for us, you know…in case the awards show has to be scrapped. We still make money.” Bastards.
They should have had it at the Grove with the dancing fountain in the background, while buff gay men in tank tops and shorts strut by gaggles of Persian girls with boob jobs who are just moving of the trolley tracks to avoid a group of Orthodox Jewish women and their 400 children, and in the background you see 8 young black people who look like they stepped out of a modeling shoot, perfectly coifed all talking on their iPhones. You know. Real America.
That was my world. Well, the Grove hasn’t been there for 8 years, but I lived in that neighborhood for that long. It got to the point where when I left my neighborhood, I thought “normal” people were ugly. I couldn’t raise my kids over there, thinking that beautiful, rich people were the normal.