I think it’s a draw so far. Both candidates are shining.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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new thread.
The Democratic Party looks like the party of ideas tonight 🙂
The immigration answers from Obama were awesome. My neighbors somewhere are chanting “O-bama”!
That was the PERFECT answer. Very proud. And very true.
Luv the way he’s goin’ after McCain.
I agree it’s a draw. I think if it ends that way it helps Obama keep his momentum going.
pretty even so far?
what did he say?..because most of todays immigration problems come from the law signed by Bill Clinton
Wolf trying to bait?
If he wants a more exciting debate he should ask more diverse questions. But he’ll go for cheap ratings and a fight.
Yep. Agreed on that. Wolf is so unimpressive.
Major body language cue from Hillary as she leans away from Obama.
my husband signed it.
she’s running on her husband’s record. Needs to stay away from that kinda language. stand on her own.
Joe Klein in TIME who will be the President?
Leslie is trying to pick a fight
immigrants “undermining American values” sounds a bit conservative and a bit “dehumanizing.”
Hillary doesn’t want to put migrants at risk by giving them drivers licenses – concern troll! 😉
god forbid Immigrants go and buy insurance
I can’t believe that drivers licenses have become an issue in a Presidential campaign.
With the KGB-esque RealID laws forcing states to follow the federal background check guidelines, it needs to be a presidential issue. The more I learn about Real-ID, the more it seems the feds are making it nearly impossible for some people to get valid ID of any kind. It happens to be occurring at a time when we may start forcing all to have state-issued ID to vote, too. Troublesome.
Obama hits her for waffling on drivers licenses. She looks offended
But the only reason he brought up her waffling was to show what a difficult issue this is.
He’s only thinking of her. 😉
i think she pointed out Obama waffling too and he didnt object to it, so point for her i think
It didn’t come off strong though, it came off whiny.
But apparently he didn’t waffle, he just didn’t want to talk about it, and then he gave a conclusive “yes”. Or so a bunch of little birds on a big Orange tree tell me.
she ate another pickle when Obama mentioned Richardson.
Richardson thinks kindly ..”Obama did not throw him under the bus”
Sucking up to Richardson too. Heh.
Don’t know if I want to see him go after her.
she is getting whiney.
But what was up w/ her saying that all immigrants come thru NY? Did she forget where she was?
I thought the same thing.
the statue of liberty thing was kind of cheesy
immigration round to Obama
I agree. He really did well. No scapegoating. We need jobs, not scream on immigrants. Love it. And it happens to be true.
That’s just idiotic.
Experience and character is next?
You can count on this next part producing fireworks.
I just want to add a note here for all who comment on HRC facial expressions or her looks, please note, older women have to smile more to pull up their faces, I do it myself, women’s mouths tend to turn down at corners and look mad or sad….with face in repose…
good point.
However, this type of compensation can look odd, if it seems at all forced.
’35 years ago’ — Hillary cribs from Barack’s narrative.
So why does she get to break the Constitution?
She’s not answering th question: “What in your experince as first lady makes you qualified to be president?”
Or is she?
Did y’all see Stevie Wonder? Luv him though i think he’s still an FOB. But he’s amazing live…walk, don’t run to see his live show.
But Hillary was a board member at WalMart. Isn’t that “running a business?”
how many times per year do board of directos meet? The biz is managed by CEO CFO and COO
No, being on a board isn’t running a business.
I wish they would come up with a new issue to ask about. I’m tired of the same old answers.
Gotta give her props on the CEO pres thing. She’s right.
Good answer from Hillary that the govt is a trust.
She looks pretty good right now.
Kennedy question to Hillary (we knew it was coming)
Sorry Hillary – Obama’s Kennedys outrank your Kennedys.
Although I like RFK Jr.
Yeah. Esp. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend. That answer will SO not help her in MD. Ask any of us.
yea b/c Ted ripped Bill, and the Clinton camp begged him not to endorse, to remain neutral.
Damn, did you see Obama bat that ques. away. Luv it. Doyle didn’t even know what to say.
I’m so feeling his demeanor and delivery tonight. Yes!
Love that both of them are going after rethugs.
Uh, but she didn’t talk a/b moral authority. Not her strong suit.
I’m still wondering how she can tout ‘change’ as such a certainty under a Hillary Clinton presidency & simultaneously harken back to the Bill Clinton presidency regarding her own qualifications.
That’s why I liked what Obama said, “We each need to be judged on our own merits.”
A pointed response indeed.
Does anyone really believe that she means what she’s saying about how this is not about HER, but rather about the American people? Really.
The Clinton years: It’s all relative.
It’s obvious that she’s throwing herself forward into the GE; in that event, she’s going to have to deal with that question in a big way.
yea I believe I have a bridge across the Atlantic ocean. It’s up for sale.
Its. all. about. the Clinton restoration project. They left with a certificate of Impeachment no?
Obama: We’re bringing in a whole new generation of voters.
Either he’s getting better because of the 50 million debates, or maybe it’s the lack of other candidates sucking air.
He is definitely better tonight. This is his best performance in a debate imo.
he’s sharp tonight, calm too.
Yeah, he’s got his stuff together in a major way tonight. Great tone. Nice way he’s going after rethugs.
I have to say I’m really happy with both of them tonight.
Their digs at the Republicans so far have been terrific.
Hillary: “we are all judged on our own merits” yet continually brings up Bill’s Administration’s accomplishments. That’s one thing I don’t get.
Her “clean up” answer was a good response.
Didn’t convince me but at least she had an answer.
yep, and the crowd responded loudly. a good moment for her.
Hey, have to admit it. And she seemed so proud.
Hi manee,
Hey you know what I think we just saw our first glimpse of the team for 08 and I think they can work well together…
Just having the question asked was bad for her and good for Obama. She may have neutralized it with that response.
I was just looking at TPM and Josh wonders if Hillary isn’t being less aggressive tonight because CW is that there was a negative reaction to her more aggressive approach, combined with Bill, in Nevada and SC.
Not so good if she’s not running against Bush, though.
Yes it was.
it got sustained applause, great way to go into the break
I blogged on it back in Dec. or Nov. when she first said it. That really turned me off.
I swear to you, Man E: her apparent self-contradiction here is something she’d best clarify going forward, for all involved & for as long as she campaigns.
This straddling could prove a serious detriment, imho — especially if she’s the nominee.
oooh Remington Steel/James Bond.
Go to Metroblogging LA and see Dave Markland photos. You can also see his flickr set.
Really? Where? Wonder who he’s supporting. And he’s gorgeous, too. Hey, I’m married and political…not dead.
do I sense she’s running away from Bill and now she’s stating his record..running back towards Bill..
playing the gender card maybe?
Never been able to vote for anyone but a Bush or a Clinton or a Bush or a Clinton… What say you Hillary?
I know a bit off topic, sorry.
Maybe this is not new, but I believe Olberman just accused the pResident of Treason, or came awful damn close to it.
Go Keith.
i saw that too..he went after W and didn’t stop tomorrow K.O. will be in the no fly list.
Why oh why does he have to do a Special Comment on a debate night? We can all see the rerun of Olbermann at midnight Eastern or 9 Pacific though.
wow! but Keith is not alone. The folks in Brattleboro, VT gunning for BushCheney indict and arrest.
Obama is down a round or two. He lagged after the last commercial break. He needs to finish strong.
Mmmm…I dunno a/b that. She did end well, though. Very well.
Nah. She just ended strongly.
even the first round, he won the immigration round and in CA that block matters.
HRC just played the gender card…coming thru as saying anything whatever works… Obama showed restraint.
Now on to Iraq.
Hillary: do you have an open-ended commitment? answer: “we have to plan and execute this right”
sorry, she’s not being clear on an answer.
she’s bending the question…and not answering it. She’s been in the Senate and she’s doesn’t know what’s going on in Iraq.
whatever happened to that trip she took?
appears she didn’t member..leaving Iraq is a good option.
Shes speaking very softly all of a sudden
I was just thinking that. I’m not sure I like it.
clever, the topic is war, doesn’t want to sound too shill
I missed a lot of her answer because I thought it was like a drug company commercial.
From a friend working camera: This is so cool. Must be like what YearlyKos was like.”
Yeah, but with less people and he has more access!
The fantastic Alfre Woodard and that fine Hill Harper. YES!!
Oh, was I supposed to be commenting on the actual substance? 🙂
Is that what they’re representing?
Dunno. I know Harper went to law school w/ Obama. Don’t know if they were in the same class, i think, but not sure. Def. Obama supporter. That they’re sitting together suggests they both support him.
Luv Alfre. She’s seriously slept on. Just a great actor. OK, will stop star-effing but i just luv her work.
Obama: I don’t want to get rid of the “mindset” that took us to war
Great answer
Yes, that was excellent.
Although I wish he would have gotten to it faster.
Clinton name drops Maxine Waters – original member of Out of Iraq Caucus. There’s a difference, imo, of having supporters who were against the war and being someone who voted for it.
the new domino theory..
Trying to instigate shit. Clinton should have kicked him in the head.
Well, he ended up looking stupid.
It’s clear they’ve decided no catfight now that John Edwards isn’t there to moderate.
Yep. Quick conference just before the git-go.
The questions from Politico online readers are better than the ones from the panel. Imagine that.
This is an excellent question.
I’m sorry, but I think she’s going to have a hard time distancing herself from the IWR vote, given the GE.
We told her, damn it. But did she listen?
Look for those cira-2004 flip-flops to be dusted off on the GOP side.
The whole “if I knew then what I knew now” answer is total bullshit. We knew it. If she didn’t know it then she shouldn’t be president because anybody will be able to pull the wool over her eyes.
good point
I keep pounding that and considering that she won’t repudiate that vote, but has repudiated her other votes.
Some of her NYC constituents thought enough of attempts to educate her that they were willing to be herded from her city offices by the police.
She could have known more, if she’d only opened the door to those she represents.
they are both talking to much with their answers. It would be alright if it was substance, but I am hearing alot of “buying of time” to give a non-answer
How can she claim a bill named authorization for use of force was not just that?
Obama needs to call her on this.
i’m kinda of lost with her answer..
Set bar so low it’s buried in the sand. Nicely done.
“The Surge” was more a PR Surge than a military exercise. We don’t hear anything from Iraq that isn’t authorized by the pentagon now.
I started one in the diaries
yeah, he knocked her out in the twelfth round.
she’s on the mat and stumbling around, KO
that vote was a mistake…the clinton’s seem to use pencils without erasers, because they never make a mistake
This is a weak, mealy mouthed answer. Hillary needed Iraq to not come up
I can see those flip-flops now. Pink ones.
Obama just blew her away with the “right on day one” answer.
The GOP is entirely ready for Hil the Nominee on this count, too.