30-something Xicano Democrat in Tucson, Arizona. I have a passion for social justice issues as well as seeking to help ignite a productive dialog regarding immigration reform. Lately I spend most of my time on Tw
If the Iraq issue is tripping her up in the primary, I can only imagine what will happen in the general if she ends up as the nominee. It’s Kerry all over again
That the FCC is fining ABC a buttload of money for showing Sandra Bullocks ass on NYPD Blue because it’s “a sexual organ”? Funny, I don’t remember the FCC fining ABC for NYPD Blue showing all those male booties.
In America, the network began as a merger between VISN (the Vision Interfaith Satellite Network), and the ACTS Network. The combined network initially ran under both names, but was later named the Faith and Values Channel, and originally broadcast religious programming only. More secular programming was started in 1996 when the channel was renamed the Odyssey Channel. Hallmark Entertainment and The Jim Henson Company bought stakes in Odyssey in November 1998. The channel was officially renamed on August 5, 2001.
A few years back, I had the link to a wonderful website that diagrammed corporate cross-pollination — maybe if I shake my head a little I’ll can dislodge it. Very interesting stuff.
That’s what a thought about 4 hours ago when I logged onto CNN and saw the Clinton vs. Obama headline. Then I clicked some random link and Ali-Frazier came up.
BTW, good eye on the brown and turquoise. I had those colors on for work today, too. Damn, I’m even channeling presidential politics before I go to work, too.
Craig Crawford just had the audacity to say that Barack was pandering to the “Latin American crowd” in California with the drivers license bit. He corrected himself and said Latinos, but ugh! that shit pisses me off
I think the AP wrote their story before the debate and forgot to change it:
Opening paragraph:
Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton sought common ground Thursday on basic Democratic policies on immigration, health care and tax relief in their first one-on-one debate, but grew testy at times in trying to distinguish themselves as the candidate best able to assume the presidency.
The Reuters correspondent showed up for the same debate I watched:
Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton struck a cordial tone in the early stages of their first one-on-one presidential debate on Thursday but differed on the right approach to health care coverage for 47 million uninsured Americans.
The two Democratic White House contenders dropped the angry and confrontational approach of their last debate in South Carolina and said their similarities were far greater than their differences.
Obama got a lot of really great one-liners off at the GOP. Those seems to be the sound-bites of the evening. In fact, they’re talking about Obama’s one-liners and sense of humor on Olbermann right now.
And Stupid Schneider’s blog posts. For once I agree with most of what he wrote. His entries from last night’s debates were embarrassing and sealed his fate as Dumbest Political Analyst Ever.
I don’t think he’s going to get a love letter from McCain soon on that one. Still, McCain deserved that after the bullshit that was last night’s debate, where he talked about all the 2 times he stood up to the WH, but neglected to mention all the thousand’s of other times he rubberstamped like all the other GOP.
The other thread was getting big
BooMan should promote this to the FP
I found it on the FP.
Well, of course.
BooMan does whatever I say he should do.
You got the MindMeld on him!
(me too)
thx O.
Obama is racking up points on this issue. Clinton has no moral authority on it at all.
Simple, plain reason why Obama is the best nominee, bar none.
Hillary why can’t you just say your vote was a mistake? The question we all ask.
Does anyone understand this answer?
Answer the question!
b/c she’s from the family of “It depends on what the meaning of Is, is.
If the Iraq issue is tripping her up in the primary, I can only imagine what will happen in the general if she ends up as the nominee. It’s Kerry all over again
Wolf asked an intelligent question.
Clinton’s answer is dumb though. We knew that Bush was obsessed with Iraq in Nov. ’01. I won a $500 bet on that knowledge.
rambling on about body armor.
Is it me? Is it the two glasses of wine? Or does she ramble on and on to the point where I don’t know where she’s going?
Her whole answer made no sense.
Thank you.
not yr wine. just a patch of triangulation.
I’ve had two glasses of wine, too, and I agree. Of course, that could mean that we’re both tipsy. 🙂
Leslie got booed. ha! though I think Hillary is digging herself a hole on the war issue.
I was told personally by the white house.
So … George Bush pulled the wool over her eyes.
she’s making the case for Obama …to be the one that has judgement, gravitas.
“Youve got to be right on day one”
great answer…this subject is killing Hill
Agreed. Great answer.
Obama takes that round. Knockout blow.
the sad thing: Hillary did most of the talking.
That’s OK. No matter how many people are watching this debate most people in America will only hear the sound bites.
Randy, I think Obama heard you!
Blitzer says it like is a biggie. Clinton’s gonna kick his ass off camera.
Brought to you by….. COAL!
I guess there won;t be any questions on Global Warming.
give the man the flag he’s ahead.
Sex and Violence in Hollywood for $1000, Barack
Lord, God…tv and movie sex??? bleh…
less violence!
Yes, yes, YES!!!
Sorry, couldn’t resist. Why is violence OK, but not sex. Weird.
That the FCC is fining ABC a buttload of money for showing Sandra Bullocks ass on NYPD Blue because it’s “a sexual organ”? Funny, I don’t remember the FCC fining ABC for NYPD Blue showing all those male booties.
the economy in free fall not as sexy.
Oh the spouses… Senator Clinton…
ouch. double ouch.
not to worry..she said she can control Bill. imo That ? is triggered from Joe Klein’s article in TIME “The Spoiler”
It’s a valid question.
The mere fact that the question gets asked is a negative for Hillary.
Can she give as good an answer on this as she did on the dynasty question.
Controlling the Big Dog? Has that ever happened before?
no but that’s saying what it takes to control the damage.
I just saw The Nanny. She gave me the thumbs up.
are you sure that wasn’t Lili Taylor?
I hope not, I’d be so disappointed.
Fran Drescher? She’s got more zits than my high school! Okay, I stole that line from a college friend, but still…not an attractive woman.
well, I think she looks fine but I could never be attracted to someone that talks like that. The thing is, I think she’s a riot.
Big, big horse-laughter from Hillary on the Bill question.
Whatever she said after that went right past my head.
Stevie stood to applaud! Sorry, luv him.
No dead guy’s endorsement question tonight.
And Wolfie’s still dumb.
I wish they would have had Anderson on this one and put The Beard with the Republicans. It’s just more appropriate.
Yeah, no matter who does the plugging.
Was that just a chivalrous move on Obamas part? No whining a/b “snubbing” her.
kick ass answer and no, he won’t be asking her to be on his ticket. And no, she won’t be asking him.
If she’s the nominee she may be forced to ask him.
I don’t see him asking her.
It was a kick ass answer.
that’s good.. had me concerned they’d end up on same ticket
Wolf’s dying attempt to cause a kerfuffle.
Betcha she won’t be as accommodating as Obama was on the split-ticket question.
I’m still waiting.
‘Oh, yes, you can participate in my town-hall meeting too, Barack.’
She bought a 1-hour block on Mon night on the geezer channel, Hallmark. Obama should buy a 2-hour block on MTV.
I wonder who owns Hallmark?
From Wikipedia:
Thanks for the info.
A few years back, I had the link to a wonderful website that diagrammed corporate cross-pollination — maybe if I shake my head a little I’ll can dislodge it. Very interesting stuff.
Great question. I had the same thought.
Leslie just keeps on blathering as the crowd cheers wildly. heeeeelarious
Hillary looked really bad doing that commercial. She should have refrained. It kind of made her look desperate.
That was kind of sad.
But now I’m all excited because Lost starts soon. My basement is almost dry-ish and tomorrow morning, I’m going to see Sen. Obama and Sen. Kennedy.
I’m glad for you, fabooj!
I’m so jealous! Tell us all about it. And “Yea” on the basement. So great to hear you’re drying out.
The hubby is about to watch Lost, too. I’ll watch tomorrow.
‘awkward’ is how I would put it
Both of these candidates are operating on a very high level. That was like Ali-Frazier I.
obama is ahead
They were both great. The difference between the Republican and Democratic debates is unbelievable.
This was Obama’s best debate yet.
Was like watching my kids fight over a broken toy. Tonight was like watching me and my husband fight over when he’s going to give me a foot rub.
That’s what a thought about 4 hours ago when I logged onto CNN and saw the Clinton vs. Obama headline. Then I clicked some random link and Ali-Frazier came up.
They both did a great job. I can say that though, cuz I voted early 😉
At this very moment, stills from the debate are under feverish examination for telling body-talk.
FYI, MSNBC is now covering the debate. I believe Keith O is going to be on for the next hour at the anchor chair
Yes. Keith is doing a 1-hour special edition of Countdown for the occasion.
What’s he saying?
still doing the whole Countdown intro bit
BTW, good eye on the brown and turquoise. I had those colors on for work today, too. Damn, I’m even channeling presidential politics before I go to work, too.
she’s probably testing out the surveillance infrastructure that will be at her command if she makes it to the Oval Office. 😉
It just started, but he said, “More celebrity cutaways than an award show.”
Two people who make me want to shred my TV screen.
Craig Crawford just had the audacity to say that Barack was pandering to the “Latin American crowd” in California with the drivers license bit. He corrected himself and said Latinos, but ugh! that shit pisses me off
Did he? Putz. He’s not that impressive, anyway. I’m always stunned to see who’s put up as pundits.
He’s got Rachel, Gene Robinson, John Amato, Josh Marshall… everybody. Switch to MSNBC.
I think the AP wrote their story before the debate and forgot to change it:
Opening paragraph:
Testy? It was a lovefest.
I was just going to note that. CNN says “cordial”. But Yahoo/AP says Clinton and Obama “trade barbs…candidates grow testy”
proof that ‘cut and paste’ is not always the way to go. they were probably using the same template from the GOP debate.
Amusing — reminds me of the gentleman I watched on the teevee once who ate spaghetti & blew it out his nose.
The Reuters correspondent showed up for the same debate I watched:
KO calls it a “90 minute Love In” heh
Shallow Comment Alert: Richard Wolfe looks like a South Park character. That is all
Obama got a lot of really great one-liners off at the GOP. Those seems to be the sound-bites of the evening. In fact, they’re talking about Obama’s one-liners and sense of humor on Olbermann right now.
And they agree that this was Obama’s best debate.
Analyst on CNN says Obama dominated her on the Iraq question.
Question is whether he took enough votes away from her tonight.
And Stupid Schneider’s blog posts. For once I agree with most of what he wrote. His entries from last night’s debates were embarrassing and sealed his fate as Dumbest Political Analyst Ever.
I liked the one about the Straight Talk Express losin’ some wheels! LOL!
I don’t think he’s going to get a love letter from McCain soon on that one. Still, McCain deserved that after the bullshit that was last night’s debate, where he talked about all the 2 times he stood up to the WH, but neglected to mention all the thousand’s of other times he rubberstamped like all the other GOP.
I’m not guessing he mentioned the time he & Bush ate birthday cake while New Orleans drowned, either.
He was on fire going after McCain…good on him.
Keith O wrote down during the debate: “This looks like a ticket”
And that’s what I thought too, looks like 08 right there, it would be a winner.
Did it really take 20 minutes for Hillary to remain unclear about the IWR?
New thread alert. Find it at the front page.