Cuz Manny is probably sitting on the can or something.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Artist Rendition:
hee hee.
watcha readin?
History of Toadstools. or somethin’
I finally get it. A frog on a toilet. That’s good.
tune the Jeopardy music.
it did look like the Jeopardy set, but will take that any day over the Air Force One monstrocity featured last night
It can’t be long now before there are rotating sponsor messages in the backgrounds of these debates, like the ones behind home plate in baseball games.
Expect Prilosec to lead the way.
At least they’re not reprising the Subliminal Jesus stage set from the ’04 convention.
Oh, that’s good.
But ew…Mark Penn. Looks like he and Bill Bennett are separated at birth these days. Not good.
I’m seeing your wiggly bits!
I like David Axelrod. He’s good and not a scumbag like Mark Penn. Smart move, Obama.
Speaking of which, Scumbag Mark Penn is on Olbermann now.
Mark ‘Jabba the’ Penn’s lip is sweating,
See comment upthread. I always call Bennett Jabba the Hut and I SWEAR that’s who I thought it was. Like I said, that’s not a compliment. Their look and stances are too similar.
flipping around the rest of blogland, I just want point out how ludicrous I find it that bloggers go across the country to live blog the debates and end up in a room with a big screen teevee. They could have stayed home and done the same thing in their usual pajamas.
I can see if they’re at a place were there’s no screens, but these things are ridiculous.
convention blogging from the people who were there. They blogged as much about who was in the tank with them as about the convention.
I also think most of the “reports from the ground” from bloggers who go to states to cover primaries are equally ludicrous. They become just like the MSM and the story becomes … all about them. The nightly reports from the hotel bar in Iowa were laughable.
The one person who has done a decent job of on the ground blogging is (I can’t believe I’m going to say this) Matt Stoller. He actually seems to go out and talk to voters. And then admits that all of what he’s writing is completely anecdotal because you can’t talk to every voter in a state.
Even worse are the bloggers in the spin room so excited that they are being … spun.
What a joke.
But maryb, we’re not supposed to be in our pajamas any more.
Good cuz I took off mine about an hour ago 😉
I never take mine off. I just throw things on top of them.
Then again, I’m only peripheral.
I think that’s a dead animal pelt on his head.
Thanks for leading the old nag to a clean trough, Randy.
And now, The Blogosphere!
What did I miss? The season premiere of “Lost” won out.
Jumped over the table and stomped a hole in Blitzer. Obama did a clothesline on him and all hell broke loose.
Finally – a real debate! BTW, just looked at your blog. Cute factor exceeded on the kids.
Where were you? We needed you for the Red Carpet.
I was watching Lost and eating Dharma Initiative cake.
Am I supposed to know what Dharma Initiative cake is? Or is that a “Lost” thing?
Did it have yummy chocolate frosting?
It’s a lost thing. And it had so-so chocolate frosting. Not even the TSA would want it.
It’s got M&Ms.
I think they’re great to look at, but they’re horrible brats. Everyone else seems to think they’re the sweetest kids ever.
I know about horrible brats – mine are bigger than me now….and my best buds.
That’s just about the best re-cap so far, fabooj.
I figure if the media can spin stuff the way the want, why can’t I?
Citizen journalism is still journalism.
Just no spoilers! We recorded it. But was it good? I know it was. Did you watch the “pop up video” version of the last episode of the season yesterday?
It was good, but I missed several shows last season so I’m still sorta lost. But it’s compelling and exciting!
I had never watched the show and then back in Oct. my husband started watching. I sat down on an episode in the middle of season two and got hooked myself. Had to go back and watch all the other episodes and WOW…blown away that that was TV. Got all completely caught up and was mad I had to wait until today to get new episodes. Then I realized that fans from the beginning had been waiting for 8 months. Eek!
So now, we got 15 min. before the recap episode and my husband might make me DVR it so that he can finish cooking dinner and feed the kids. Sigh.
Apparently, KO’s doing an hour-long special on the debate tonight.
His operative word for the night: love-fest.
Dammit, Boo…why aren’t you on Olberman??? You’re smarter than all of these other blog site owners.
But seriously. You’d be so much better.
AG-“Ticket in ’08”
It’s a done deal.
I hope you’re joking.
Tacit or otherwise, I beleieve that there is an agreement between them.
They wree almost cuddly, Randy. They have agreed to unite in opposition to McCain and the continuation of BushCo’s reign of terror.
And did yoiu hear the spontaveous cheering when whichever talking head said something about the idea of “The Dream Ticket”?
C’mon, Randy.
BNOTH their hearts skipped a few beats when that happened.
Of course both are trying to “win”. But both are also political pragmatists and pragmatically speaking althoughj Obama jas certainly closed the gap he still has a long way to go to beat Ms. Clinton.
Think on it.
Funny, because Obama could barely disguise his contempt for the question and Hillary didn’t seem to appreciate it either.
It looked to me as if the question simply made them both uncomfortable because it is the dog that cannot be ALLOWED to bark as long as they are competing with one another for the Presidency.
ain’t gonna happen. No way. He had better erase the thought.
They HATE EACH OTHER. Because they ARE professional pol’s, they know how to behave themselves in front of cameras. But they would want nothing to do with each other, except when required to pretend, like tonight.
No Chance.
If Hillary wins the nomination, I doubt he’d take the job of VP even if she asked, and she wouldn’t.
Vice versa – same thing. Well, she might accept, but he wouldn’t ask her if his life depended on it. He’s got much higher standards. Come on.
Ambition trumps all in big-time politics.
As it is now, was in the beginning, and ever shall be.
Ambition without end.
I’d be willing to put a substantial bet on that one – if Hillary becomes the nominee, Barack Obama will not become her VP. If Obama becomes the nominee Hillary will not even be asked to be his VP.
If it becomes apparent that they must team up in order to guarantee a huge Dem victory in November, then team up they will.
We shall see…
Well, lookeee here, the AP changes it’s story:
I’m glad I don’t have to read that one out loud.
I am anxious to see the ratings for the debate. Last night’s Republican debate got over 4 Million viewers, which is HUGE for any debate, or for ANY show on a cable channel, for that matter. Tonight’s should be even bigger. I hope they were charging the COAL industry ALOT for their airtime. Ugh… COAL!
How soon are ratings generally available after broadcast?
The next day. I notice them at TV Newser.
Thanks again for useful info.
That global warming only came up in these debates when the candidates themselves mentioned it. This is a serious problem and considering the large amounts of cash being spent on living a cleaner lifestyle, you’d think these corporate masters would want more people aware of their overpriced “green” technologies.
I’d guess a passing awareness is most adventageous.
Maxine Waters, I was intrigued by Hillary’s mention of her endorsement so went and grabbed the language of it. As suspected, it’s all about the economy and not the war.
I hate that MSNBC allows Pat “Operation Wetback” Buchanan comment on immigration issues.
But that Rachel Maddow is a gem, ain’t she? I just love her.
I was over there a few days ago and they had transcript(from Media Matters) of something Mr. KKK said:
Yeah, he’s a tool. I can’t wait for the day we will no longer have to listen to his drivel.
I’d truly like to know the real reason for his existence.
Excellent. The mystery is solved!
Black vs. Brown being used again. Ridiculous.
Division’s a winner.
Just ask Scumbag Mark (Jabba) Penn.
It may be a loser this time. I hope people are sick of having their prejudices manipulated by now.
Personally, I can only hope we’re each becoming sophisticated enough to recognize that manipulation, regardless of subtlety or lack of.
Well put. That’s what I meant. Wording…
Agreed, we’re saying the same thing.
Some of us are complicit in our own manipulation, too — in that I think we can recognize it on a subliminal level, but remain receptive.
Complex monkeys, we.
I keep looking for his bowl of snackable toads…it must be offscreen.
This was supposed to be a 1-Hour special. I wonder if they realized that we’d rather watch a continuation of this show than “To catch a Predator” and just decided to extend it at the last minute. Seriously, that is what is on the schedule for now.
After this, the re-run of tonight’s regular Countdown (which we missed) with the Special Comment on FISA where Keith calls Bush a traitor.
Ah, good.
I got the inside dope on FISA. Gotta write it up.