Since every politically engaged person in the country (except the press) hates John McCain, who’s voting for him?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Obviously the same people that voted for Bush in 2004 after EVERYONE knew what he was.
Never underestimate the average persons ability to be deceived. They seem to enjoy it.
Disgruntled former JRE supporters not happy with the 2 remaining flavors of corporate Democratic candidates?
even assuming you’re being your usual snarky self, l think that scenario is extremely unlikely.
as an edwards supporter l agree with your sentiments re: the remaining demoRAT candidates; and once again l’m left with two alternatives, neither of which l’d willingly support. so, like it or not, l’ll support obama in the caucus tuesday, by default. rest assured, l’ll leave the presidential box blank before l’ll vote for hillary…mccain isn’t even an option. l have never voted for any RATpublican, and l’m damned sure not going to start now.
and l know of no one in the same position, who would do.
Hay, who are you calling snarky? 😉
It was a little venting.
I’m gonna hurl.
too sappy?
I think so.
Silly you. And I thought you were an expert at the Survivor game.
The first rule of survival at the Orange Place is to never open a diary that has a candidate’s name in the title. Save your energy for getting yourself out of them when you wander in by accident because the title is misleading (or someone links to them without warning). Follow this simple rule and you may Survive through the primaries over there. If you want to.
Personally I wanted to hurl watching Bill Moyers’ interview with Henry Waxman tonight. All those committee hearings. Moyers acts like Waxman and the Dems accomplished something with them. What a farce. Entertainment for the base. That’s all.
I mentioned that Waxman might start looking up his ass for those emails, as that is where they’ve told him to shove everything else.
One of the things I liked in Robert Reich’s latest book is how he did a total take down on the farce of committee hearings. How they give the public a false sense that something is actually happening. But ask yourself – DID anything actually happen? Was legislation actually passed? Was legislation changed? Was funding cut off? Was anybody actually held in contempt?
Or was it just a public shaming and then business as usual?
Shame has no effect on anyone in this administration.
Shame hasn’t had much of an effect on anyone in America since at least the 70s. We’ve spent a generation or two banishing shame so it should come as no surprise when some idiot from Texas shamelessly pimps the country.
At least the letch from Arkansas only shamelessly pimped interns…
I didn’t see the interview but it doesn’t sound like I missed anything.
Its not so much about who will vote for him as it is a case of how successful his voter suppression campaign will work.
I think we could do worse than McCain vs Obama/Hillary.
I don’t know of a better choice in my life time besides Ford vs. Carter.
Even if McCain is waaay to much of a hawk, and an expansionist, he won’t fuck everything he touches up like a Romney or a Huckabee.
Like Dole, he deserves a run, a nice retirement party and a few ED drug ads:
(Cruel Joke WARNING.)
‘I may not be able to get my arms up, but the Little General is always at attention.’
The politically unengaged majority.
The other 300M people in the country.
Those who equate the label maverick with true independence.
Then there’s the other four of the Keating Five. Maybe they’re voting for him.
My dad is a moderate Republican. He has always admired The Legendary War Hero John McCain. He thinks McCain got the shaft in 2000 by that little punk Bush and he’s owed one. Besides Romney’s a phony, Ron Paul’s just plain crazy and Huckabee’s a Jesus-Freak.
He doesn’t think any of them can win the General Election though. But that’s what happens to a movement with such “discipline” that it doesn’t question its leadership. They eventually march off a cliff. Republicans like McCain or Specter at least have the courage to sometimes question those in authority.
Nixon’s Silent Majority. In fact, judging from the age demographics in most of the polls so far, it’s the surviving members of Nixon’s original Silent Majority.
who’s voting for him?
my dad, probably