Barack Obama raised a record setting $32 million dollars in January. That is impressive. But not as impressive as the fact that $28 million of it was raised online. To put it in context that is more money then Howard Dean raised online in his entire campaign. That’s more then Ron Paul raised online. Ninety percent of the online donations were $100 or less; forty percent were $25 or less. In January, more than 10,000 people gave between $5 and $10 on the Internet.
That’s people power.
Now we know how Barack Obama can run the huge national campaign that he is running. He is running it on people power. No matter who you’re for this is revolutionary.
The link is here and this is just breaking.
Let’s keep this going by donating more and donating it to the Obamathon to show it’s from the netroots.
It’s hard to stress how important this is. This could seriously revolutionize American politics. In one month a candidate for president has raised 28 million dollars online. Over the course of the campaign Obama has raised more money then John McCain raised overall. In my opinion the major reason for the conservative politics in this country is money in politics. The candidates have to suck up to rich conservative donors to have the resources to win. If this can become a trend we are talking about a dramatic shift to the left in American politics.
Howard Dean started a revolution. I may be over hyping this but it has the potential to be the defining story in a dramatic shift in our politics that could really change America over the next generation.
But maybe it isn’t too surprising. In this day and age I, a 14 year old who has never been involved in politics before, can raise nearly 30,000 dollars in a matter of days. Just try to think about it, imagine that happening in politics before. My friends WE are the new bundles, the new power brokers, we are now on the verge of being the gatekeepers.
Let me be clear, we still have work to do. We have to make sure that this is not just a fluke. We still face corrupt politicians of both parties who will fight us with everything. The current power brokers don’t want to give up their power and they will fight our movement with everything they have. They still have a lot of power and this will be a huge fight. The corporate interests will do everything in their huge power to make sure that we stay a “fringe” that is payed only lip service. However they won’t be able to get away with that any longer. The Internet has given vast power back to the people are we’re not going to stop.
I would venture to say in wake of this that net neutrality is the most important issue facing us right now. That is the only way they can stop us now.
I can see the gates and we’re getting close to them and we’re going to bash them down to the ground. We’re going to mosh the vote, we’re going to take back America.
All I can say right now is god bless you Al Gore. I don’t know if you really did invent this series of tubes but what I do know is whoever did has helped us start a revolution. Let’s keep that revolution going by donating via the Obamathon.
Yes. We. Can.
I love your enthusiasm.
it’s become a movement?
Ambinder – Crowd size
HRC gets 10,000+ in San Jose, per her campaign and law enforcement. (The local paper put it at 4000).
Obama gets 15,000 in Ada County (Boise), Idaho. That’s 7 times the number who caucused in Idaho in 2004.
Obama gets 20,000 in Minneapolis, which is way more than the 6000 one correspondent e-mailed.
McCain gets 1,000 in Birmingham.
Hugh Hewitt – Tsunami builds
Paid for By Obama For America
“I heard a powerful Obama ad on K-Earth 101 while driving this morning. That’s the ’60s/’70s rock station. The pitch combined some fine Obama audio on change and the future with clips from the scores of newspaper endorsements the Illinois senator has racked up.
If the GOP sends a 72-year into this race whose prime was from a different time at least two generations back to campaign solely on the need to win the current war, even his hero status won’t help him against the tsunami that is building. Dole ’96 will seem like an energized, cutting edge effort by comparison.” [.]