I’m trying to get myself fully woken up so I don’t have to drive there with my eyes closed — although if I could pull that off, it would make me one hell of a slacker.
Good morning, Andi!
On the same note – why are vacations so short (except for FM)?
Our last full day – no slacking on the beach today since we’ll do an excursion.
This happened Friday morning.
This house was less than 300 feet from where we are staying.
The caretaker forgot a frying pan while going for some errands. Very sad.
Just back from Monkey River which was quite an experience. Had fun with howler monkeys, saw a croc – otherwise, mostly birds and plants, as most of the animals are nocturnal.
There were no injuries in the fire and most of the stuff inside was salvaged. Really sad though, the owner (a Belizean family living in the US) were apparently due back here for vacation yesterday.
Another “not fair” is a winter mosquito bite. I just smacked the third one in as many days and the little bugger was full of fresh blood, probably mine. I’m thinking Mrs. Dem may have overwatered a houseplant somewhere nearby.
I seem to have hatched a wasp nest somewhere in the house. The sun hit the windows and suddenly I had wasps landing! One even crawled into my shoe and I hopped around like a crazy person cursing up a storm.
Neighbors showed up and we all decided to go out and try and blaze a trail in the snow back up to ‘the pond’. They had snow shoes but I have fat feet so with 4 dogs, 3 ambitious youngsters and us old folks we forged ahead. The snow has been so deep that even the wildlife has been gone for a couple of months, no tracks anywhere. Kind of eerily beautiful.
We were chatting amidst our huffing and puffing about how it seems our little valley is getting discovered, lots of visitors with German accents and French as well who come to cross country ski. We used to roll up the streets on Friday night, but now there’s a good 10 cars in town, Wahoooo!
The hike sounds fun! Our little community (county pop. 15K) has a mostly tourism based economy and according to the tourism gurus, we get around 3 million + visitors each year. There is a 15K acre state park and a couple of smaller parks, one with a very large lake. Fall is the peak season and sometimes finding a place to park in town is a challenge. Froggy Bottom Cafe regulars may message ahead for parking privileges at our place;-)
That looks beautiful and the lake sounds like a must see. Our pond is really only good for hatching mosquitoes and a couple of seasonal ducks so I’m envious.
There is a large bird sanctuary on part of the lake less than 30 minutes from our house and I haven’t been there for several years. Guess I’ll run down there soon and see who is around besides the eagles.
I guess just being awake is an accomplishment. I’m trying to get back into my routine, but I keep wanting to go to back to sleep. Hey, I guess that is my routine. 🙂
With three dogs, there’s no accomplishment in being awake in the morning. But I’d sure like to try emulating you and them in taking lots of lovely naps.
Good morning, FM and Andi!
Thanks Andi, kids would probably love that slide – not these old, stiff legs though.
Wrapping up here; a 9 o’clock flight with tiny plane up to Belize City. Onwards to Miami, with a boring 4-hr lay-over – land at JFK 10.30 tonight.
Monkey River trip:
Mangrove maze
Frigate birds
Upriver, small crocodile
Small bats, seeking shelter under a log during day
Another local critter
I believe this one is called yellow crown heron.
Walk carefully!
My howler monkey pics show a lot of upper canopy foilage, with some black dots vaguely showing – so I’ll spare you those, but the audio experience was great.
Cool pics.
When I was a wee tike, I was running across the beach over to my dad with a jar of peanut butter in my hand and a Frigate swooped down and glombed onto me. Lifted me up but I wouldn’t let go of the peanut butter jar and so was dragged about 30 feet down the beach before he gave up. My mom said something like, honey it’s ok to let go of the peanut butter when that happens.
She was always calm and collected in the midst of my childhood traumas.
To this day, I flinch when I see the shadow of a big bird overhead. (course now it would take a whole population to lift me up)
We’re having storms which means I have no satellite internet and I’m stuck with dial-up. Oh well, at least I wanted be tempted to surf the web all day looking for blather about Pooper Tuesday.
That was supposed to be “won’t” instead of “wanted” — I’m actually happy to have the temptation removed.
They’re talking about hailstorms. The last time that happened both cars suffered a couple thousand in damages. I’m trying to decide if I should move the car under the trees and just worry about it being crushed by falling limbs. Ah, choices.
Thanks, boran!
curly is soon heading out to do her duty (though disappointed that Edwards is out). Not being a citizen, I can only sit by and cheer.
Anyway, I have to schlep my luggage back to my place and will miss going to the parade.
Yeah I avoided the cafe all day yesterday — it took way too long to load. But we’ve got the satellite for awhile but there’s another wave of heavy rain coming — no storms this time, though — so it’ll be gone in a bit.
Happy Saturday!
Does you mother know you’re staying up so late? 🙂
Yummy picture.
I was working on a sock heel and felt like I shouldn’t stop in the middle, and figured it was time for a new cafe anyway.
Hope you have a nice day in Cincy.
Yum! My favorite!
I was actually thinking of you when I picked the picture up top. 😉
I thought that was strangely coincidental;-)
over to Cincy. Hope everybody has a great Saturday.
Click for larger version
Hiya CG and Andi.
Have a good time in Cincy Andi.
I’m trying to get myself fully woken up so I don’t have to drive there with my eyes closed — although if I could pull that off, it would make me one hell of a slacker.
Great picture, btw.
Good morning CG, Andi and FM!
The tubes are back up – no access since Thursday morning.
Looks like we’ve missed a lot of miserable weather.
From yesterday’s morning walk:
Those are great. I’m glad I stopped by before I headed out to Cincy. Those pics will give me some nice warm thoughts to take into the frozen world.
It looks like a wonderful place to escape from winter!
I especially like the Belizean no littering sign. 🙂
I can tell you’re younger than I am. No way I was reading that sign without my old lady reading glasses.
Good morning, CG. What choo and the boys got planned for today?
I can barely make out the “No throw trash” even with the old dude reading glasses!
If you want a bigger version, simply right click + ‘view image’.
More local signage + current conditions:
Thanks – that’s much better! Glad the weather is nice for you down there.
Hey, we just got back from tennis lessons at the Y; now CBtY is cleaning up his room and heading to a friends house.
CbtE has no big plans, except for a free soft pretzel at Auntie Anne’s today.
And I need to go grocery shopping at some point…we are so exciting around here, aren’t we?
Whatchoo up to?
I’m thinking along Family Man lines that a nap might be really nice right now.
Good morning all! We have sunshine, at least temporarily. Next week, the temperature roller coaster is predicted to climb back up to the 50’s here.
Why doesn’t the weekend last as long as the work week? It’s not fair!
Morning/Afternoon/Evening all.
Good morning, Andi!
On the same note – why are vacations so short (except for FM)?
Our last full day – no slacking on the beach today since we’ll do an excursion.
I’m so sorry for the end of your vacation (and the loss of that house).
Ends of vacations are so hard … though I have to admit I always like coming home too.
Your excursion sounds like a terrific way to spend your last day. Have a great time! And yes, that’s an order. 🙂
Thanks Andi – we better get going.
This happened Friday morning.
This house was less than 300 feet from where we are staying.
The caretaker forgot a frying pan while going for some errands. Very sad.
Oh, what a shame! I take it no one was injured?
Here’s hoping you get to see lots of exotic critters at Monkey River.
Just back from Monkey River which was quite an experience. Had fun with howler monkeys, saw a croc – otherwise, mostly birds and plants, as most of the animals are nocturnal.
There were no injuries in the fire and most of the stuff inside was salvaged. Really sad though, the owner (a Belizean family living in the US) were apparently due back here for vacation yesterday.
Well, that’s probably the best outcome one could hope for. Sad, nonetheless.
Monkey river sounds like fun!
Morning Andi! Nice waterfall above!
Another “not fair” is a winter mosquito bite. I just smacked the third one in as many days and the little bugger was full of fresh blood, probably mine. I’m thinking Mrs. Dem may have overwatered a houseplant somewhere nearby.
Thanks ID, though “waterfall” might be a bit ambitious for something that’s about 2 feet tall. 🙂
We had a solo mosquito in the house the other day; rather weird (and now rather dead).
I could have sworn there was a barrel there, going over the falls.
I seem to have hatched a wasp nest somewhere in the house. The sun hit the windows and suddenly I had wasps landing! One even crawled into my shoe and I hopped around like a crazy person cursing up a storm.
Neighbors showed up and we all decided to go out and try and blaze a trail in the snow back up to ‘the pond’. They had snow shoes but I have fat feet so with 4 dogs, 3 ambitious youngsters and us old folks we forged ahead. The snow has been so deep that even the wildlife has been gone for a couple of months, no tracks anywhere. Kind of eerily beautiful.
We were chatting amidst our huffing and puffing about how it seems our little valley is getting discovered, lots of visitors with German accents and French as well who come to cross country ski. We used to roll up the streets on Friday night, but now there’s a good 10 cars in town, Wahoooo!
The hike sounds fun! Our little community (county pop. 15K) has a mostly tourism based economy and according to the tourism gurus, we get around 3 million + visitors each year. There is a 15K acre state park and a couple of smaller parks, one with a very large lake. Fall is the peak season and sometimes finding a place to park in town is a challenge. Froggy Bottom Cafe regulars may message ahead for parking privileges at our place;-)
Fall scene near the west state park entrance:
No, Indiana isn’t all flat cornfield.
That looks beautiful and the lake sounds like a must see. Our pond is really only good for hatching mosquitoes and a couple of seasonal ducks so I’m envious.
There is a large bird sanctuary on part of the lake less than 30 minutes from our house and I haven’t been there for several years. Guess I’ll run down there soon and see who is around besides the eagles.
Is it still Sunday? If not I’ll be happy to declare it Sunday so everyone can go back to sleep.
Now for all of you roaring to go to work, there’s not much I can do.
but I’m not going back to sleep either — so count me in the unroaringly awake category.
Morning FM.
I guess just being awake is an accomplishment. I’m trying to get back into my routine, but I keep wanting to go to back to sleep. Hey, I guess that is my routine. 🙂
With three dogs, there’s no accomplishment in being awake in the morning. But I’d sure like to try emulating you and them in taking lots of lovely naps.
Hey they follow by example. Or is that the other way around?
One way or another I’m sure ya’ll will get it. 🙂
When I get to retire, I’ll get it. So maybe some time in 2015.
and he just glides on down the road home.
Click for larger
Good morning, FM and Andi!
Thanks Andi, kids would probably love that slide – not these old, stiff legs though.
Wrapping up here; a 9 o’clock flight with tiny plane up to Belize City. Onwards to Miami, with a boring 4-hr lay-over – land at JFK 10.30 tonight.
Monkey River trip:
Mangrove maze
Frigate birds
Upriver, small crocodile
Small bats, seeking shelter under a log during day
Another local critter
I believe this one is called yellow crown heron.
Walk carefully!
My howler monkey pics show a lot of upper canopy foilage, with some black dots vaguely showing – so I’ll spare you those, but the audio experience was great.
Thanks for sharing these pics and all the other from your vacation.
Safe journey.
Cool pics.
When I was a wee tike, I was running across the beach over to my dad with a jar of peanut butter in my hand and a Frigate swooped down and glombed onto me. Lifted me up but I wouldn’t let go of the peanut butter jar and so was dragged about 30 feet down the beach before he gave up. My mom said something like, honey it’s ok to let go of the peanut butter when that happens.
She was always calm and collected in the midst of my childhood traumas.
To this day, I flinch when I see the shadow of a big bird overhead. (course now it would take a whole population to lift me up)
I am so sleepy today…how ’bout them Giants? I can’t tell you how happy I am that they won.
Andi, I love the reflection in your picture.
Ask, I’m sorry your vacation is ending today; I’ve really been enjoying all the pictures you’ve posted.
FM, do you think we need a new monday cafe? I want to leave this one up for a little while longer so people can see ask’s latest pictures.
I don’t see any reason to close this cafe — it has a perfect yummy picture for a Monday morning and there aren’t that many comments.
Morning CG and Ask.
Lovely pictures ask. I don’t see any need for a new cafe CG. I’ve just got to reawaken myself to see them good.
Very sleepy here too. It’s snowing now. Have you gotten it yet, CG?
I’m jealous…we have no snow.It’s looking pretty gray, though, so maybe it’ll happen.
Morning Boran.
It’s gray down here too and we’re supposed to be up to 77 today. It appears except for a few breaks, summer is back here again. 🙁
We’re having storms which means I have no satellite internet and I’m stuck with dial-up. Oh well, at least I wanted be tempted to surf the web all day looking for blather about Pooper Tuesday.
Sorry about your internets. Of all the days for bad weather…
I have an early meeting this morning at PP, and I am so sleepy I can hardly keep my eyes open. Yuck.
That was supposed to be “won’t” instead of “wanted” — I’m actually happy to have the temptation removed.
They’re talking about hailstorms. The last time that happened both cars suffered a couple thousand in damages. I’m trying to decide if I should move the car under the trees and just worry about it being crushed by falling limbs. Ah, choices.
I’m removing myself from the temptation for a while this afternoon.
Hmm, tough choice. I guess it depends on whether you’re getting that lovely ice on the trees that makes the limbs come down so well.
No ice — high today is 62! But there are high winds forecast and that brings down the tree limbs just as much as ice.
I guess I’m going to remove myself from temptation by starting work. See ya later.
Good morning, Andi and CG!
It’s raining and much more to come.
Return trip went pretty smoothly.
Welcome home!
Well after all that gorgeous sunny weather, you must be really ready to have a little grim, gray, cold rainy weather. 😉
Welcome home! And just in time for the big day…
Welcome back, ask! Just in time for Super Tuesday and the parade.
Thanks, boran!
curly is soon heading out to do her duty (though disappointed that Edwards is out). Not being a citizen, I can only sit by and cheer.
Anyway, I have to schlep my luggage back to my place and will miss going to the parade.
is going to sleep well before all the results are in and not caring.
Morning/Afternoon/Evening All.
That’s what happened to me as well.
Good morning!
Still on dial-up? This cafe is image heavy.
Yeah I avoided the cafe all day yesterday — it took way too long to load. But we’ve got the satellite for awhile but there’s another wave of heavy rain coming — no storms this time, though — so it’ll be gone in a bit.