Here is Barack Obama posing with his surviving grandparents in 2004.
And here he is campaigning for the office of the President of the United States about 4 years later.
What we most obviously have here is a quantum leap situation.
Read on for more.
Yup. What we have here is definitely a quantum leap situation.
Quantum leap: In physics, a quantum leap or quantum jump is a change of an electron from one energy state to another within an atom. It is discontinuous; the electron jumps from one energy level to another instantaneously. The phenomenon contradicts classical theories, which expect energy levels to be continuous. Quantum leaps are the sole cause of the emission of electromagnetic radiation, including that of light…
As above, so below.
On the political level common wisdom, common practice, and common experience all tell us to expect energy levels to be continuous, just as did classical physics. Day to day, year to year the same systems hold in a well functioning society. Leadership swings a little bit to the left, a little bit to the right, but the center basically holds.
However, during the vast rightward swing that has dominated here in the United States from the so-called Reagan Revolution (actually from the first gunshot in Dealy Plaza) right on through the current reign of King George The Lesser the hugely successful repressive machinations of the corporate-owned mass media and the rapidly growing resistance to U.S. economic imperialism emanating from the Third World have combined to create an excess of backed-up power that appears to be about ready to blow Barack Obama (and indeed the entire system) right on through the normal resistances put up by societal physics and to move us all up to the next energy level.
So it goes.
Do not celebrate yet, however. The proverb “There is many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip” is one to well remember, as is the fact that the energy provided by quantum leaps can be as dangerous as an atom bomb, as nourishing as sunlight or anywhere in between those two extremes.
The tyranny of the weak and/or the banality of evil may still hold the field in this matter.
We shall see.
The last time that I lived through a potential quantum leap period in America it was truly and effectively shot down by several well-placed assassinations.
We shall soon see.
The resistance to such a leap is enormous.
First Obama must surmount the resistance of Hillary Clinton, who in my mind represents a sort of honourable resistance to sudden change. She has spent her life working the gradual change game…read her Wellesley graduate thesis on the work of Saul Alinsky and then try to take an unbiased, reasonable look at her entire career in public service in light of that information for all you need to know on that account.
Then he must defeat the Swiftboaters, who will run race at him until it comes out of ALL of our ears. Remember…all they need to win is a near-draw, because they control much of the electoral mechanism right on up to the Supreme Court.
Remember Bush the Lesser’s wins.
It’s landslide or lose this time around.
Should he be successful at those two tasks…and this is beginning to sound much like the classical mythic structure where the young hero is assigned one after another apparently insumountable tasks in order to win the hand of the Princess who lives just beyond the energy level at which he currently resides…should he be successful at those two tasks then he must surmount the resistance that lies within his own party (a party that won majorities in both Houses of Congress only a year and a half ago and has essentially not been able…or more precisely, willing…to do SHIT with that win) and actually DO some of the things that he is saying he wants to do.
Plus of course the resistance to a real resurgence of energy in America that undoubtedly exists in most of its international competitors, from Russia, China and the European Union right on through the newly awakening Muslim and South/Central/Caribbean blocs.
And to top that off…if he gets that far, he is likely to have been having to dodge REAL bullets during the entire time that he has been working towards the goals he so bravely and whole-heartedly appears to espouse.
Good luck, Br’er Obama!!!
You gonna NEED some.
Lots of it.
Bet on it.
Mr. Obama is at sail on a wave that is not of his own making. I believe that he is more than intelligent enough to understand this.
Let us pray that he survives his journey to the other side of the energy state field.
And let us also pray that the energy that is unleashed by that movement is benevolent in nature.
It’s what’s for dinner.
May you be born(e) into interesting kitchens.
And may you also be able and willing to survive the heat unleashed therein.
Love y’all.
Let us pray.
Feel free.
I do.
seems about right to me.
When I’m out after food for thought, there’s always an impressive table at your place. Thanks, AG.
It`s always very well set also.
Good appetizer, Mr. Gilroy.