If anyone thought Dan Lipinski was a reasonable Democrat, he’s put it to rest. Talk about running against your own party. Jeez.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
all I can say is Lipinski reminds me of Traitor Joe. Did someone catch Lipinski kissing W?
Wow, wow, wow!
That is truly rich. A must-read.
So now we’re all hate groups for wanting accountability from our ‘leaders’.
I bet this guy has now helped raise additional 1000’s in contributions for Mark Pera. Way to go!
My educated nose is twiching.
You must be some kind of punk, ask.
Big time, too 😉
You surely picked up on that last you met me and my kids.
That flier is simply beyond belief – I was just struggling to find a word stronger than ‘pathetic’.
Congrats to you and ss (and me). Just back from dinner and saw the final result.
Go Mark Pera. If people like him win on Tuesday, it might turn out to be super after all!
This guy sounds more like a gangster out of the 1800’s in Five Points, Manhattan.
emphasis mine
So “educated” is the opposite of people who “work for a living”?
I confess this comes as a shock to me, since I worked hard at becoming educated so I wouldn’t end up being a blue collar worker with an inferiority complex ready to be exploited by a PhD-bearing former member of the Notre Dame faculty with two degrees in engineering, one in economics, and a fourth in political science who wants to play “just plain folks” down at the bar when the elections roll around.
Well, excuse the fuck out of me, Professor Lipiniski, but I am calling bullshit on your sudden proletarian pretensions.
A 4 for alliterating the professor’s proletarian pretensions.