The current NOW-boating of Obama by NOW is just absolutely nauseating.  

During the 1990s, NOW and the Democratic senators in Illinois devised a strategy which would accomplish two important goals:

  1. Ensure that no anti-choice crap got through the Illinois senate and
  2. Ensured that the anti-choice morality fascists in the Repukeliscum party had no ammunition to use against Democratic senators.

They devised a strategy.

Pam Sutherland, president of Illinois Planned Parenthood, tells NEWSWEEK that the ploy was her idea: “Senator Obama was always a no vote in committee, but we had other Democrats, and a couple of Republicans, who were tired of having mailers sent out against them.” Sutherland says Obama could have voted no without suffering any negative fallout, since he came from a very liberal Chicago district. But, she says, his participation in the deal helped give cover to his colleagues.”

Follow below…
The Illinois NOW group is now trying to go back on the deal.  They have put out BIASED, PRO-HILLARY LIES about this deal.  Bonnie Grabenhofer has lied that his “present” votes were anti-choice.

A response to Bonnie Grabenhofe r, Illinois NOW President, from Lorna Brett Howard:

Bonnie is correct. I was not the president of Chicago NOW when Senator Obama made the “present” votes. I never said I was. Somehow it was reported that way, but you can review the video blog for yourself at, type in Lorna Brett Howard. Here are the facts: I was president from 1995 – 1999. Barack Obama was elected to the state senate in 1996. He had a 100 percent voting record on choice all the time he was in office and Chicago Now and Illinois NOW endorsed Barack in all his state senate races, as did Planned Parenthood and NARAL. NOW relied on Pam Sutherland, Illinois Planned Parenthood’s lobbyist, to do all our work in the state legislature. She did a great job and it was because of her strategy we defeated many measure designed to restrict a woman’s right to choose. It was with heavy heart that I first went on the record to defend Obama’s record on choice, being a firm Hillary supporter. When the line of attack did not stop but was escalated in a direct mailer in New Hampshire to pro-choice voters from Hillary’s campaign I stopped being sad and got mad. This is bad for the pro-choice movement. It hurts our reputation and credibility. I stand for choice and truth.

Email NOW, either a local chapter or your state chapter. Tell them to STOP THE NOW-BOATING of Barack.

We can all disagree about who we support, but we should NOT LIE LIKE SCUMMY TOADS WHILE DOING IT.