Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
OK, I gotta say this. Whenever I read your sig, whatever thought process was going through my mind before goes completely away as that chain of inevitable associations rolls over everything else. When, where, and how did you come up with that? It’s a show stopper.
At the rally on Sunday, some lady stole the sign that was for my daughter. My kid was pretty upset. I was at my coffeeshop this morning and some Obama volunteers came in to pick up coffee. I asked for a sign and they gave me this one.
LONDON (FT) Feb. 5, 2008 – Mr Blair has recently signed agreements to work for Zurich Financial Services and for JPMorgan. If he were to become EU president, EU governments would expect him to abandon those roles.
The key issue is whether sufficient momentum can be gathered behind his candidacy.
However, there will be more than a few EU leaders arguing that the post could not go to someone from a country which is neither a member of the eurozone nor the Schengen agreement on open EU borders. Mr Blair’s strong backing for the US-led invasion of Iraq would also count against him in the eyes of some EU leaders.
But for now, Mr Blair’s stance remains low-key. A spokesman for the former prime minister said last night: “There is no campaign and no campaign team. The treaty hasn’t even been ratified yet. Tony Blair remains focused on his role in the Middle East.”
You know, on the VP thread, I said that my idea of a dream ticket has to be Obama/Feingold (BTW, thanks fabooj!) Yet, I think in the long run that might not be such a good thing. He IS doing such a great job right where he is, isn’t he?
Also, to those who have not yet watched this, it’s a great testimony.
“Bush Admin to Install Black Box Sensors on Private Sector Company Networks…”
I don’t get it, how are we supposed to fall for the premise that because outside hackers; ie, the Chinese govt sponsored types, are hacking into the Pentagon etc, that it is necessary not to beef up US Govt protections but instead to install black boxes to check out American to American messaging??? I’m beginning to think that the hint Rockefeller gave in his opposition to Feingold’s amendment really did let the cat out of the bag that indeed the warrantless wiretapping program/s were designed to go after internal US communications, and that’s why they can’t tag US persons out. AQ is just the bright shiny object in outer space.
that triggered a synapse to this article from last august, re: fisa
A Gateway for Hackers
The Security Threat in the New Wiretapping Law
Current administration policy is replete with examples of quickly enacted efforts whose consequences led to the opposite effect. (Beware of what you wish for . . . .) With Congress caving last week, the National Security Agency no longer needs a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to wiretap if one party is believed to be outside the United States. This change looks reasonable at first, but it could create huge long-term security risks for the United States.
. wapo
Can’t help but wonder if this is one of those Sampson moments where Bush/NSA now has all this telecom equipment in place that can hear my dog snore from the next county and they’re thinkin, ‘let’s take it for a spin’!!
Meanwhile, the Chinese are re-programing the Pentagon’s supercomputers to play video games when Bush orders the spy satellites to listen in on Putin.
I just got back from casting my vote for Barack Obama, not without trepidation but fairly comfortable with his being the lesser of the two evils.
That said, even out of the original pack of candidates, even including ones I’d wished had run but didn’t, there’s currently no one I could back enthusiastically without any reservations.
Yup. It’s a caucus state…apparently St. McCain’s supporters, upon seeing that they were not enough, threw their support to Huckajesus in order to stop Mittens from winning.
Damn, that’s funny to see how much they cannot STAND Romney–or, as I call him, Troy McClure. He’s one instance when I agree with him. The sound of his used-car salesman voice just makes me want to vomit. I mute the sound on the TV when he’s on.
That’s messed up when you’re too much of phony liar for even the Republicans.
On a conference call today, Howard Wolfson of the Clinton campaign has said that Hillary Clinton will appear in a Fox News debate on February 11 in Washington, DC.
What does this say about her? What possible reason could a true Democrat have for doing something like this? Will Obama fold too and agree to this crazy idea?
There is nothing to be gained by a Democrat debating on Fox. Absolutely nothing…….So I guess that means they will probably do it.
Obama/Swartzenegger would be unstoppable.
As would Obama/McCain.
But my fantasy pick would be Obama/Kasparov. Yes! a REAL fantasy, but one that would instantly put Obama in the tough guy category [and the Ka-razy] because of the message it justifiably would send to Putin and bring aboard a ton of hawks without necessitating WAR.
I posted it too my blog, but here’s one of the photos that my little girl demanded I take:
There were news stations out our voting place. There was a guy nearby in a truck plastered with Clinton stickers (that is “popular” in my neighborhood, as that’s the 5th stickered truck I’ve seen in the last two weeks) with a “Honk for Clinton” sign, but the girl had her Obama sign and she got a lot more honks than that guy did.
Mr. McConnell expressed concern about the ways in which globalization had broadened the numbers of threats facing the United States.
“For example, as government, private sector, and personal activities continue to move to networked operations and our digital systems add ever more capabilities, our vulnerability to penetration and other hostile cyber actions grows,” the report said.
i just went to vote….i live in a little historic mixed race mini gayborhood in delaware….the line at the fire station was pretty long, very well organized, and friendly….the workers and the people in line were totally mixed….old, young, gay, straight, black white, brown, asian….unlike my old pa neighborhood where everyone in line was white, well dressed millionaires plus the black ladies i drove over who usually clean their mansions…..hillary signs far outnumbered obama signs…there was one ron paul sign…several of the people in line said they didnt know who they were voting for…..i didnt know who i was voting for till i got in the booth.
i voted for hillary….im pretty sure obama will win the nomination and i will happily vote for him…but i wanted to make sure i got to vote for a woman…..this woman…i like her….ive met her….i find her sincere… not so sure about obama….all my girlfriends and my daughters voted for hillary…my oldest daughter said because she thinks hillary will fuck the republicans up the ass….that apple didnt fall far from the tree….my boyfriend and ex husband both voted for obama….they hate hillary….i know my boyfriend will vote for mccain before he will vote for hillary in the general….my exhusband wouldnt vote republican if he had a gun to his head.
CNN may be embellishing for irony’s sake. At least, my Little Rock radio station only reported a touch-down in Atkins — well west and south of Clinton.
Thanks, Manny & Mary! The system’s moved past us without incident here. Still sounds nasty in the eastern parts of the state. I don’t envy Tennessee … hope it mellows out somewhere along the way.
If I had my way President Elizabeth Edwards would appoint Russ Feingold to SCOTUS.
if i had my way, bruce springsteen tickets wouldnt cost $75 plus
OK, I gotta say this. Whenever I read your sig, whatever thought process was going through my mind before goes completely away as that chain of inevitable associations rolls over everything else. When, where, and how did you come up with that? It’s a show stopper.
ummmm…thats just my normal way of talking/thinking.
I’ll bet you’re a scream at parties. ;}
If I had my way, I’d be our next president.
If I had my way, Dick Cheney would spend the remainder of his miserable life cleaning the public roads. With a Q-tip.
At the rally on Sunday, some lady stole the sign that was for my daughter. My kid was pretty upset. I was at my coffeeshop this morning and some Obama volunteers came in to pick up coffee. I asked for a sign and they gave me this one.
So, I guess we’re Latino for the day.
She SOOOOO cute!
((sigh)) Wish I was in California. I could tell just by the background in the photo.
Uh, that would be, “She is sooooo cute.”
You can tell when I don’t use preview!
One of my favorite political photos of her is from 2 years ago:

That’s a great picture!
Great smile, great sign!
LONDON (FT) Feb. 5, 2008 – Mr Blair has recently signed agreements to work for Zurich Financial Services and for JPMorgan. If he were to become EU president, EU governments would expect him to abandon those roles.
The key issue is whether sufficient momentum can be gathered behind his candidacy.
However, there will be more than a few EU leaders arguing that the post could not go to someone from a country which is neither a member of the eurozone nor the Schengen agreement on open EU borders. Mr Blair’s strong backing for the US-led invasion of Iraq would also count against him in the eyes of some EU leaders.
But for now, Mr Blair’s stance remains low-key. A spokesman for the former prime minister said last night: “There is no campaign and no campaign team. The treaty hasn’t even been ratified yet. Tony Blair remains focused on his role in the Middle East.”
h/t ask – “Stop Blair”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
This explains his conversion to Catholicism.
Here is the direct link to the pedition:
No to Tony Blair as President of the European Union Council
fire in their belly for the gig.
It’s too demanding.
The contest and the prize are both too demanding.
Russ Feingold?
Like Adlai Stevenson, Bill Bradley and Mario Cuomo before him.
Not enough desire.
Too bad.
Intelligence and desire rarely mix on that level.
Too bad.
So it goes.
You know, on the VP thread, I said that my idea of a dream ticket has to be Obama/Feingold (BTW, thanks fabooj!) Yet, I think in the long run that might not be such a good thing. He IS doing such a great job right where he is, isn’t he?
Also, to those who have not yet watched this, it’s a great testimony.
See Think Progress post
“Bush Admin to Install Black Box Sensors on Private Sector Company Networks…”
I don’t get it, how are we supposed to fall for the premise that because outside hackers; ie, the Chinese govt sponsored types, are hacking into the Pentagon etc, that it is necessary not to beef up US Govt protections but instead to install black boxes to check out American to American messaging??? I’m beginning to think that the hint Rockefeller gave in his opposition to Feingold’s amendment really did let the cat out of the bag that indeed the warrantless wiretapping program/s were designed to go after internal US communications, and that’s why they can’t tag US persons out. AQ is just the bright shiny object in outer space.
that triggered a synapse to this article from last august, re: fisa
these guys could mess up a junkyard.
Can’t help but wonder if this is one of those Sampson moments where Bush/NSA now has all this telecom equipment in place that can hear my dog snore from the next county and they’re thinkin, ‘let’s take it for a spin’!!
Meanwhile, the Chinese are re-programing the Pentagon’s supercomputers to play video games when Bush orders the spy satellites to listen in on Putin.
I just got back from casting my vote for Barack Obama, not without trepidation but fairly comfortable with his being the lesser of the two evils.
That said, even out of the original pack of candidates, even including ones I’d wished had run but didn’t, there’s currently no one I could back enthusiastically without any reservations.
MSNBC breaking news banner says they’re calling the West Virginia race for Huckajesus.
NO freakin’ way!
Yup. It’s a caucus state…apparently St. McCain’s supporters, upon seeing that they were not enough, threw their support to Huckajesus in order to stop Mittens from winning.
Too funny.
caucuses are so interesting… Hardball politikin’ that ensures that many, many people vote for someone they nvr intended to.
Damn, that’s funny to see how much they cannot STAND Romney–or, as I call him, Troy McClure. He’s one instance when I agree with him. The sound of his used-car salesman voice just makes me want to vomit. I mute the sound on the TV when he’s on.
That’s messed up when you’re too much of phony liar for even the Republicans.
They keep messing with Mitt and he’s liable to storm through the front door of the McCain and Huckabee Headquarters looking like this.
Mitt might get so mad, he may muss his hair!
Jim Hightower.
Clinton Agrees to Fox Debate
What does this say about her? What possible reason could a true Democrat have for doing something like this? Will Obama fold too and agree to this crazy idea?
There is nothing to be gained by a Democrat debating on Fox. Absolutely nothing…….So I guess that means they will probably do it.
It tends to confirm the things that are said about her. Shocking, I know.
If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say this is why. Maybe she wants to patch things up.
She’s all about forgiveness if it serves another purpose.
Obama should reject the debate and suggest that Hillary debate Bill instead…
Obama/Swartzenegger would be unstoppable.
As would Obama/McCain.
But my fantasy pick would be Obama/Kasparov. Yes! a REAL fantasy, but one that would instantly put Obama in the tough guy category [and the Ka-razy] because of the message it justifiably would send to Putin and bring aboard a ton of hawks without necessitating WAR.
Booman ANY word from the Obama campaign about the Fox noise debate. If he accepts it will devestate his grassroots supporters and donors.
Have you guys seen this map? Twitter and Google teamed up for a live map of voters. It’s pretty neat.
I posted it too my blog, but here’s one of the photos that my little girl demanded I take:

There were news stations out our voting place. There was a guy nearby in a truck plastered with Clinton stickers (that is “popular” in my neighborhood, as that’s the 5th stickered truck I’ve seen in the last two weeks) with a “Honk for Clinton” sign, but the girl had her Obama sign and she got a lot more honks than that guy did.
McConnell and Rockefeller are up to no good again:
i just went to vote….i live in a little historic mixed race mini gayborhood in delaware….the line at the fire station was pretty long, very well organized, and friendly….the workers and the people in line were totally mixed….old, young, gay, straight, black white, brown, asian….unlike my old pa neighborhood where everyone in line was white, well dressed millionaires plus the black ladies i drove over who usually clean their mansions…..hillary signs far outnumbered obama signs…there was one ron paul sign…several of the people in line said they didnt know who they were voting for…..i didnt know who i was voting for till i got in the booth.
i voted for hillary….im pretty sure obama will win the nomination and i will happily vote for him…but i wanted to make sure i got to vote for a woman…..this woman…i like her….ive met her….i find her sincere… not so sure about obama….all my girlfriends and my daughters voted for hillary…my oldest daughter said because she thinks hillary will fuck the republicans up the ass….that apple didnt fall far from the tree….my boyfriend and ex husband both voted for obama….they hate hillary….i know my boyfriend will vote for mccain before he will vote for hillary in the general….my exhusband wouldnt vote republican if he had a gun to his head.
CNN just reported on the teevee that a tornado just hit Clinton, Arkansas.
An omen of things to come?
that makes me laugh.
Clinton is still under a tornado warning.
As much fun as it is to make jokes about, I hope nobody is hurt or loses a home during the storms.
I do hope that Hillary Clinton gets caught up in an electoral Obama tornado though.
We’ve had that same weather system all day, although fewer tornado warnings and more flash flood warnings. I feel sorry for them.
CNN may be embellishing for irony’s sake. At least, my Little Rock radio station only reported a touch-down in Atkins — well west and south of Clinton.
Okay, I take it back. They just reported a touch-down in Clinton, too. Lots of touch-downs all over the state.
scary! be safe, no3reed
not good. be safe if you are near.
wow, F3 or F4 Tornado in Memphis. not good at all.
Thanks, Manny & Mary! The system’s moved past us without incident here. Still sounds nasty in the eastern parts of the state. I don’t envy Tennessee … hope it mellows out somewhere along the way.