Promoted by Steven D, because everyone here gets a shot at the front page as long as Booman lets me have the keys. You may agree with AG or not, but he’s never boring.

Bumped back to the diaries by BooMan.

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In this year of radical racial and sexual changes in our Presidential sweepstakes, Dem division thereof:

Part of the reason for the fear from which many mainstream voters are suffering is the newness, the strangeness of it all.

On one hand, here is this obviously dominant woman running for an office that has been historically a males-only preserve. I mean, let’s face it…leadership on almost ANY really important level in successfully dominant societies has been nearly completely a male prerogative throughout all of human history. And now here comes his…this woman, presuming to take the reins of the most dominant country that has ever existed on earth.

Revolution number one.

And revolution number two.

At the same time, a member of a race that has been relegated to second-class citizenship level and worse…a race that was (and face this as well…still is to some degree)  barely if at all even considered to be human by many white Americans…is attempting to become not only the leader of this racist, white supremacist (on an international level if nowhere else), imperialistic country, but is also simultaneously proving to be by far the most articulate, intelligent, well balanced individual in the entire field of candidates!!!


The shame of it all!!!

Read on…
So given these two choices and of course an almost unthinkable third one…the continuation of a set of policies and leaders that has proven to be absolutely disastrous for this country and for the world in general…the sleeple electorate is all in a tizzy.

What to do!!!

What to DO!!!

Y’know what it’s going to come down to, don’tcha?

Which set of prejudices is deeper.

Are women really supposed to stay at home, (at least metaphorically) barefoot and pregnant?

Are families really supposed to resemble to some extent the classic nuclear family? YOU know…the one where the mother raises the kids, sacrifices her ambitions for the good of the family and the man doesn’t go out and try to fuck everything that moves while being a charming, successful world beater?

Like say…the Obama family vs. the Clinton family?

Or is the spectre of a man who possesses at least a modicum of what many Americans consider to be sub-human genetic structure in power over Racist America more frightening than that of a strong, dominant woman who really didn’t give a good goddamn WHO her worthless husband fucked as long as it didn’t get too much in the way of the business of running a country the right way? By her own estimation of that concept of “right”, of course, because she WAS the boss, when you get right down to it. Bill was just the frontman, the CEO who made the speeches and basked in the limelight but Ms. Clinton was the Chairman of the Board. Bet on it.

Ms. Obama?




Highly educated.

But she buckled down to the so-called “normal” task of raising a family.

Ozzie and Harriett in black, brown and beige, the Obamas.

Ms. Clinton?

Mr. Clinton?

BOTH success-oriented in every way.

Both A-type personalities. It’s just that Bill’s version of “success” included repeated sexual conquests as well as leading the free world, of course…

Pity the poor sheeple.

What to do?

What a CHOICE!!!

My bet?

It’s looking like the sexual role problems implicit in the Clinton situation are even more frightening to Sheeple America than are the racial things that are implicit in the Obama candidacy.

Ah mean…EV’RYBODY’S got to deal wid their wife, right? Wid their husban’ an’ all? Things got to be…BALANCED at home. Right? Who’ll make dinner!!!??? Who’ll pick up the kids at school? Plus…them black folk. They’re lookin’ OK these days. Yup. SOME of ’em, anyways. I guess they ain’t so bad after all. But that Clinton bitch? Ah mean…SHEESE!!! Imagine having to deal wid THAT shit when you come home offa the late shift!!!

Yup. (And make no mistake…there are many, many women who still buy right in to the sentiments expressed in the above blockquote. Bet on it.)

That’s what I am seeing, anyway.

My own bet?

Sex trumps race, this time around.

I mean…EVERYBODY fucks!!!

My bet?

It’s going to be close, but I think Obama’s gonna win.

