Here is a video I found at Jack and Jill Politics regarding the differences between Obama and Clinton. It’s twenty minutes long. Take a look.
Here is a video I found at Jack and Jill Politics regarding the differences between Obama and Clinton. It’s twenty minutes long. Take a look.
I put it on my blog too. It’s good.
Very persuasive. Wish I’d seen it in time to show to a certain person I’ve been arguing with for a month now over the primary.
Lessig is one of my last heroes, somebody fighting in the obscure battle for freedom of information that is at the very core of every hope for a better world. His view deserves to be taken with maximum seriousness.
That put a hard lump in my throat and brought tears to my eyes. I want to hope. I really do. I hope Obama wins the nomination even tho he wasn’t my first choice. Voting for Hillary is something I simply won’t do for all the reasons given in this film and many more.
There’s a difference?!!
thanks, Steven D for posting this.
Barbara Lee (D-CA)
Statement in Opposition to H.J. Res. 64 Authorizing Military Force to Those Responsible for the Terrorist Acts (delivered 14 September 2001)
forgive my dorky post, but i posted more links about this here.
link from: Rhetoric of 9-11