We’ll find out tonight whether Barack Obama will survive to fight another day, but on the off chance that we won’t I want to do this quick piece now before it is too late. I just want to do a little speculation about who I expect Obama and Clinton to select as their running mates, and who they could select to bring some unity or reassurance or regional balance to the party and ticket.

First I’ll tackle who I’d expect them to pick and, obviously, they are more likely to pick people that supported their candidacy than people who did not, or who stayed neutral.


    1. Gov. Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas- this pick makes sense for so many reasons. Many woman will be disappointed if Hillary Clinton loses the nomination, but they’ll feel a lot better if Obama reaches out and selects a highly qualified female running mate that has executive experience. Selecting someone from Kansas has a feel-good tie-in because Obama’s mother was born and raised there. And choosing someone from a blood-red state sends a message that Obama is reaching out to all voters and intending to compete everywhere. Plus, Sebelius endorsed him.

    2. Gov. Tim Kaine of Virginia- Kaine endorsed Obama early, will be term-limited out of a job soon, and comes from a state that is definitely trending blue. However, Kaine would be controversial because of his murky record on reproductive rights. Many progressives would take it as a poke in the eye and evidence that Obama is unprogressive at heart.

    3. Fmr. Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina- Edwards has run for the office before and his selection would be met by a collective roll of the media’s eyes. But it would help heal over at least some of the lingering wounds of a bruising primary. It would please most progressives, and Obama and Edwards would make an attractive and energetic tandem.

    4. Gov. Ted Strickland of Ohio- Both Hillary and Obama could make this selection for obvious reasons. I believe he has endorsed Clinton.


    1. Sen. Evan Bayh- Bayh is kind of the quintessential Clintonian politician. Bayh was the chairman of the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) from 2001-5, and he just bleeds New Democrat. Indiana is a traditionally Republican state that Clinton might hope to turn blue.

    2. Fmr. Gov. Tom Vilsack of Iowa- Vilsack preceded Harold Ford Jr. as the chair of the DLC, serving from 2005-2007. He was an energetic supporter of Hillary campaign in Iowa, and fits nicely into the Clintonian mold.

    3. Fmr. Rep. Harold Ford, Jr.- Ford is more likely to take over the Democratic National Committee from Howard Dean, but he might be offered as a kind of Clarence Thomas-esque peace offering to the African-American community. Hopefully, the Clintons aren’t this stupid.

    4. Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico- Richardson is another New Democrat who owes his career to the Clintons. His, so far, refusal to endorse Obama, his experience, his state, and his appeal among Hispanics all make him an attractive option for Clinton.

Those are the picks that I see as most likely. Here are some more interesting picks:


    1. Gov. Brian Schweitzer of Montana- Schweitzer is a progressive favorite and a political moderate at the same time. Selecting him would reinforce the Democrats intention to compete everywhere and especially in the West.

    2. Fmr. Sen. Bill Bradley of New Jersey- Bradley is simultaneously popular among progressives and on Wall Street, and has a reputation for wonkishness on policy and seeing the big picture. He’d be a nice balance and complement to Obama’s style.

    3. Gov. Brad Henry of Oklahoma- Henry is a popular, if conservative, governor in one of Obama’s weakest states. Selecting Henry would make all the Blue Dog Democrats feel better about things and it would add some regional balance as well as showing that Obama intends to compete for every state.


    1. Gen. Wesley Clark of Arkansas- I think this is a little too much Arkansas, personally, but it is a matchup a lot of people speculate about.

    2. Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida- Nelson is a New Democrat from an important state who has endorsed Hillary.

    3. Gov. John Baldacci of Maine- He has endorsed Clinton and he might make an attractive running mate that has executive experience.

Anyway, that’s what I see right now. What do you think?