From to lips of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to your ears:
“The pace of ongoing operations has prevented our forces from fully training for the full spectrum of operations and impacts our ability to be ready to counter future threats,” Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in testimony prepared for delivery Wednesday.
Mullen’s stern warnings are likely to become welcome political fodder for anti-war Democrats, who want legislation requiring that troops spend more time at home between combat tours. Last year’s efforts to pass such a bill failed after intense lobbying by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who says it would do more harm than good and tie the hands of military commanders. […]
Mullen says adding more troops to the payroll is a necessary step toward easing the strain on a force that cannot sustain the current pace of operations. According to Mullen, Army soldiers should be limited to yearlong combat tours, instead of 15-month deployments, and eventually be given two years at home between deployments, instead of just one. Marines should move to 14 months at home following seven-month deployments, he said.
“I am extremely concerned about the toll the current pace of operations is taking on them and on their families, on our equipment and on our ability to respond to crises and contingencies beyond ongoing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan,” he said.
Mullen also said violence in Iraq has “substantially decreased,” but that Afghanistan is facing “a growing insurgency, increasing violence and a burgeoning drug trade fueled by widespread poppy cultivation.”
Not that this will do anything to stop Our Dear Leader from continuing his insane obsession with Iraq. We’ll still be “surging” there until the day he leaves office. But I hope the next President, whomever that may be is listening now to what he’s saying. The Chairmen of the JCS doesn’t very often testify against the policies of the President, their commander in chief, very often. So when they do you know the shit has really hit the fan. How badly messed up is our military? How broken down is their equipment? How inadequate their training? How low are their standards for admission? How ruined is their morale after numerous long term deployments that never accomplish anything except waste money and lives?
I suspect Admerial Mullen knows the answers to these questions though he would never give a complete response to them. Nonetheless, the fact that he felt the need to contradict this administration, which promotes only those commanders who toe the party line, speaks volumes.
The currently proposed Federal budget from Bush contains the highest military expenditures since WWII. With inclusion of additional war related expenditures, it is over 700 billion.
The military-industrial complex is undoubtedly pleased. And since Hillary has received campaign contributions from lobbyists representing the MIC, if she is elected, the party will undoubtedly continue, especially since she is a foreign policy hawk, who is anxious to show us just who will wear the suitpants in the Whitehouse.
First there where hard words by Robert Gates over NATO partners on the Southern front. Just a few days ago, the Germans where taken to task for doing an excellent job, but staying in the pacified Northern sector.
The US dropped the ball a long time ago in Afghanistan by taking its assets out and invade a third rated country where flowers were expected. Now close ally Australia is supporting Bush by wprds only, as friend John Howell got booted out in favor of .
This is what my friend Jaap de Hoop Scheffer thinks about the verbal warfare.
LONDON (AFP) Feb. 5, 2008 — US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice played down fears that Afghanistan could become a lost cause but admitted Washington faced a “bumpy” ride to press allies into sharing the burden there.
She made the comments before arriving in London for high-level talks with her close British allies about their common drive to draft more NATO forces into crushing a resurgent Taliban in southern Afghanistan.
Alluding to ruffled feathers within the alliance, Rice said she hoped the need to “tell the truth” about mission needs would not be taken as a “desire to denigrate” contributions some allies have made.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
it’s a bit late for mullen to finally find a voice, especially given the reality of the situation on the ground.
either BushCo™ are the most inept, corrupt, and immoral administration in the history of this country, or they have been remarkedly successful in there wanton destruction of the republic…has be one or the other. the important thing to realize is that this is all being orchestrated to get chimpy out the door and set the table for the next administration.
you can thank madame speaker and majority leader reid and all the rest of the demoRATs for the position we now find ourselves in.
as chris floyd succinctly puts it: “Scott Ritter, one of the great witnesses of our age, draws upon his extensive knowledge of the realities of Iraq to produce a chilling prophecy of what’s to come in that tormented land.”