February 9th

Louisiana, Primary, 67 Delegates

Pledged Superdelegates– Obama: none. Clinton: none.

Analysis: In the pre-Katrina Louisiana Democratic primary of 2004, 52% of the electorate was non-white. That’s roughly the same profile as we saw in Alabama yesterday, where 51% of the electorate was black, and in Georgia where 52% of the electorate was black. Based on the results last night out of Alabama (O-56% C-42%) and Georgia (O-67%, C-31%), Obama has to be the heavy favorite in Lousiana.

Nebraska, Caucus, 31 Delegates

Superdelegates- Obama: Sen. Ben Nelson. Clinton: none.

Analysis: Obama swept caucus states last night in New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, Idaho, and Alaska, and he did it (except in New Mexico) by enormous margins. Obama’s endorsement by Ben Nelson seals the deal. Obama will win Nebraska and will win almost all of its delegates.

Washington, Caucus, 97 Delegates

Superdelegates- Obama: Rep. Adam Smith, Pat Notter (DNC). Clinton: Sen. Maria Cantwell, Sen. Patty Murray, Rep. Jay Inslee, Former Speaker Tom Foley (WA), Ron Sims (DNC).

Analysis: Obama has won every caucus contest that has been held. However, Clinton has the support of both Cantwell and Murray, and she will have no choice to put forth a major effort here because her chances are so bad in Louisiana and Nebraska. She can little afford to get swept in all three states. That being said, Obama has to be the narrow favorite based on the fact that this is a caucus and not primary.

February 10th

Maine, Caucus, 34 Delegates

Superdelegates- Obama: none. Clinton: Gov. John Baldacci, Ken Curtis (DNC).

Analysis: Again, this is a caucus format that has favored Obama so far in the nominating process. Clinton’s ace in the hole is the support of Governor Baldacci. However, this contest will come one day after Obama (most likely) sweeps Clinton in Louisiana, Nebraska, and Washington. While Clinton has done extremely well in neighboring New Hampshire and Massachusetts and cannot be counted out, I have to favor Obama as the likely winner in Maine.

February 12th

District of Columbia, Primary, 37 Delegates

Superdelegates- Obama: Mayor Adrian Fenty, Dr. James Zogby (DNC), Arrington Dixon (DNC). Clinton: Mary Eva Candon (DNC), Yolanda Caraway (DNC), Hartina Flournoy (DNC), DNC Harold Ickes (DC), Ben Johnson (DNC), Eric Kleinfeld (DNC), Minyon Moore (DNC), Elizabeth Smith (DNC), Marilyn Tyler Brown (DNC), Gerald McEntee (DNC), Carol Pensky (DNC).

Analysis: First, while you might be inclined to dismiss the vote of a mere city, note that DC has more delegates to allocate than Maine. That’s a function of the overwhelming Democratic vote in the city. Hillary Clinton has no chance in this primary and may struggle to reach 15% of the vote.

Virginia, Primary, 103 Delegates

Superdelegates- Obama: Gov. Tim Kaine, Rep. Rick Boucher, Rep. Bobby Scott. Clinton: Terry McAuliffe (DNC), Jennifer McClellan (DNC), Mame Reiley (DNC), Lionel Spruill Sr., Susan Swecker (DNC).

Analysis: This is Hillary Clinton’s only chance on this day. And it isn’t a good chance. Gov. Tim Kaine is endorsing Obama and is regarded as a potential vice-presidential pick. Kaine will be working hard to get the vote out for Obama. All of Clinton’s efforts will go into Virginia, so she has to be given a chance to win here, but the edge goes to Obama.

Maryland, 99 Delegates, Primary

Superdelegates- Obama: Rep. Albert Wynn, Rep. Elijah Cummings, Karren Pope-Onwukwe (DNC). Clinton: Sen. Barbara Mikulski, Gov. Martin O’Malley, Rep. CA Dutch Ruppersberger, Nancy Kopp (DNC)

Analysis: Despite some great endorsements and the support of the Governor, no one expects Clinton to win Maryland.
