In the war that we’re winning:

Small children and women are fighting against us.

Sunni insurgents are using armor piercing bombs (which of course are based on ones from Iran — cough, cough) against our troops.

More Iraqis are fleeing the country than are returning according to the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees, contradicting the reports of the Iraqi government.

The refugees that are returning to Iraq aren’t doing so because the security situation in Iraq has improved, “but because they can no longer afford to live abroad.”

Fortunately, Muqtada al-Sadr is still telling his supporters in the Mahdi Army to observe the cease fire he unilaterally called last year, but it’s not clear how much longer he will keep his militia followers on a short leash since US forces keep attacking Shi’ites who support him.

People are still dying everyday from all the violence in Iraq.

3,950 American troops have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

And the “bad guys” in this war are the Democrats running for President.