Mitt Romney is dropping out of the Republican race, leaving a three way race between Huckabee, Ron Paul, and John McCain. Amazingly, the GOP nominating process has whittled down the field to three candidates that respectively make each of the three big conservative constituencies skin crawl. Ron Paul is anathema to the hawks, Huckabee to the Wall St. types, and McCain to the religious right and the xenophobes.
With most of the southern states already completed, there isn’t much room for Huckabee to score new victories, and he isn’t a very good receptacle for all the pent-up anti-McCain feeling in the Republican base. I wonder if Ron Paul will see any uptick in support, perhaps just as some kind of protest vote.
I’ve already heard speculation that Romney might transition his campaign into a race for John Kerry’s senate seat. That would be interesting, but I suspect it would just be a bigger waste of Romney’s fortune.
The Republicans are increasingly reminding me of a mortally wounded relationship where a couple cannot be reconciled because they’ve said too many things they can never take back. Too many conservative commentators have said things about both Huckabee and McCain that were so harsh that they cannot turn around and support them without sacrificing their integrity.
Fortunately, integrity does not appear to be highly valued within the modern conservative movement.
Any idea who the 3rd party challenge from the right is going to be?
now makes it more likely for Bloomberg to enter the race.
There’s very few people left who the conservatives will rally around, why not throw their lot behind another person who goes against their best interests.
Although the religious difference still might be an issue .. unless, of course, Bloomberg comes to Jesus.
It just seems that the few normal Republicans I know like Bloomberg. Then again, this is CA people we’re talking about and they love Dianne Feinstein and Joe Lieberman and they’re Jewish and supposed Democrats. I do wonder if Bloomberg’s Dem. -> Rep. -> Ind. conversion would matter to them.
I don’t guess Bloomberg’s shape-shifting would bother anyone who hasn’t been bothered by Lieberman’s.
Romney running against Kerry? He didn’t run for governor again in 2006 because he was going to get smoked in that statewide race (by Deval Patrick); what makes him think that the circumstances will be any better for him 2 years later to make another statewide run?
He’s finished. Maybe he can go back to Bain and start refilling his children’s trust funds.
Especially since Romney has remade himself so many times since he was MA governor. Why should New England Republicans vote for a man who renounced several of the moderate stances he held as their governor just to woo ultra-conservatives in other states?
Perhaps the Chinese asked him to assist with their Olympic games. /snark
Soo, next scheduled debate gets to be between McCain, Huckabee and Paul? Now that might be a debate I’d make popcorn for.
It’d be fun to watch, but I don’t know if there are any more debates – nor do I think it’d be a use of anyone’s time. McCain and Huckabee would compliment each other the whole time, with Paul being the fringe lunatic on the stage (heh).
Hopefully the Democratic race is settled on March 4th (in favor of Obama) so that we can get on to general election matters. If Clinton wins in either TX or OH, this thing goes until the end of April.
I bet CNN was all set to uninvite Paul to the debate now that he didn’t do so well on Super Tuesday. Do they really want a debate between McCain and Huckabee? Does McCain? As crazy as Huckabee is, he makes McCain look like an even crazier old coot.
pretty much what I was thinking. They may have to have a debate simply because Romney fell off, and faced with Paul & Huckabee, that might be the match that lights McCains anger management issues. Regardless, pretty pathetic what the party has culled down to.
McCain going all Wally George on them and then beating them both with chairs.
ya know, the visuals this morning just get better and better. Thanks.
You forgot Alan Keyes!
McCain needs to have Keyes as his VP pick, so Keyes should be at any debate to let the public get a good look his character.
Why Keyes for VP? Well, to shore up the conservitard wingnut base, for one. But also in an attempt to steal the Obama vote, just like Keyes did before in the IL senate race…or hmmm, well anyway most importantly, to make McCain look “relatively sane”.
The insinuation that Keyes makes Hannibal Lecter look “relatively sane” is just a vile insult from the liberofascistosphere, and not to be dignified with more than a steely glare of indignation.
Remember that from Chappelle’s Show? Well, if black people could do that in real life, we’d get rid of Keyes in a heartbeat. My great uncle from Chicago said of Keyes, “That boy makes me embarrassed to be black. He makes me embarrassed to be a black man…Hell, he makes me embarrassed to be human most of the time too. We need to trade his ass.” Let’s put it this way, Keyes makes Juan Williams look down.
The Freepers are not pleased.
What the hell, those crazy freepers sound like
Taylor MarshMichelle Malkin just making up stuff.Sometimes they get creative!
Ugh. I have to go and wash off the stupid now. Back in a few.
I find that both hilarious and disturbing at the same time.
I completely agree. I think it’s because their hatred of McCain is hilarious and their hatred of immigrants is disturbing.
Rarely is the question asked, is our children learning Photoshop?
Apparently, they am.
The sensibility here is infantile.
Amusing stuff, ej. Thanks.
damn that’s funny!
of course, you could mine dkos and find lots of hate for both democratic candidates. that’s not so much fun.
Certain levels of hyperbole are hard not to laugh at, regardless.
Oh dear Gawd, I can just hear Ralph Nader announcing that this is his invitation. Just when you think bizarre has peaked, bizarro walks into the room.
well its time to pull out those pictures of McCain and W eating cake the day after Hurricane Katrina
Now that there is funny, I don’t care who you are
I posted to my blog:
Now, if only the Clinton’s would follow Romney’s lead again and drop their 3rd term campaign.
So would this mean that the Carville/Maitlin household is showing a nil on this month’s paycheck?
sorry Boo- rush is allready wiggling. They will all fall into their familliar goose step. They will join against the latest genocidal victims. They “loathe”(rush’s term for Dems) and that will be their chant. Watch the crystal. And watch the personal attacks. Remember. it is only Feb! Mcshit will now remain above the fray while his storm troopers will break out every single attack tool that has ever been created.
This country has never seen anything like what is coming.
Get your pasports ready folks. Make your plans and stop putting you money in the banks. Gold looks better and better and I don’t mean stocks.BULLION!
It will be interesting to see how voters in those Super Tuesday states would have voted if Romney had dropped out last week.
I posted about this in the other thread:
I went back to CNN:
Loyal Authoritarians to the end…
that is a must read for anybody interested in what makes these guys click.
highly recommended!
McCain had best align himself closely with The Ultimate Authority, ASAP — lest extreme congitive dissonance rob the ranks.