Crossposted from Left Toon Lane, Bilerico Project & My Left Wing
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I must admit I was a tad surprised that Mitt Romney pulled out of the race. I at least expected him to go another week before wimping out. All of those millions gone and for what? A bronze medal?
I overheard someone say “America is ready for a Black President, but not a Mormon one.” I think the correct statement should be “America is ready for a President, not another corporate fascist.”
Yes, oh Lordy, I know Mitt saved the winter Olympics. So what? The Olympic Committee was not waging a global, multi-trillion dollar war – they were just trying to get stoned snowboarders to the venue on time. The ability to pull off event management is one thing, but being able to convince the American people that you have Reagan DNA is another matter.
Thank goodness God only made ONE Ronald Reagan – we don’t need another.
(Somebody else’s) God Picks McCain
Back then, though, he [Mitt Romney] lobbied heavily for earmarks, helping extract millions of federal dollars for projects in some cases only loosely tied to the Olympics and drawing the ire of Senator John McCain of Arizona, a longtime critic of earmarks.
Challenge After Defeat
After his failed bid for the Senate seat held by Edward M. Kennedy in 1994, Mr. Romney grew restless. The loss “felt worse than we had imagined.”
“No one likes joining a loser, but they like rooting for, and helping, a comeback kid.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
“No one likes joining a loser, but they like rooting for, and helping, a comeback kid.”
The delusion of a certified loser.
On another plain.
God, having gotten bored with naval picking, has now jammed a finger into a nostril and come out with McCain.