It’s a blowout in Washington. Obama’s up 67%-32% with 48% reporting.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Boo, you’re revealing your bias. Don’t you know David Shuster is a sexist pig?
we can say BooMan nailed it Obama takes NE, WA, LA – NBC just called LA 32% reporting Obama 53% Clinton 30%
And Obama took Virgin Islands – expected.
MSNBC, CNN and the Seattle Times have called it for him. He also got Nebraska. Now if we can just some kind of info out of LA.
voting irregularities in LA. so many have voted by provisional ballots.
MSNBC Louisana results 4% reporting:
Obama 51%
Clinton 37%
Better yet. 7% reporting:
Obama 54%
Clinton 35%
According to CenLamar
It was supposed to be a blowout, remember. All of Hillary’s supporters were working today.
Well, maybe only half of them.
But, but from Seattle
Barack Obama has won Washington state’s
Democratic caucuses in a big way. Obama ran strong across the state, winning at caucus sites in a wide variety of communities from Seattle to Yakima and Renton to Chehalis.
so guess everyone in WA are unemployed
So Hillary is speaking at the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner in Virginia. Anyone know if Obama’s got a speech for them as well?
Matt Stoller and Jerome Armstrong: At Virginia JJ Dinner Watching the Obama Momentum
Watch it Live: Virginia JJ Dinner streaming video link
Mark warner, Obama and Clinton.
(H/T: OpenLeft)
at one point it looked like all three of those would be fighting for the nomination
Thanks, It’s also on CNN streaming.
Sounds perfect. The bigger the better.
Glad to see you here. Thought about you the other day when I heard about the tragedy near you. I have friends in Webster Groves, but its unlikely they would be at a city meeting.
Thank you.
I didn’t know anyone who was there but I have friends who attend zoning meetings there all the time so I could have.
It was very disturbing and very sad. For everyone involved.
I guess they’ll have to send Bill out to talk more trash.
Like his recent lie, that he was “factual accurate” and “defending his wife”, when he was actually incredibly wrong and attack Sen. Obama.
depending on what factual acurate, Is.
he has worn out his welcome. In WA Clinton supporters pleaded Send Hill we don’t want Bill.
Read this Noonan piece:Can Mrs. Clinton Lose?
“The Democrats continue not to recognize what they have in this guy. Believe me, Republican professionals know. They can tell.”
My -lys and -ings sometime just get up an leave on their on. A good day is when I don’t mess up one/won.
on Obama.
Link here.
Not good to piss off any black leaders that could Billary mischief. Especially someone M-O-R like Wilder. Not good at all.
I speak to my family/friends and poke around the internet and the common refrain I hear from black people is how big that fire was when the Clinton’s burned the bridge. People won’t forget this.
They’re already complaining about how undemocratic caucuses are over at The Left Coaster.
Talk about something that’s been going on for eons. Hell, I’ve always thought the whole delegate thing is bullshit, but I’m not going to start whining about it. That diary is from a person who just found out how caucuses work. Assuming they’re over 12, how did that happen? And why is it now undemocratic
Because their candidate is losing.
Seems to be.
kos loves Pennsylvania:
Looks like someone set kos straight on who is important in Pennsylvania – and it isn’t just BooMan and Atrios. heh. Wonder which one of the other two complained to him. Or maybe both?
Only 16% reporting so far, but still:
McCain 27%
Huckabee 26%
Paul 21%
Romney 17%
Am I right to find this surprising?
I had to make sure I read that right…I’m surprised too.
Hmmm…Louisiana looks like it will go Obama but it wont be a blowout
According to CNN:
Blacks and whites both make roughly half of the electorate, and
Blacks going for Obama 82 to 18
Whites going for Clinton 70 to 26
Sort of like when David Duke ran for the Senate.
But you know, it’s only black people who are racist for voting for the black candidate. At least that’s what the TV tells me. It’s completely normal for the white voters to mostly vote for the white candidate.
And flipping that, it’s only men who are sexist for voting for men. It’s completely normal for women to mostly vote for the woman.
We live in fucked up country. LOL…Oh BTW, remember I was supposed to go to Kansas City in a couple of weeks? Well it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to make it, unless someone pays us. I’m going to see if we can move our tix to the summer. At least it will be warmer.
well, it will definitely be warmer in summer 🙂
I keep promising katiebird and friends to get to kansas city to visit. I just never get there. Of course if they’d plan a formal meetup I’d probably figure out a plan to get there. Maybe when you get there in the summer …
Revel from dk I’ve met before and I definitely plan on seeing him. ScoutFinch told me to let her know when I get in town and there are 2 other people I’m blanking on right now who live in KC. In my non-political blogging world, there are 7 St. Louis bloggers I also want to meet. We were talking about driving to St. Louis becuase my daughter really can’t believe the Arch exists. If we do, I’m definitely staying on the ground.
i know it won’t happen but the ticket should be obama and clinton. we should have a black and a woman in those executives offices for the first time and as far as i’m concerned the time is now.
so many bloggers are fighting over one or the other and really it’s a nitpick about their ideas and qualifications and skills and appeal – i’m coming from a much more radical perspective than either of these centrist candidates so the differences between them is actually quite minor as i see it (ok everybody get your knives out) a good place for clinton would be as VP as she has some good ideas and an advisory role as a strong VP is where she would fit best; and obama is the more natural speaker and leader.
i’d prefer edwards as VP but as things are looking a big compromise may have to be made. and a woman really deserves to be VP or pres some damn time soon, this is just absurd.
Superdelegate fight:
You had a good post until you got to the Israeli thing. Again.
The Israeli thing is my sig. Since I think Obama will win, maybe I should change it.
…and soon Barack will speak!
Wish I was in Richmond tonight–I know the J-J dinner was THE hot ticket tonight.
CNN says he’s be at 10:30 Eastern. MSNBC says 10:15. Expect an awesome new speech. He always does original speeches for these dinners.
What about the Virgin Islands? You know if Clinton wins it, MSNBCs going to run with that headline tomorrow.
According to kos, he’s won the Virgin Islands.
AP reports Obama won Virgin Islands 90%.
That is a sweep. That’s a clean sweep. Those margins are huge!
MSNBC calls LA for Obama.
MSNBC has called Louisiana for Obama
Well he swept today’s. Step one in becoming the juggernaut.
What’s next? Maine?
I have a girl-crush on Rachel Maddow. That is all.
Rachel Maddow is … on cable?
Yes, and on Air America
They sit her right next to Pat Buchanan. At first they seemed utterly repulsed by each other. Now they seem like Liberal Girl and Her Cranky Crazy Uncle.
Cranky crazy grand uncle who worked at Auschwitz.
I second that…so to speak! 🙂
So glad to see that she’s a talking head–who actually knows something, is informed and not a screamer.
She talks out of the side of her head! My husband asked me, “What’s with the Picasso chick? I’ve never seen her before.” I died laughing.
With 37% reporting, it’s still surprising (to me):
Huckabee 27%
McCain 23%
Paul 21%
Romney (?) 18%
I know little about Washington demographics and I know they have an odd caucus/primary spit that is different from the Democratic caucus/primary split in the same state. A little illumination would be appreciated!
Half of the Republican delegates get chosen via caucus, and half get chosen via the primary that will be held a week from Tuesday.
The Democrats decided they would ignore the primary and just use the caucus to determine delegates, which will no doubt leave at least a few people confused on 2/19.
No, I don’t understand it either.
That clears me up on the “how” of it
The “why” I still don’t get — I guess that’s the part you don’t understand either.
I’m wondering if there’s some reason to think that Huck and Paul would be overrepresented in the caucuses — perhaps they have more passionate, less passive, supporters than McCain, and put up disproportionate numbers in the caucus?
And what’s with these Romney votes? This one’s a caucus, so it’s not as if there’d been early voting.
Hope springs eternal, I guess, There was one guy at our table who insisted on putting in a vote for Kucinich. He was a committed social justice activist who just wanted his voice to be heard. Maybe the Republican faithful figure they can pull off some miracle, or want to lodge a protest vote against McCain now that he’s most likely going to be the GOP standard bearer and any other vote is meaningless other than a way to make your point. Maybe the voters who are waiting for the primary will give McCain his numbers. I confess, I have no idea.
Obama is being introduced for his speech now. If you want to watch the WHOLE THING, tune into CNN Streaming now… Being introduced by Gov. Tim Kaine, who endorsed him a year ago.
heh Obama speaking of all his wins tonight. I suspect Hillary’s inner Tracy Flick is suffering a meltdown.
He’s so damn funny about Cheney being his cousin!
“when you do those geneological studies you want to be related to someone cool…”
that’s a great line.
“That’s how Mark Warner won VA
That’s how Tim Kaine won VA.
That’s how Jim Webb won VA.
And if I’m your nominee, that’s how I’ll win VA!”
Even though he seems a bit tired tonight, he’s still on point and on fire. Damn, I wish I was in Richmond. The J-J dinners I attended were NEVER this electric! Awesome!
Obama said (quoting JFK) we never negotiate out of fear but should never fear to negotiate.
I pray that he gets that chance to change the direction of this nation.
He started off reading the speech he gave in New Hampshire, then there was a switch and he seemed to stop reading and just talking.
the second half was almost word for word the speech he gave in the rallies leading up to Super Tuesday.
He’s throwing out the red meat tonight. If I wasn’t convinced already, I’d be convinced tonight.
Is anyone paying attention this?
President – GOP Caucus
2652 of 7150 Precincts Reporting – 37%
Name Party Votes Vote %
Huckabee, Mike GOP 1,828 27%
McCain, John GOP 1,580 23%
Paul, Ron GOP 1,400 21%
Romney, Mitt GOP 1,246 18%
Uncommitted GOP 742 11%
I know very few precincts have reported, but if Huckabee wins, that will be his first win, besides Iowa, outside the Bible belt.
If Huckabee does win WA and LA and sweeps, that means both candidates who won Iowa would have swept their races today.
That is really scary.
I’m still watching it, fabooj!
Beginning to get a little creepy.
Daughter Dear and I did the math. If the current percentages hold up it will turn out that all of the Republican votes put together would not match Hillary’s vote total — and she got less than half the votes Obama did.
Of course half the Republican delegates get chosen in the primary as opposed to 0% of Democratic candidates, so a lot of the Republicans might be waiting until the primary to vote. Hard to say. I don’t like to try to think like a Republican if I can avoid it.
I love the idea of a 4K credit per year for college students in exchange for national service. My kids are racking up college debt at an ungodly rate…
When he said that in St. Louis every kid and every parent in the room went wild.
My daughter just graduated with a degree in anthropology, a job as a banquet server, no health insurance and 25K in student loans
The debt is just crushing.
Obama addresses that he is a “hope monger”
“hope is not blind optimism”
Is really good. It actually shut my little girl up for a moment.
I can’t believe CNN is still live with this post-speech rock star treatment.
The did the same for Clinton and Obama did just win 4 races today.
Via Greg Sargent at TPM this is the Obama team’s memo on tonight’s victories:
Washington, with 78% reporting:
McCain 26%
Huckabee 24%
Paul 21%
Romney 16%
Louisiana, with 92% reporting:
Huckabee 44%
McCain 42%
It looks like Huckabee isn’t going to get his sweep after all.
I don’t know it’s really close. Huckabee is only down by 195 votes. Depends on what precincts are left. Huckabee could still sweep and it would be a hell of a storyline against McCain tomorrow.
I, for one, am staying tuned.
And if 3394 people hadn’t voted uncommitted or for Romney, we’d probably know by now.
for Huckabee.
Still waiting for an update from WA.
What do all those Romney caucus voters have in mind, anyway?
Look at the Louisiana primary on the Dem. side:
3880 of 3966 Precincts Reporting – 98%
Name Party Votes Vote %
Obama, Barack Dem 210,707 57%
Clinton, Hillary Dem 133,360 36%
Edwards, John Dem 12,528 3%
Biden, Joe Dem 6,006 2%
Richardson, Bill Dem 4,098 1%
Dodd, Chris Dem 1,860 1%
Kucinich, Dennis Dem 1,357 0%
I wonder what those people were thinking too. Look at Biden’s numbers.
Weird — but LA was a primary, not a caucus, wasn’t it? Early votes … and besides, in percentage terms, Biden’s numbers there don’t compare well to Romney’s in WA.
Finally an update from WA:
83% of precincts reporting:
McCain 26%
Huckabee 24%
Paul 21%
Romney 17%
It continues to be freakishly bunched up.
So much for a Huckabee sweep, I guess.
Earlier in this thread I quoted exit polls which showed that 82% of blacks chose Obama, 70% of whites chose Clinton, and 49% of voters were black, 46 were white.
For Obama to win by 21, either they underestimated black turnout, or the proportion was more stark among blacks, or Obama won a higher percentage of whites.
CNN has called Louisiana for Huckabee. Washington still up in the air.