I promise to be less cranky. How’s the news coverage?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
You mean the news coverage of your crankiness? It’s intense.
why so cranky?
I have excuse: I’m sick, and Phila Teaching Fellows didn’t come through.
next year I guess.
I’m really sorry to hear that, brendan. I know how much you were looking forward to that, and what a big part of your plans it is.
that’s OK.
I applying again in summer.
I don’t take no for an answer. And I know what I have to do better this time.
But at this point I’m going to change the subject: I don’t know if my ex drops by here (I doubt it) and don’t want to talk it up to much.
I’m cranky too. AND I have the vapors.
Do not despair mah deah, tomorrow is anothah day!
You know, looking through the program guide, I see that MSNBC “THE Place For Politics” has pre-recorded documentary-type programs like “Born in the wrong body” and “Lockup” ALL DAY LONG. This is an elections returns day and this is their superior political coverage?
You might be amused to note that the show airing on MSNBC right now, labeled “Deadly Encounters,” is actually an infomercia for Hillary Clinton. (A similiar segment for McCain aired under the same label a day or two ago, while the Hillary show aired under the name “The Mind of Manson”).
I mean, I know you can’t judget a book by its cover, but wow!
Live updates from the Nebraska Democratic caucuses
But come on…
It wouldn’t be the Democratic Party if it was organized.
From BrainyQuote
good site to keep handy. Updates every 5 mins.
Nebraska Preliminary results favor Obama
link to statewide and by districts
I’m a bit cranky too but my excuse is that I woke up this morning to an inch of water in my bathroom. I live in a condo on the first floor and the drain from the building to the sewer blocked up overnight and my upstairs neighbor ran their washing machine this morning. Ugh! Call the homeowners association, call a plumber, mop up all the water, wash the bath rugs. But hey, the floor’s REALLY clean now, so that’s an upside I guess.
I was cranky. I spent all day yesterday waiting around the house for a Fed-Ex delivery and spent way too much time at TalkLeft, Hullabaloo and elsewhere writing about whether or not the use of “pimp” on CSNBC was the most godawful thing ever to have happened in the history of politics. Banging your head against a wall will give you a headache and make you cranky. When I woke up I was still cranky, but Girlfriend and I took a walk along the beach this afternoon. A little exercise is great for you. They’ve buried the whale that was stinking up things there for months. All’s well now. Lots of sun. Spring is around the corner.
My uncle lives near there and my goodness, I had to stop talking to him because all our conversations devolved inton 30 min. rants about that whale.
Amazing statistics on the day the votes are counted, a really nice upsurge.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Pitiful – I actually turned to Faux News for a minute to get some kind of news but, alas, I can only suppress my gag reflex for so long.
So, Huckabee wins Kansas. Anyone admit to being a teeny bit worried? I know they’re saying he doesn’t have a chance, but christ it’s scary just the same to even think about it.
That guy doesn’t have a chance in hell to get elected. Have you read the diaries on him over at Street Prophets? The guy and the company he keeps is enough to scare away even middle of the road voters.
Now that I live down here in The South™ my certainty that America would never elect someone like him is somewhat shaken…
I have a friend who is very liberal, and has always voted Democratic. The other day, he told me that if it came to Hillary vs. Huckajesus, he’d vote Huckajesus or stay home.
I was absolutely blown away. The only mitigating factor is that he doesn’t pay as much attention to politics as he once did, and what he’s seen of the Huckster is that he’s a nice guy who was a popular governor. That’s his appeal.
I think if it actually came down to those two (HIGHLY unlikely), and he got to know more about him, there’s no way he’d vote for him. The last thing the U.S. needs right now is a President who thinks cavemen rode dinosaurs while hunting down sabre tooth tigers and woolly mammoths.
Aw shucks, he does seem like an engaging guy – until you piss him off and he starts spitting hellfire and brimstone at you.
About this time of the election cycle there are a lot of people who say if it’s this one or that one I’ll go crazy and vote for ___. Eh? Maybe my political gag reflex is better as I get older, but I start the election cycle at my perceived left side and just move to the next candidate as they get eliminated.
Huckabee’s got a bigger problem than his 6000 year-old Old Testament world view. A lot of what comes out of his mouth is actually Christian, i.e., vaguely socialist sounding. The Rethugs won’t let him anywhere near the nomination.
I’m actually glad he’s still in the race. I don’t think he can get the nomination, but I wouldn’t want the Republican party all unified while we’re still having primaries and caucuses to determine our nominee.
It’s sunny here. I mean, we can actually see blue in the sky. That is just tremendously good for the morale.
Daughter has a play date this afternoon, followed by a school pool party. Indoor pool, but still seems like weird timing for such a thing.
Demetrius got the Futurama DVD “Bender’s Big Score” for Christmas. We watched the main feature while in Chicago with family, and watched the special features just last night. That’s where we learned about this
Definitely some bona fide geeks working on that show.
Futurama reruns were on between Christmas and New Years and I watched many of them with our eldest son who is a computer engineer. Some of the jokes he had to explain to me. I thought it was hilarious and very sophisticated. Became a fan–instantly!
Somehow I missed Futurama when it was on (I’m not a big TV watcher), but started netflixing it this week. Saw the first disc. Great stuff.
We rarely watch TV, but we had family here for the holidays, and we found Futurama to be great fun. Many of the reruns were on in the middle of the night–those I skipped!
news?…you mean there’s other stuff besides the elections…who knew?!
other than the increasingly fascist border guards seizing laptops and other electronic devices…ya know cameras, blackberries, cell phones, etc. under the supposition that “laptop-equals-suitcase”; india’s relationships with iran going south due to tensions because they launched an israeli spy satellite specifically aimed at iran; the fbi deputizing businesses as vigilantes with their lnfragard™ program; people think less of chimpy and congress than genital herpes; yet the senate, and probably the house, are likely to give him everything he wants re: fisa when they finally get around to voting on tuesday…other than that, things are just ducky.
unfortunate b/c there’s important stuff passing under the primaries’ radar. That FBI Infraguard program is just scary. Perhaps we won’t have an election…come October martial law is declared?
it is. note the use of “when“, not “if“…but you can be one of the kewl kidz…not only do you get privileged information, you get a nifty brown shirt and armband, upgrades available depending on your vetted status of course.
Also, the pastors were deputized. Won’t take much to do a false flag. They are preparing for riots…the boys are soiling as we face financial meltdown at hand in the trillions – a shitpile- and there’s nothing the Powers- That-Be can do to avoid it. – coupled to food hyper-inflation with wheat at a 60 year low.
…wheat at a 60 year low…???????????…where are you getting your info?
commodities are going thru the roof: Wheat Prices Surge to Record High
jezeus…ethanol is driving the price of corn over the horizon too, tho l haven’t as handy a link for that.
CNN needs a geography lesson:

Where are the Republicans and Democrats voting again? This is cap from their Politics page. It’s been like that all day long and no one has caught it.
They fixed it! It only took 8 hours too!
The Most Trusted Name in News.
Or something.
Well shit…
that WOULD explain why Kansas has been colder this winter…. they dun moved us north! Who knew?
Just what is the matter with Kansas?
it’s the belt buckle.
Is anyone watching this? On the livestream of the Seattle caucus, there’s a lady on there in a pink sweater. The camera is just on her and nothing is happening. I guess she’s the reporter. Anyway, she’s checking her text messages and get this…she actually moves her lips when she reads!
Is she part of the best political team in the universe?
I turned on the TV to see if she was on there, and when I got back here, they cut the stream. 🙁
It’s obviously habitual.
Talking to my husband, we were wondering if she does it because she’s used to it from her job. Still, I have friends who are or have been news anchors and they don’t move their lips with they read.
Yeah – she evidently asked someone at HQ if they wanted to cover Gregoire when she arrived, but added, “there’s a problem. She’s for Obama.” Something like that.
Apparently you’re not alone, Booman. The AP reports that Clueless Leader is cranky too.
What’s up with the low turnout in Louisiana? Have they just given up?
they’re all at work.
I thought they were all forced to move to Houston.
awwww – it wouldn’t be an election day if you weren’t cranky 🙂
Why aren’t you at the movies or something?
I know what Shuster said was terrible, but he’s done a lot of great reporting, and if she gets him fired, as she’s now trying to, I’m not voting for her in the general.
Here’s hoping Obama slaughters he tonight.
To me it sounds like she’s trying to distract the media from her losses today by changing the storyline to what a great and protective mother she is and how mean the media is and has always been to the Clintons.
I don’t have cable, so if David Schuster rang my doorbell right now I wouldn’t know who he was. And I only saw what he said on a youtube — where he was off camera? But this seems a complete overreaction on her part.
It’s nothing but a psychodrama. I’d be increasingly convinced the Clinton campaign was supported by the snotty “popular” girls we all went to high school with were it not for the fact that young people don’t vote for her.
It’s just like The Snub<sup>TM</sup>. (“Barack is such a sexist! Oooooo, she’s so not going to the prom with him!”)
I also notice that these eruptions generally occur either when something bad has just happened to her campaign or is about to happen. If you are organizing news you would much rather spend your time cursing the awfulness of Shuster than the upcoming whupping Clinton was about to get.
I also think that these things are motivational exercises for core Clinton people. It helps to reinforce the “us against them” that seems to permeate their campaign.
By the way, flipping around the stations I see Harold Ford and Patrick Buchanan selling the Clinton story as we see the “Obama 69%” in the background.
It’s pretty obvious that they’re hammering the Shuster story in order to drum up support among women. For people like us, who pay close attention to the mechanics of politics, it’s obviously a stunt. But I’m not sure the typical voter sees it that way.
Just came screamin back from our local WA state caucus. I got there early, cause I can’t help myself and there was our trust old timer leader, he had reserved a room to hold about 20 people. I started draggin chairs out into the barn. And then the people started arriving…
It’s one thing to watch this Dem explosion of energy on a monitor or tv screen, it’s quite another to go through the caucus experience.
All ages. Teenagers that braved the closed passes to come home after being at Key Arena bouncing off the walls they were so full of excitement. Cautious middle aged folks, loud and cantankerous older folks in wheelchairs, military, hippies, you name it they all just kept walkin in the door.
I know this doesn’t sound like much, but last caucus we had 5 people show up.
Today, the headcount was 188.
Bottomline: 8 for Clinton 180 for Obama.
That’s incredible, not just the number who showed up at a caucus on a Saturday, but the vote too.
Wow – thanks for the report!
That sounds like a lot of fun. We used to have caucuses here. I caucused for Gary Hart in the 80’s and I still remember the experience fondly.
But primaries are easier to run.
Yeah, the running joke was that no one had seen hide nor hare of a Rep and that they must be holding their caucus down at the men’s room at Les Schwaab.
Is that was Larry Craig is calling it these days?
I did hear Larry Craig’s name mentioned.
My sister’s caucus should be out soon, I’ll give her a call to see how hers went. She’s over on the westside.
Ok, sister says westside caucus triple # of people from last time, 75% Obama 15% for Clinton 10% for Edwards.
She said the caucus site for the Rep – the parking lot was empty.
Wow – thanks for the live reporting!
At my California precinct last week, one pollworker lamented the nearly untouched stack of Republican ballots. 😀
WOW! What area do you live/caucus in?
Sister is in very northwest corner close to the border.
I’m directly east about 100 miles, technically eastern Washington state.
She said her group also tagged in an amendment??? asking for impeachment of Bush as well as a request for WA state Dem Party to get rid of either caucus or primary. Creative bunch them.
Did anyone watch Lipstick Jungle this week? They pre-empted it here because of the shooting. Is it worth me taping it when they repeat it at 12:30 a.m. Monday morning?
I didn’t watch but the commenters at jezebel.com said that it sucked. Of course, they hate Cashmere Mafia, too, so I’m not sure I trust their judgement. Both are basically soap operas about beautiful women with powerful jobs, outstanding wardrobes and the handsome men who woo them. I’m not sure what’s wrong with fantasy myself… If you can pre-set your tape, why not? Can’t remember why I didn’t watch it. Must have been watching some Hallmark romance movie instead.
Via TPM The Cleveland Plain Dealer just endorsed Obama. I seldom think newspaper endorsements mean anything except annoyance to the candidate not endorsed. But it is what it is.
now I have a fever.
I had something like that a few weeks ago. I’m just barely better.
So far:
Nebraska is being called for Obama with 73% of the precincts reporting. In WA we have this:
President – Dem Caucus