Happy Sunday!
It’s been a busy couple of weeks here, so I don’t think I have as much to share as usual, but here it goes…
First off, the boyfriend socks now have heels and are modeled by the intended wearer:
I just have about an inch of ribbing to go, and then i can cast them off and post a picture of the finished socks (maybe even later today). Yay!
And then there’s my sweater. I think I mentioned last time that I had decided to bite the bullet and get a set of KnitPicks interchangeable circular needles. They come with needle tips and cables that screw together to make multiple sizes of circular needles, instead of having to buy all different needles sizes and lengths of cables, which can get expensive. Well, they came last week:
I resisted the temptation all this week (wanting to finish the socks before I started my sweater), but finally gave in to the temptation on Thursday night. Here are the sleeves cast on, with the hem portion already finished and the first row of the cable pattern started. And yes, those are CBtE’s orthodontic rubber bands on the needles for markers. 🙂
I’m really looking forward to working on the sweater for awhile. The needles are much larger and the yarn much heavier than what I use for socks, so it should go pretty quickly.
That’s all I’ve got this week. What’s on your needles?
“Knit me the fabric of your thoughts.” 🙂
Hi,CG this is the poncho I finished the other day, I am now working on a shell (tank top, sort of)link which is a lot more complicated and nearly drove me mad yesterday, but today I think i have it mastered, front is done and back is started. Will have it done tonight.
Pretty! I like the way you used the variegated and dark green yarns.
That looks great, and the colors are so pretty! What colors are you using for the tank top/shell?
You’ll have to post more photos when you finish it.
Way to go Diane!! How did you do the collar? What yarn did you use? I just love how the color changes from the top down and am curious how you managed that effect.
Hi Kama, and btw I love the projects you posted, very nice…

The whole thing is crochet on the poncho, the collar is crocheted on after the rest is done, To get the color changes I just changed yarn several times during making, the yarn is red heart from Lions Brand I think, got it from JOannes. This project is done in the round, from the neck down, it’s the easiest to do once you get the hang of it.
This is the shell top I finished last night, the colors don’t come out that good on these pics, the solid is a light avacado green.
As promised, here are photos:
The finished blue socks – started in November, finished the end of January. Size 2 needles and an unknown wool fingering weight yarn (a garage sale find).
The pair I just started using KnitPicks Palette in Marine Blue. I’m working a small lace panel up the instep and will work it all the way around the cuff.
A sweater I just started for my grand-daughter. The fair isle pattern will run from the neckline down to the wrist and then I’ll repeat it at the bottom of the body. I’m designing this one as I go and hopefully will be able to finish it without any seams. The pink cotton yarn is the crocheted chain for the provisional cast on for the underarm seams of the sleeves and the back yoke. I finished the neck shaping on the right front yoke last night and am working down to an equal length with the back yoke, then I’ll tackle the left neck shaping and yoke.
I like your socks. I’m going to have to start watching for yarn at yard sales
And the colors in your granddaughter’s sweater are very pretty. I’m impressed that you can just make it up as you go along. 🙂
How did you figure out how to do that?
This is the start of the design process:
I make a sketch of how I want the sweater to look – this time on a subscription pull-out for USNews because it was handy. Step two is to plug in the measurements for my grand-daughter plus a couple inches in length because she’s growing so quickly. Step three is a swatch, this one on size 10½ needles with worsted weight. Once I have the stitches per inch, it’s easy to calculate how many stitches to cast on. This sweater is knit from the back yoke & sleeve seam up and over the shoulders which is something I’ve never tried before so it should be interesting. I probably should have used short rows on the sleeves to cut the width down at the wrist but I’m going to pick up stitches and decrease some before I start the ribbing.
Hi CG –
Those are some serious needles! Looks like you
could perform a surgical procedure, if need be.
They’re probably really smooth to work with?
Found a great new pattern site – only it’s English –
http://www.diglipin.com. – pretty
challenging stuff (certainly for a “knitting nerd”, such as myself!).
Terrific to see the other beautiful projects so far in the diary.
I just finished a little hat – but have no digital camera to take pic
and show off. Maybe I can get one together for
next week.
Those are some serious needles!
It looks like some sinister surgeon’s slaughter kit…
They are really smooth, comparable to my other favorites (addi turbos). I’m liking them.
I hope you’ll post pictures of your little hat. nd I think you should do that greenjeans sweater you posted the link to a while back. If you need help with it, it would be a great excuse for me to make a trip to the city. 😉
Ha! The “greenjeans sweater” – wasn’t that the one that’s knit in 1 piece and has lots of cables? Can you come for the
weekend, or better yet, the entire week?! We’ll have to coordinate our schedules!
Hey all. I’ve only got a couple of minutes, but I wanted to check in and say hello.
I finished my last scarf (it’s great) and started another with some more fad fun yarn. I’m not too thrilled with it, but KamaKid is.
The on Friday, I finally got the wool I ordered for a hat for KamaKid and some extra for my stash. It’s a worsted weight wool and when I knit up a swatch, I was blown away. Now that I knit “right”, I discovered that my knitting really looked like it was supposed to! ;>)
I started the hat last night. It’s based on Dobby’s hat from Harry Potter. I’ll post links and pics later if I can.
I got some pics.
My first scarf was a disaster and it is currently still wrapped into a ball in the hopes of getting it to uncurl.
My second scarf, however, is pretty nice. It is a basic seed stich with fringe:
My third scarf is in fun fur and it is pretty dense:
My fourth project is this funky hat which I’ve started here:
Kamakid wanted hot pink and black. The pink is just my test swatch. If it fits, it should be fun. I’m still terrified of circular needles, so I picked this pattern because I was sure KamaKid would like it and because it was knit flat. I haven’t got to the dreaded decreases and slipped stitches yet, but I’m happy with my ribbing.
I’m loving the boyfriend socks. I have the KP Harmony set on my wishlist. I just can’t seem to push the button to buy them yet, though I really want to try circ needles.