Recent Posts
- Day 28: Democracy Dies In Darkness
- Day 26: People Discover That American Fascists Like German Fascists
- Day 25: The Fascist Regime Comes for the Federal Prosecutors
- Day 23: The Fascist Regime and House Budget Committee Are Coming for Medicaid
- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
new cafe.
Am I dreaming or is CG up this early?
If so, Good morning CG.
Yep. No power, no heat from 3 pm yesterday until 2 am. Ugh.
Morning CG. Morning FM. Sorry to see you both up so early.
I have the perfect picture for Monday morning — a blue fog.
Morning Andi.
Now how did you make that fog look blue? 🙂
That is an amazing picture. I don’t think I’ve ever seen blue fog.
I’d seen one before this one. It was really cool but I don’t have any idea what made it look that way.
Don’t have any chemical weapons plants nearby do you?
If the pack starts growing extra ears or tails, I think I would worry. 🙂
Don’t you think we ought to be more worried about spooky aliens?
Nah, not the spooky ones at least. If aliens are involved I prefer to think of the friendly, non-probing type. 🙂
Woke up coughing, but I think that’s under control now, so I headed back to bed.
I would say enjoy, but I know Mondays are not an enjoyable day. So here’s to a fast work day for you.
I’m going to spend today worrying about the weather since I’ve got to be traveling tomorrow … which means today will just drag.
You’ve obviously been graced by a visit from the ghost of old TC. A totally benign gentleman, I can assure you.
He was one of the great ones.
Lucky is the boy who gets to grow up around people like this.
Very nice capture, Andi!
Beautiful image, Andi!
Trees are the loveliest things, really — & for some reason, their outlines in fog only bring out their beauty.
‘Morning, everyone. Hope the chill’s providing invigoration rather than headache. Got the WeatherChannel on the box & currently see immense bands of snow stretched over the nation’s upper left for the next day or so.
That’s the upper right.
(Note to self: stop looking at weather maps politically.)
Good morning, CG(!), Andi and FM!
Brrr, I had to turn on the fan heater this morning. We’re down to 12.
It’s cold here too. Makes me want to crawl back in bed.
I say; go for it!
Busy week coming up?
Yep. I’ll be out of town Tues-Friday, unless the winter storm stops me from getting there tomorrow.
9 degrees now but going up to 11! Woohoo!
what do you get when you cross the food network and the huckabee campaign?
squirrel melts
I held out hope til the very end that it was a parody.
What? You’ve never eaten squirrel?
You knew this picture was coming. 🙂
FM, you know I’m in lust with a man who’s entire hometown shut down for the opening of squirrel hunting season. It’s the mayonnaise that grosses me out….:)
Well there’s the problem. They didn’t use Miracle Whip. 🙂
That combo of mayo and heating in the oven makes me want to hurl.
Speaking of…how are you and FMom feeling?
I’m feeling a little bit better today, but FMom is another story. She’s going through the chills/fever thing right now. I’ve already told her that if by tomorrow she doesn’t feel any better, then I’m taking her to the doctor’s office. It’s like pulling teeth to get her to the doctor sometimes.
How is Nature Boy feeling? I hope better.
He’s finally turned the corner, but the cough is hanging on. It’s scary when old folks get sick. My son is 18 and strong as hell and it had him feeling like death warmed over.
Is she keeping hydrated?
Yep old people and very young always scare me when they get the flu. I’m pushing liquids on her all the time, but she has been sleeping a good bit. Her appetite is still normal at this point, but with her coughing I’m afraid she’ll start getting too nauseous. I don’t know how long this will last, but hopefully it will be over soon.
I’m glad to hear Nature Boy is feeling better. I know how he feels on the cough. I woke up in the middle of the night from coughing.
I’ve watched this like five times and I laugh every single time. It reminds me so much of when my two youngest boys were this age.
Going out of town for the rest of the week for work (snow, sleet, and freezing rain permitting).
Hope everybody has a better day than I’m going to.
See ya.
Ya beat me by a second Andi. Have a safe trip.
Bon voyage Andi!
We’re at 59 at the moment and expecting thunderstorms later today. I’ve got to get FMom to the doctor today for her flu, and whatever is bothering George, I’ve got a vets appointment for him.
I don’t know if Andi has already headed out, but here’s hoping you a safe trip and a little relief from the beige hell.
How is everyone today? Hope if you’re working, today passes fast, and if you’re slacking….. well you know what to do. 🙂
Not headed out yet. Just getting ready by fretting about the weather, though it looks like as soon as I get just a bit north of us, there won’t be much of anything.
I’m afraid that the BCOD is my sad fate but thanks for the nice thoughts.
Well just try and imagine while you in CA that you’re out on a beach or mountain instead of the BCOD. I used to get through many a boring meeting that way. 🙂
Unfortunately, it’s very hard to spend your time daydreaming when you’re the one who’s supposed to be leading the meeting.
Good news though is that they barely got anything north of us and aren’t expecting to get much more so my drive to the airport shouldn’t be that bad.
I’m happy to hear the driving won’t be as treacherous as expected.
It’s been so long since I’ve had to go to an airport I’m sure I wouldn’t know what the heck is going on now. But, being the seasoned traveler you are, I sure you just cruise on through. 🙂
OMG. Did the two of you know that it’s still dark at this hour of the morning? No wonder I usually stay in bed until 8:00.
Is it still dark outside? 🙂
What are you doing up so early BTW?
Racing thoughts. You?
Coughing got me up. You just rare those thought in and drift off to slumberland. 😉
That’s the thing about racing thoughts; the more you try to control them the more they race around.
But I am starting to yawn again. Don’t take it personally. 😉 Good night.
It’s a talent to be as boring as I am. You have a good sleep. 🙂
to such an ugly truth. 😉
That’s okay. It’ll never happen again and I’ll just think this experience was a bad dream.
Have a safe flight.
I habitually repeat my mistakes.
I see you’re going back to bed … have a nice long nap.
Andi are we bad dreams?
I feel so ethereal all of a sudden. 🙂
If we are, can we wake ourselves up and get out of the dream or will we just go poof.
Well, I gotta go get ready for my slog to California.
See ya.
See ya Andi.
Take care.
There’s no such thing as cruising through an airport anymore. It’s just one giant pain in the ass.
I’ve got to go to St. Louis from the 24th-28th (yay dinner with MaryB) and I decided to drive because the driving to the airport time, going through security and other airport loitering time, flying time, messing with the airport and rental car time add up to about the same as the just driving there time.
If it’s within a reasonable driving distance, I’d rather drive every time. As much as I hate flying, I’d say a reasonable driving distance is 2-3 thousand miles. 🙂
Plus I’m jealous. Dinner with Mary. :~)
The main problem is that the drive between here and St. Louis is really, really boring so if I’m tired (as I will be on the way back), it can be hard to concentrate. I’ll get some audio books from the library to help — seems odd but listening to the books actually seems to make me pay more attention to driving. I guess because it keeps me from fogging out.
Listen to “I am America; and You Can Too” by Stephen Colbert.
Will it make me laugh a lot … because I almost killed myself while driving once because I was laughing so hard at Rita Rudner.
I’ve never been a music person while driving. Some people say that music while driving keeps them awake. It’s the direct opposite for me. I’d much rather listen to people speaking.
Good morning all! No school in our county today, but the rest of us worker bees must go pollen gathering. Ugh, we were all hoping for a snow day:(
Good morning ID.
To work when everyone else if off should be against the law!
Tell ya what. Our next snow day down here, I’ll be happy to give it to you. 🙂
Good luck at the doctor’s.
It’s bitter cold here today. Ugh.
And I have a work deadline for this morning. Luckily, my project is almost finished.
Morning CG and thanks.
I just looked at our weather and it’s 55 right now. Dropped a few degrees in the last hour. Yep I know exactly what you mean by bitterly cold. 😉
Hope the day goes good for ya.
That’s it, just rub it in…
Now CG, would I ever do that?
Has anyone seen the umbrella for my hammock. 😉
It’s right next to the shuffleboard equipment.
and fu-fu frozen drink with the little umbrella in it…
is a bitch.
Way too early greetings from California.
Whoa, go back to bed.
I tried but I was wide awake.
Ah well, at least I left the freezing rain behind.
And sent it to us, I’m afraid. Second multiple-hour power outage this week.
At least t wasn’t as cold as it was Sunday.
Good morning, Andi and SN!
Looking out and thinking; no need to go out today!
We got 2-3 inches of snow yesterday, then it changed to freezing rain and sleet. It’s a mess out there now.
Sounds like a good day to play hooky. Rainy and 60s here but we really really need the rain and it smells great, so who am I to complain?
Stay warm!
It’s nice and warm in here, but I have a doctor’s appointment a bit later this morning so staying in is not an option.
I left some kind of mess behind me at home. I’m the dogs (or the weather gods) get it all cleaned up before get back.
Be careful when you go out.
No worries.
How do you deal with those long, awake mornings in some random hotel? Hope you have a good book.
I saw that areas of Indiana that got flooded are now frozen over and some are still without power. How miserable.
Turn your head and cough, then.
Good morning all. Snow and ice on the roads, I should have stayed home today.
Just got informed that I’m to bring snacks to the County Dem Meet next month. I was thinking that it would be fun to get some cookie cutters that have the New Donkey that’s kicking up his heels. Anyone found a source?
Hopefully there will be lots more get togethers as the season rolls out.
I wonder how difficult it would be to do an elephant’s head on a platter;-)
Good morning, everyone!
We’re finally clear of the rain.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
And it looks as if Andi may have adjusted to the westerly time zone.
I’m up! And there’s a new cafe too!