All of the FISA amendments are failing.
Feingold/Webb (Sequestration) S.Amdt. 3979 rejected.
Dodd/Feingold (Stripping Retroactive Immunity) S.Admt. 3907 rejected.
Feinstein (FISA is exclusive means) S. Admt. 3910 rejected.
They are voting now on the Specter/Whitehouse ‘substitution’ amendment that would make the federal government the defendant in any civil suits against the telcos. This would be better than immunity. I expect it to fail, too.
On Dodd’s amendment, the following Democrats sold us out:
Bayh (D-IN), Carper (D-DE), Conrad (D-ND), Feinstein (D-CA), Inouye (D-HI), Johnson (D-SD), Kohl (D-WI), Landrieu (D-LA), Lieberman (ID-CT), Lincoln (D-AR), McCaskill (D-MO), Mikulski (D-MD), Nelson (D-FL), Nelson (D-NE), Pryor (D-AR), Rockefeller (D-WV), Salazar (D-CO)
Stabenow (D-MI), Webb (D-VA)
Obama did show up to vote…Clinton did not.
Update [2008-2-12 12:34:53 by BooMan]: Cloture has been invoked 69-29.
Obama’s now getting my money.
Benny “The ‘Do” Nelson – no surprise there. Jerk.
Bastiges, all of them.
was it under the simple majority or the 60 vote rule?
50 votes.
I hope some of the leftover energy from Paul Wellstone’s desk (as a reminder of what he stood for) rubs off on Obama.
At random, Obama was assigned the desk Paul Wellstone (may he RIP) used in the Senate. Apparently senators carve their names in their desk drawers.
Quite some shoes to fill.
Remind me again why I worked my ass off for McCaskill last year?
Jim Talent. Majority Leader McConnell.
I know.
I’m not sorry I worked for a Dem majority.
I just want to know who it was that told her she should be voting that way. Didn’t she indicate last summer that someone she respected had urged her to support this?
Other Dems on the Armed Services committee I think.
(202) 224-6154
Call her. I just did.
I call all the time.
I picture the guy I usually get on the phone chewing gum and rolling his eyes at me.
Don’t get me started on her.
on a 50-vote bill.
Call her and ask why not? The aides think that it’s just fine to break the law. I said “Hey, they pay their lawyers millions of dollars.” The aides are with the telecoms.
How much is Claire getting from the telecoms?
The assholes I worked my own ass off for are all on the list of the Hateful Eighteen. Won’t be doing it again. I’m beginning to believe we’d be better off with another 20 years of GOP rule, because nothing’s going to change this country but a revolution.
Didn’t Dodd pledge to filibuster all the way through, and didn’t Leahy pledge to join him?
Same shit, different capitulation from these habitual liars and traitors, all of them. Dem congress, suck it.
You can’t filibuster if at least 60 vote to cut off debate. I guess he didn’t get enough to join him.
Webb. Again.
Another nail in the coffin of the stupid notion that Dem veterans automatically make good politicians.
Maybe someday people will flash on the fact that the military is not exactly a hotbed of democratic sentiment. It is — by necessity, to be fair — an autocratic, authoritarian state-within-a-state, and the values that are necessary to a functioning military are antithetical to the free society it serves.
Bullseye! The military is not a democracy. I’m still disappointed in Webb. Dammit.
well said!
I’m going to save this to quote to Wes Clark fans.
can I wish cancer on them now?
if you don’t care about karma.
I think it balances out. Casey voted the right way, correct? I’m going to send out a DL bulletin citing this post.
Im with Pat Robertson I think it was, I am wishing for god to call many of them home.
Dude, don’t do it! The last time I wished ill on politicians, I sliced up my toe (through the toenail, too) on broken glass, nearly broke my leg falling over a marble coffee table when my dog tripped me, and got bronchitis to boot.
Those Clintons have some bad mojo… 😉
On the other hand, for years, my 91 year old grandmother has been saying “pray his plane goes down” every time Bush travels. She also thought it was a shame Cheney’s wasn’t hurt in the Bagram bombing. Shes been healthy and may the Gods Bless her she’s a hoot. So I say, Go for it Brendan!
This is not a good vote.
Members of the Senate New Democratic Coalition
On stripping retroactive immunity:
* Sen. Max Baucus of Montana- YES
* Sen. Thomas R. Carper of Delaware- NO
* Sen. Kent Conrad of North Dakota- NO
* Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota- NO
* Sen. Herb Kohl of Wisconsin- NO
* Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana- NO
* Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut- NO
* Sen. Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas- NO
* Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida- NO
* Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska- NO
* Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas- NO
* Sen. Ken Salazar of Colorado- NO
* Sen. Debbie Stabenow of Michigan- NO
Still want Clinton?
Where is Hillary? Call and ask…
REmember that Hillary missed this vote.
no surprises…salazar is a lost cause. but where’d the filibuster go?
looks like the house is the last stand.
mark udall’s office responded to my last letter with this rather vague answer:
here’s the contact info for the HOUSE, and a direct link to PELOSI.
FDL petition Tell House Members to Stand Firm Behind the RESTORE Act!
That all of Feinstein’s bleating and hand-wringing over what the Bush administration was doing, was an act. Again.
From the DSCC-DCCC in March 2006
Lying and incompetent sacks of shit. That is what they are.
Yes. The Democratic party is dead. For me, as with torture, this issue was a bright line issue. The Democrats crossed that line and I can not be a member of a party that crossed that line. It’s that simple.
This President admitted to illegal spying on the American people and the “opposition” party not only did nothing, they changed the law to make the illegal legal, and made sure there would be no investigation into what happened. Worse, they pretend like they actually opposed the lawless spying while they quietly worked to aid and abet it.
I really can’t support any of the Democrats right now. Was there a single Senator that was offended and publicly spoke out about Reid not honoring Dodd’s hold? Or that the majority leader rigged the game to help the VP? Where is the outrage? Where? Obama is nearly as guilty as Hillary.
Screw them. I’m not voting for these traitors to the constitution.
Last night I sat well into the wee hours watching Chris Dodd on C-Span speaking on the Senate floor, until my wife wouldn’t quit yelling at me to come to bed. I couldn’t stop watching because in my gut I really felt that I was watching, literally, the final dismantling and destruction of the heart and soul of our republic. You call it a bright line issue, but to me it would seem to be much, much more than that. Our representatives have completely ceded, absolutely completely ceded ALL of the responsibilities of their elected office to an executive branch which has admitted to breaking the law and violating, with impunity, the Constitution of this country. The Constitution, the founding document of all things which have made this country the preeminent example of mans capacity for representative self government. Indeed, it has been the benchmark on which our humanity as a country has been built.
And it is now as quaint an object in this country as the Geneva Conventions were to Alberto Gonzales.
Jesus, what a sickening and sad day to be an American citizen.
or going into territory that “everybody knows” . . . the choice between Clinton and Obama, while important, is of less importance than getting Democratic majorities into the House and Senate, and not just Democrats, but our kind of Democrats — ones that will stand up to this nonsense. I am hoping that once we take solid control of the White House and both houses of Congress this whipped-dog mindset will evaporate like the morning dew, but I am also prepared to be disappointed.
Exactly. We have no hope in Nebraska (it’s either Nelson or the GOP – this state is terminally stupid). But there is hope elsewhere and that’s where the work needs to be done (and where my money will go).
The SINGLE good thing I can swallow on this is that with the obvious commitment that Feingold has to this, Obama showed support today while Hillary did not AND Obama is up 11 pts in Wisconsin. If I’m to force myself to look beyond the battle, hopefully I can see Feingold endorse Obama before the Wisconsin primary.
Not much to hold out for, but it’s something
Like I said in my earlier post. To hell with the Dems. tHEY DON’T WANT MY VOTE.I strongly urge that the dnc needs to hear your anger. Don’t VOTE DEM!
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t retroactive immunity unconstitutional? Surely the Supreme Court will throw this out.
It’s sort of like saying that they were spying on us because of 9/11 when they started spying on us before 9/11.
Since when did the Constitution stop anybody from doing what they want to do? For a look at who’s “protecting” the Constitution on the supine court, here’s Scalia:
TPM has a story that Dodd will filibuster a House-Senate compromise bill that includes immunity. Now is the time to put maximum pressure on House members to stick to their guns, even if it means sending a bill that Bush will veto.
Damn, I wish Dodd was still in the president race.
I called my Senator (Stab em now) and expressed dismay over her vote.
I actually sat next to her at a Dem Party function a couple of years ago and thought that it was pretty cool. Not anymore. If she is on the ballot next time I’ll vote Green or Socialist or even for Mickey Mouse for that matter. Besides Dodd, who is left in the Senate that is worth anything???
why not start voting Green or Socialist now, as a rule, since all these dems, who you, me, and so many others, like MaryB, who worked her tail off for, have turned and crapped on us all? Where is one example of a success or a stand that this group has made since they were given a majority to do what they pledged to do if we elected them? I don’t see one. And these are no small capitulations. They are accomplices in the destruction of the very core fiber of what this country is supposed to stand for.
I can’t do it any longer. I’m a Green. But I crossed over where it counted in 04 and 06, so I was halfway out the door to begin with. But what keeps so many dems tied to this now almost ritualistic beatdown that you’re all taking? At what point is enough black eyes enough? I can’t understand it.
Don’t the precious corp of America realize that warrantless wiretaps don’t have to be limited to Joe on the Street? We’ve already seen a Boeing vs Airbus abuse, this could bring a whole new element to Bush’s no-bid military contracts to say the least.
While the corp are busy strategizing over the phone/email their very corp strategies can be listened into.