Time to throw in the towel. When you are losing by margins of 20% to 30% or more in every primary since Super Duper Tuesday, further campaigning on your part is counterproductive and selfish. You might have made a good president but it isn’t going to happen for you. Give it up, please, before you just give the GOP more ammunition against Obama in the Fall.
Aren’t you just a bit curious about what sort of misleading oppo dump she’ll do on Obama in the TX or OH debates? Just a little?
I doubt she has anything significant to dump on him. Believe it or not, he may actually be a pretty clean politician. If she had anything, I think she would have already used it.
There are way too many ‘Ls’ up there in her name. You made me slow down on my wine intake for a moment.
Guess I should have slowed down on mine before typing this.
Of course, we can put some numbers together to drive home the point. Essentially, Hillary needs to win 57% of the remaining delegates or even more if she doesn’t get her way with Michigan and Florida.
Short of that, she will have to rely on a combination of superdelegates and MI and FL, and hope to win despite losing 35+ states, the popular vote, and the pledged delegate vote.
It’s over. All that is left is her dignity, should she choose to retain any.
It’s over.
if she continues much longer it’s going to be the old we had to destroy the village to save it…it’ll be very ugly, and neither the country, nor her, deserve that.
a bit of grace and dignity would go along way towards solidifying the party and cementing a democratic sweep in november.
the next few days/weeks are going to be very telling as to the true character of the clintons.
this is the second time she’s failed to acknowledge Obama’s victories. I know it’s not required, but it would certainly show some class.
I don’t see the Clinton machine giving up anytime soon, but will be happy to be surprised.
l don’t anticipate that she will. l expect this fight to go all the way to the convention.
tho, like you, l would welcome it.
Expecting class out of Clinton after the race-baiting campaign that she wages would be much akin to expecting witty repartee from Chimpy McFlightSuit.
Crass? Yes. Class? No.
Hahaha. He said “Chimpy McFlightSuit.”
I’m thinking Hillary’s “dignity” looks something like this…
Only because as I was posting to my blog, I had that song running through my head and I had to put it on.
Hey Fabooj, Where’s the link to your blog? 🙂
But here’s the link too.
Aw hell, I never think to look at a person’s Profile. It was so much easier to bug you for it. 😉
Anyway, thanks.
I was thinking more like the “we must accept our defeats with quiet dignity and grace” scene from Young Frankenstein.
But hey, this works too. Either way we get Gene Wilder.
She’s not going to quit before March 4th. That being said, if she doesn’t win the day decisively, the money spigot’s going to dry up completely – and then there’s no way she can keep running unless she dumps more of the Clinton family wealth into the race.
From a pragmatic standpoint, it’s just about over. The superdelegates have absolutely no incentive to support Clinton at this point in time.
Yeah. And John Edwards was gonna stay in til the convention no matter what. It’s over. She needs to find a graceful way to exit – now. And I’m sure everyone’s telling her that already.
My guess, which I pulled out of my $ORIFICE, is that she’ll stay in the race until March 4th, but it’s a face-saving move at this point. While she still has a mathematical chance to win, it doesn’t seem at all likely, since Obama has all the cash and all the charisma.
Still, it would still be prudent for Obama to campaign like he’s 30 points down and sinking. If nothing else it’ll help him in the general.
You know you’re in trouble when you’re actually having to emulate Mitt Romney as the right thing to do.
No, Hillary will be right there, fighting every step of the way, all the way until the superdelegates have to go on national TV and tell her “it’s over” over.
And then the real damage to the party starts. Not only do I expect her to fight tooth and nail, I expect her to try to generate a surrogate-led backlash against the “male dominated Presidency”.
And it may very well end up with President McCain in November.
Hillary will not go quietly.
The more money she and Bill loan to her campaign, the more she looks like Mitt. Considering how much time and energy her staff is now putting into keeping her major donors on board, it looks as though she may be loaning her campaign more money in the future.
Hillary is certainly a fighter. I was an Edwards backer because I wanted a leader who would fight for us rather than for herself (and her husband’s legacy).
Nagging feeling that what we’ve seen of Hillary’s “Machine”‘s operational deficits and tonedeafness is a peek into what her administration would have been. Bill has indeed demonstrated that he is uncorralable even to the obvious detriment of Hillary’s effectiveness. Was the true reason that she never caught fire really because she was not Bill and because she was standing in his way?
The Chris Matthews note that it’s not a wise thing to speak AFTER Obama, look how Hillary was sandwiched.
How it ends will be interesting, but the ending seems pretty apparent right now. If Obama blasts through Wisconsin and Hawaii, and can outspend in Texas and Ohio, does Clinton even think she can hang on until Pennsylvania? And if she limps into Pennsylvania down a couple hundred delegates, does she really expect to win it all there?
Does she think that the Dems are going to give her delegates from the phony non-primary votes in order to pull her ass out of the fire? If the national Dems try to get some kind of do-over in MI and FL, Clinton has to fight it because the margins will be smaller for her, and she could conceivably lose those states outright now. And her campaign hasn’t figured out how to function in a caucus. Essentially, she has to fight to keep the false primaries in play and refuse any do-overs, which, right about now, looks like a losing strategy.
I’ve been willing to give Hillary the benefit of the doubt, perhaps longer than I should have. Her campaign is after all historic, as it Barack’s. But how long do you continue to extend that benefit when the trend line is and has been from the beginning clearly negative and clearly accelerating?
Well the diary by B-Serious that fabooj mentioned yesterday pretty much nailed to coffin shut for me. If you step back just a little bit and look at both campaigns from that perspective, the Clinton campaign is well past its sell-by date.