Turnout is reported to be high in spite of some inclement weather. One thing to watch for is the primaries in Maryland’s 1st and 4th Districts. The polls just closed in Virginia but will be open until 8pm in Maryland and DC. What do you see happening tonight?
Update [2008-2-12 19:23:31 by BooMan]: The networks called Virginia for Obama as soon as the polls closed. Here are the CNN Exit Polls. Obama got 89% of voters 17-24 and 80% of voters 17-29. Also, McCain is in trouble.
He must have won HUGE in Virginia because CNN just called it for him already.
MSNBC calls it a “Substantial victory”
CNN exit polls.
Boy, Clinton sure made a squeaker out of that bellwether “Catholics who only occasionally go to church” category, didn’t she?
And that question about who’s more fit to be Commander-in-Chief is just absurd. I mean, who would vote for Clinton if they think Obama is better qualified to be CinC, or vice versa? (I suppose they think he would be better at handling domestic/foreign policy but she would be better at handling the military, or something like that. But it still strikes me as absurd.)
Times, UK article quotes close advisor; “Pelosi leaning to Obama?
link to diary, moi
And damn…why does Steven always posts these long and interesting posts right when polls are closing?
Because they are more interesting than exit polls?
Nothing is more important than exit polls. Obama won all groups by level of education. He won men by 31, women by 16. Fantastic numbers.
Very interesting numbers. Absolute blowout.
One thing I wish they would have asked in Virginia is whether the voter is either in the military or a civilian employee of the military. With the pentagon right there, it could reveal some good stuff. I have heard in remarks from reporters who cover the military that Obama is the preferred candidate among military folks that they have spoken with, regardless of party. Makes sense to me, but it would be nice to see this reflected in an actual poll.
It’s a good question. I have heard that Ron Paul and Obama are the leading recipients of contributions from servicemembers.
Didn’t you see me in Vegas? Drool. Flash me some numbers or some blinking lights and I’m done.
Obama wins. Hilary spins. We do it all over again next week. Then we finally have a few days off before the Texas/Ohio lallapalooza in March.
from ari berman at the nation:
Clinton Running Like lt’s 2002:
and more from ari melber, the kerry strategy?:
penn and co.™ are so last election…goin’ down.
Clinton’s Deputy Campaign Manager Steps Aside
“Mike Henry, deputy campaign manager for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) has resigned, according to a source familiar with the decision.”
No. there’s no shake-up.
No. there’s no shake-up…nope, nothing to see here…uh huh
Since Solis Doyle “stepped down on her own,” did Henry decide to step down on his own, too?
Wouldn’t a little honesty be refreshing about now?
10 minutes before polls close next week?
Sssssh . . . that’d spoil the surprise.
Virginians don’t have jobs so they can come out to vote for Obama.
I saw this video earlier today via Sullivan.
Penn (of Penn & Teller) does a stand-up routine with a tasteless Obama/Hillary joke in it and finds that the reaction of the crowd could be more predictive than any poll.
Bitch jokes are just not funny. I think she’d make a great president. I simply think Obama would be better.
(My prediction)
“It’s just a flesh wound!”
Demonizing Clinton. Tsk, tsk…
I thought that was the GOP talking 🙂
what do I see happening? What does it matter? The candidates are bought and they will do what they are told to do by their masters.
Just heard that Maryland has extended their polls to 9:30 because of weather or something. Is that right?
Maryland is going to take a while. B/c of inclement weather, polls will remain open until 9:30.
If there are Marylanders out there who haven’t voted yet, get thee to a polling place ASAP, but safely.
We passed two accidents on our way, and while I was canvassing, I got a call from my Mom and Dad (in VA) saying that their polling places ran out of ballots for the second time, they tried to call their local delegate (who is now a member of the family by marriage) and she couldn’t get her, so she called me. I gave her a bunch of numbers, and then I started calling down there.
With NAACP voter protection folks, the campaign, and me, we made sure there adequate ballots. Hell, they were still PRINTING ballots at about 5:45. WTF!?!?!?! When they said record turnout expected, be fucking prepared!!
OK, I gotta run and make some more calls. More later.
Obama 90% – Clinton 10%.
You know, I’m really sick of this whole “Obama voters are rich latte-liberals who have skads of time to vote while Clinton’s voters work for a living” meme. Russert is musing about whether the extra 90 minutes in MD will give Clinton’s poor working voters extra time to get to the polls. I guess Obama’s voters are out at Starbucks drinking lattes having voted hours ago between their squash game and Botox injections.
With 90% of the black vote going to Obama, I can only assume that Russert thinks black people don’t work or they all have high powered 9-5 M-F jobs.
I think he meant Obama’s “other” voters.
lattes liberals thanks to affirmative action. That’s the next spin.
latte liberals who drive a Volvo is probably the next spin. P.S. Hillary is overdoing it in her speech…kinda of sad.
Today’s “latte drinking liberals” are the same “effete snobs” Spiro Agnew railed against. Us Ordinary People vs. Them High-Falutin’ Mucketymucks. Only the words they use have been changed.
Hmmm, “latte liberals” and “values voters”….liberal media my ass.
They’re saying only black people drink lattes. If we can push that meme, then maybe we can some Starbucks in the ‘hood. Finally.
I kid you not – I can walk to FOUR Starbucks from my house without breaking a sweat.
In my former upscale neighborhood, there were 4 Starbucks within walking distance. The closest one to me now is in a white neighborhood, 3 miles away. The other one is 3.2 miles away in an Asian neighborhood. I guess Latinos don’t drink the coffee, despite the fact that my local (pro-Obama) coffeeshop is does pretty good business.
Reminds me of a joke about someone giving directions. “You go past the Starbucks, make a right at the Starbucks, go two blocks, past the Starbucks, and then make a left and then halfway down the block it’s right across the street from a Starbucks.”
When I worked in the Sunset in San Francisco the locals fought hard to keep them out. There’s one that I know of. That’s it.
There was an Onion headline once something like “Starbucks to open new Starbucks in the restroom of existing Starbucks”
It’s still an ongoing battle in the Richmond. Don’t remember the details but saw something on it recently.
San Francisco is lucky that there are a number of good local coffee shops. I’ve got more Martha’s around me than anything else.
I’m a retired blue-collar worker. I’ve still got questions about Obama. Unfortunately, I’ve already gotten a lot of answers about Clinton.
I hear that Obama won the white men in Virginia. The only discernable subset that Clinton is winning is white women.
I think white women over 50?
I drink mine black with a little sugar.
Then it’s not technically a latte and you are excluded from the latte liberal club. Sorry.
Missed it by that much.
I was recently in MA and when I ordered a “regular” coffee it came out that way–with sugar.
Regular to me is black coffee.
Don’t ever go into a place in the South and just ask for “tea”.
“Tea” is iced tea — with enough sugar or honey in it to make your teeth throb all the way back to the root canals.
hahahaha….the story of my very existence as a yankee in The South™….
Just like “salad” in the midwest can be jello with maybe some pineapple bits and cottage cheese or mayonaise on top.
…and anything cold involving macaroni. Oh and anything cold involving pickled vegetables (the classic midwestern/german salad)
On MSNBC, they just noted that at the Wisconsin rally site (a full stadium,) they have set up the teleprompters at the podium, which is out of the ordinary for an Obama rally. Tells me he’s probably got a new, extra-special victory speech. Watch for it.
I have the world’s crappies TV here in the home office, which I can’t watch anyway because I’m working the night shift tonight and it’s behind me, but I can sure listen.
Lee Rayburn conducting crowd interviews in the meanwhile
Kweisi Mfume – at least 3 times said “Oback Barama”
Once again, that he’s a moron. I can’t stand that man.
Give him a break. A lot of people have misspoken his name over the years.
Better than repeating “Barack HUSSEIN Obama” over and over and over.
It looks to me like MSNBC is calling DC for Obama, with 0% of precincts reporting, showing him ahead in the percentage count, 0% to Clinton’s 0%.
I thought dividing by zero was a bad idea.
and Reuters.
No details. Guessing -they figure if he won VA, D.C. is in his pocket.
Very strange.
based on exit polling I assume.
All this chatter among the pundits over why the republican establishment won’t accept McCain. Idiots. John Cole summed it up so much better than anyone I’ve seen lately. Basically, they want to lose this year for reasons he spells out at his post. (Worth a read.)
That gave me food for thought. Tasty.
the timing couldn’t be worse if they planned it…
Or is this just another piece of “news” from the Clinton campaign to usurp headlines from Obama’s win again like the the Solis Doyle thing?
if their goal is to decrease expectations…perhaps
l don’t see how this is in anyway a positive sign for clinton.
what am l missing…everything l saw about the solis doyle thing was couched in negative terms.
I saw that Solis Doyle said she was leaving to spend time with her family, yet she’s going to be basically Clinton’s handmaiden which sounds like she won’t be spending that much time with her family. The press release stank to me. I thought it was released to stop press about Obama’s sweep and it kind of did.
but the handmaiden ref, as you call it, was an attempt to try and control the negative spin, ims.
imo, this is not good news for team clinton: as idredit notes below, this was the guy who said skip iowa.
l’m certainly not unhappy about, but l sense her campaigns imploding.
She was fired. The story about “occasionally” traveling with Clinton and being a close “advisor” was all bullshit to make it sound – to those who want to be fooled – like it was even a promotion. No, it wasn’t.
The campaign manager’s role is to raise money and dole out money for events, advertising, etc. Solis Doyle wasted so many millions in Hillary’s Senate campaign and also now in her presidential campaign. It’s almost criminal how she managed it. And Hillary refused to see it until she literally ran out of money last month. She didn’t believe much in Internet fund raising, just in big-donor fund raising. So 1990’s…
It’s a shame though that they didn’t also fire the strategists – like Penn. These people have run such a bad campaign… like they haven’t learned anything new in the last 10 years about how it’s done. Pathetic.
Clinton’s take?
“Everybody agrees that this election is about change. And to prove that I’m the candidate who’s most committed to change, to changing the way things get done, I’m changing my entire campaign staff.”
Mike Henry – that’s the guy Hillary should have listened to. In that famous leaked memo, he had a strategy to skip Iowa and conserve cash…or else we’d face SUper Tuesday with a bare bank account.
Well nuts to you too, CNN! The Obama campaign is already calling the District for itself. And based on my visual inspection of campaign signs lining the streets on my way to work, I’m going to call it for Obama by at least 8:1.
I was going to head down to Busboys & Poets for a fundraiser & results-watching party, but after slipping & sliding all the way to the corner I said “oh hells no.” So y’all will have to put up with me instead.
And this is a problem . . . why?
Brother! Hi
Salud ManE!
It’s great to see you here 🙂
Hillary’s on. Her smile is a little bit wider with each loss. It’s as if she didn’t get blown out tonight.
Is she running for POTUS or president of Texas? This is like her FL and TN speeches. When are they going to cut from her?
MSNBC finally cut from her. On CNN.com, I just switched over the Obama rally where nothing is going on.
I noticed that. I was commenting to my wife and daughter, “She’s thinking, ‘I have to smile this way all the way to March 4th.'”
She hasn’t got the fire she usually does tonight. It’s really sad to watch. It’s like she’s doing the stump speech on autopilot but in her eyes you can see her campaign crumbling all around her. I don’t know how she’s able to do it, really.
Yeah, notice that they’re airing talking heads rather than the rest of the speech.
Oh man, she just lifted a whole section of Obama’s speecheds. Again.
Steal from the best, that’s what I say.
And since Obama seems to change up his speeches every two weeks it’s even sadder because she’s using what he started using two weeks ago.
I just read MSNBC report that she was asked of a possible unity ticket Clinton-Obama and her response was exactly Obama’s lines:
“I was friends with Obama before…blah blah”
Truly pityful. People do notice.
Let’s see if it’s 3-for-3
As soon as I hit “Enter” they called it for Obama, with no official results yet.
And they just called it for DC, with Obama at 75%. I was off slightly in my prediction, but it is a Clean Sweep.