If you are an Obama supporter and you are worried about the superdelegates, Ron Fournier explains why you should relax.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I posted about this this morning:
Well, Hillary’s ultra-hip campaign staff is at it again, making viral videos that are just bound the excite the younger demographic. It’s almost like it’s 1975 all over again.
that was so awful.
Please! Please tell me that was a parody
gaawd awful
10 years ago when it was funny. On MadTV. They called it the ERacists.
that sounds like the theme to a bad sitcom.
The bass player needs to have his instrument taken away permanently.
On tonight’s Episode of “Hillary for You and Me”, the first lady finds herself down on her luck, comedy ensues when an adorable little scamp shows her that it’s not whether you win or lose but how you play the game. Guest starring Emmanuel Lewis and French Stewart. With Mark Penn as Bubbles. (8:30 PM, ABC)
I’m sticking to my theory that after she loses the nomination she’s planning to star in an updated version of The Partridge Family on teeveee. Even her most recent haircut is reminiscent of Shirley Jones.
The Partridge Family would be a step or two up from this.
This sounds like it was written for Up With People but stashed in the “Too Kitschy” drawer.
The Seventies called. They want their . . .
Um, excuse me. What? What was that?
Oh, sorry, my bad. They said you can keep that one.
The Jackson Five is on the line…they want to know when they’ll be receiving their royalty checks.
I was thinking Jackson 5 too – man, that’s bad. It would be funny if Mike endorsed her, though…
Me too. When I first saw it, I was thinking of the song “ABC… 123” but this version of the song really sucks. Maybe the Jackson family should sue.
Yeah, that’d be about all a presidential candidate would need, to be sued for copyright infringement — and for a sucky song, no less.
He said, “Is this serious or is this a parody?” Then he went noticed that with over 6500 views, it’s rated 1 with comments disabled.
As an avid Obama supporter I say that this video ought to be distributed far and wide…
I’m convinced. She’s our choice if we’re going to defeat Gerald Ford in the general.
The momcat just came running from the other room. “What the hell is that?”
I told her what it was as she looked over my shoulder. “Little too poppy for my taste,” she said.
“She’s a Boomer,” I said.
She gave me that look. “I know that. So are we.”
“That’s what this election is about,” I said. “The Boomers still think they ought to run everything, but now there are some folks who think otherwise.”
“Well, maybe if the Boomers would get off their asses and do something,” she said.
And then I had an epiphany. “The Boomers are over the hill. We flamed out thirty years ago with McGovern. When we lost we took our marbles and went home, pretending it didn’t matter. Well, it does matter.”
The momcat was not visibly impressed with my epiphany.
that video is exactly something Bill Clinton would run for the 1992 election. Hillary Clinton living in the past.
Not that I want to give her campaign any free advice, but…isn’t Quincy Jones still a supporter? Please ask him for help.
I have that FOurnier link in my diary “Pelosi…super fans of Clinton leaning to Obama. Thanks for the rec.
Oh for a true count on delegates. Obama’s camp they claim to be leading by 136.
Obama 1139
Clinton 1003
Michigan and Florida excluded, as they should be.
As per Obama’s camp – Detailed Delegate Count in .PDF Link, here.
james carville, aka: mr. matalin:
someone should offer him some cheese to go with his whine…asshat.
well Clinton’s ex campaign chairman ’82 Wilhelmendorsed Obama today and had this to say:
Have I mentioned lately how much I dislike Bill Clinton? I hope so, because neither you nor I have the time to hear me explain it again. Sheesh.
Gov. Richardson probably replied..”yeah you want to kiss me know that the Hispanic Vote is your last chance for victory. Bring your arse to my place and I’ll let you sit next to me and don’t eat the last home-made tortilla like you use too.”
“If the facts are at odds with the policy objectives of some people who are keen to impose further sanctions on Iran, that’s too bad,” the [IAEA] official added.
– Pressure grows on IAEA over Iran report
Can I just say how thankful I am that Larry Johnson’s steaming piles of turd diaries about Obama are not on the frontpage here? I just caught the latest drivel at DKos. Here are some choice dingle-berries:
‘Disgusting barely scratches the surface…that’s a steaming pile alright.
l can imagine the comment thread…which’ll have to do, cause l ain’t goin’ there.
talk about someone ruining their reputation for a politician…
Somebody get some Chat Chow for LJ.
He’s just mad, he stuck up tongue up the wrong ass.
lj has assumed the position.
Well, someone brought a bit of that crap over here yesterday. And when I debunked the disinformation I was rewarded with a warning for not showing appropriate obeisance Larry, the foreign affairs expert. A trollish diary with ratings abuse to boot.
To bad he has taken that route. His support to, and expert commentary on the Plame/Wilson affair was most beneficial. But when he (and Susan) stoop(s) to such horrific level of political hackery, then his credibility is forever shot – even if he has substantive input.
What on earth has happened to Susan? She sounds like she’s a totally different person now.
I am also puzzled.
People can disagree on issues, but I expect much more intellectual honesty from that quarter.
And now it’s gone totally overboard (at least on Larry’s part).
Yeah, I just read that thread and Susan has lost it.
So is she “susanunpc” now? Wow…
Yeah, I read some of the comments, and they are the ones who sound rather cultish. They are oh-so-cool. Hip to everything. Sinking in cynicism. They know all and are above all.
(((sigh))) Different strokes for different folks. I find Johnson’s criticism of Obama being “establishment” quite funny. He’s great on some issues but the rest of it is just steaming tripe that should be beneath him.
Or maybe Obama slapped his mama in another lifetime. Won’t be back.
Didn’t she withdraw for awhile due to serious health problems?
ask – I read the diary as a cautionary note that Obama will be vulnerable to lots of slurs and innuendos – that it would be wise to prepare to counter or get out ahead in some way.
Your first response in that diary did that which I appreciate. As there is a very good chance that Obama will be the Dem nominee, I realized I need to learn more about him in order to defend him.
As the “swiftboating” of Kerry took place in ’04, I watched as more and more letters in the local paper repeated what I was reading on the internet. And as we entered the second term, I found that if I read FreeRepublic, I could anticipate letter content and write something countering it.
I believe the latent racism in the northern “blue” states needs to be actively countered in some way. After listening to Michelle Obama’s speech in Delaware, I kept thinking of how it could be used to draw people in. But I can’t see them getting past the fact she is Obama’s wife and really hearing her.
Complex people reduced to t-shirt and bumper sticker slogans – ack 🙁
Good riddance, Larry.
Unbelievable. I went to his website. Chilled me to the bone.
Good Riddance indeed.
good to virtually see you.
I find it completely and totally offensive that being related a Muslim, let alone being Muslim is enough to make someone “flip”. That’s not even in the neighborhood of rational thought. That LGF thought processes right there.
i hear you, fabooj. anti-muslim sentiment is one of the many blind spots that still enjoys wide play. of course, some of it is outright bigotry. either way, it should be called out
I have suspected for awhile that there are various wings of the intelligence services whose desires are played out in our political theater. One wing’s loyal to Bush, there’s another one leaning towards corporatist Dems, etc. In the 1970s congressional investigations found that there were hundreds of news reporters identified as working with or for the CIA. I doubt that it’s gotten any better over the years.
While I appreciate when “ex” CIA people give us information about this or that, I suspect that they are just working for a particular faction of the bureaucracy.
I have seen theories that Bill Clinton has been an asset of the CIA since he was a student and visited the Soviet Union in the sixties. One need only to google “Gloria Steinem” “Redstockings” “CIA” and “Helsinki” to find out Ms. Steinem’s work for the Mighty Wultitzer way back in the fifties and sixties (Steve and Cokie Roberts were also part of the CIA’s student delegation to the Helsinki Youth Festival back in 1962). Most Americans who went to the Soviet Union in the sixties were considered assets and debriefed upon their return to the U.S. so it’s hard to imagine Bill Clinton not having some relationship with the government’s intelligence services back then.
During the Clintons’ stay in the governor’s mansion in Little Rock there was cocaine coming into the Mena airport on return flights on the back end of the contra weapons flights. While the conservatives’ vague hints of Clinton’s collusion in the importation of cocaine never amounted to much publicly and I doubt that he initiated it, it happened there and he was in authority and in position to offer local assistance in what looks to have been a government-protected drug route. Barry Seal used to show off a “get out of jail” letter signed by Bill Clinton and they both had the same lawyer, Richard Ben-Veniste, in the early 80s. Ben-Veniste worked with Hillary Clinton and Bernard Nusbaum back in Watergate, and again during Whitewater.
(As an aside: Asa Hutchinson was the federal prosecutor in that corner of Arkansas during the cocaine flights. He prosecuted Clinton’s brother for drugs, then started and dropped out of prosecuting Barry Seal. In 2001 he was appointed head of the DEA.)
There is an interesting theory that Watergate was a coup run by intelligence people in order to short-circuit Nixon’s power grab and keep control of the drug trade in the hands of the CIA. When you look at all the people who turned out to disclose key information during Nixon’s unraveling, many of them had intelligence pedigrees. And young Hillary Rodham was in the middle of that.
In short, I think that the reason why people with “CIA” in their resumes are now on Clinton’s team is that the Clintons were on their team, and they are all sort of the CIA-Lite team (as opposed to the Bushies). After eight years of Dubya maybe they think that a dose of Clintonia will appease the hoi polloi.
I know. Too conspiratorial. Just saying.
I know Fournier says that, and he’s probably right, but I’m still worried that Clinton will come close enough to allow the supers to overturn it.
And, looking at those Rasmussen polls of Obama v McCain and Clinton v McCain, it’s pretty clear to me that it’s got to be Obama, or we’ll lose. But the Democratic Party is run by morons like Chuckles Schumer and the rest of the DLC’s gang of clowns, and the supers don’t seem to have broken away from her at all yet, which I’d hoped for after last night.
Did you check over there ————————>
That’s right. I wrote a diary.
You should probably read it or something.
Ok, what is this all about??
Mark McKinnon, top advisor to McCain is saying he would drop out of the campaign if Obama won the nomination because ‘I would simply be uncomfortable being in a campaign that would inevitably attack Barack Obama’
This guy is an operative, he eats attack sandwiches for lunch
he was a democrat before Bush hired him.
Yeah, just hard to swallow that he’s fallen in love with Obama and looking to become a born again Dem without asking if he is just sizing up the race and looking to jump over to the winner’s side before the loser loses.
the more the merrier.