I don’t know what got into the Democrats today, but they done good.
Washington, DC – The Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives stared down the White House today and decided to stick with their version of revisions to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The House voted to adjourn without letting the phone companies off the hook for breaking the law by helping the government spy on Americas. The House is leaving town and allowing the unconstitutional Protect America Act to expire this weekend.
Yup. The Republicans refused to pass a temporary extension, so the crappy PAA bill that they rammed through Congress last August (during Yearly Kos) will now expire. We’re back to the good old FISA bill we knew and loved. I enjoyed seeing Pelosi taking no shit.
Q Are you going to vote on extension legislation today, and what kind of progress have you made with your caucus about supporting this.
Speaker Pelosi: No. The President has said he will not sign an extension. An overwhelming number of Democrats supported the extension. All of the Republicans opposed it, and the President said he was going to veto it. That says to me that the President knows he doesn’t need an extension. He knows that the underlying FISA law and the powers given to him in the Protect America Act give him sufficient authority to do all of the surveillance and collecting that he needs to do to protect the American people. If it were so urgent, he would have supported an extension.
Q The administration, they seem to mostly want a path. They speak in terms of wanting a path in terms of the bill. Can you give them some clear read as to when you think an agreement could be reached so that if there was an extension, they could have some confidence that it would be the last one?
Speaker Pelosi: These are not new issues. Everybody understands what retroactive immunity and everybody understands exclusivity. The President does not operate outside the law. There are some other issues that I don’t think will be difficult to resolve. But remember this: Last night, the night before last, the Senate finally passed its bill. We passed our bill a long time ago. They are dilatory tactics on the part of the administration so that they couldn’t pass their bill until toward the end of this session so that they had us up against the wall once again.
How we protect the American people and how we collect intelligence to fight terrorism is a very important responsibility, and we take it deadly seriously.
Q If you were to get an extension such that was denied yesterday, could you say you’re confident
Speaker Pelosi: I will say it this way: We will continue to track that same 21 days because that’s what we think we would need. Of course, with the Members out largely next week, but the principles can be working on it and then when we come back to continue whatever floor action we would need in that regard. But we will make sure that everyone knows what the differences are between us on this legislation, and this is not an issue about whether we want to protect the American people. We certainly do. It is about whether the President can act outside the law. He certainly shouldn’t. Whether he’s a Democrat or he or she is a Republican, they should honor the law?
Q Do you think you could have an agreement in the 21 days?
Speaker Pelosi: I believe we could. Yes, I believe so.
And they charged Josh Bolten and Harriet Miers with contempt of congress. Maybe they’re getting some confidence back.
I think what got into the democrats was Donna Edwards whipping Wynn’s butt in the primary. Makes em all feel just a bit vulnerable, eh? Standing up for what is right makes it less likely that the same will happen to them.
i’d sure like to think so.
my first thought as well — the edwards victory –hopefully the edwards win is a first step — now let’s remember the senators who voted for telecom immunity. they all need to go.
Yes, a great day in the House. They did exactly what they should always have done. Let it expire. It solved all the problems – at least for the moment.
I’m glad it finally dawned on them that they don’t need the cover of a Bush veto. They could just let the damn thing expire.
they’re watching the turnout.
Yeah, maybe the sheer volume of people showing up in the primaries is starting to make their feet feel a bit warm. Not to mention them looking at Obama’s successes and being astute judges of the direction the political winds are blowing.
l’d like to think all the shit “we” gave the senate, and the house had something to do with it…but regardless, it was a Good Day.
an aside: pelosi’s site…www.speaker.gov…is overwhelmed.
kudo’s are in order, so do keep trying…l intend to.
Did y’all see little Georgie tremblin’ in his little boy Cowboy Boots today? Sayin’ stuff like “the terrrrists are fixin’ to kill us if we don’t pass this thang.”
Loved it. mister 29% proved his worth today.
cough…<clears throat>…mi mi mi mi miiii…
[laughing in hysterics]
I love that nerdy guy from Sesame Street. What’s his name again?
He was Dr. Bunsen Honeydew’s assistant, and always ended up on the wrong end of some scientific mishap or another. I loved it.
I could have scrolled down more.
but what’s the fun of that?
Trivia note: The Sesame Street folks modeled Dr Bunsen Honeydew after my Uncle Bob, who was a research chemist.
I myself also bear more resemblance to Beaker… :^)
that’s awesome!
I thought it was pretty cool too! He died several years ago, which was when I learned this.
My little boy wakes up every morning looking like that.
Holy Crap, BEAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You sir, have made my day. In other news: after 2 years the Dems discovered their spines, I just discovered an ingrown toenail. And Dana Perino doesn’t wike the weft wing bwogs….
glad the pic could be of assistance 🙂
as for Dana’s verbal diarrhea, she clearly needs a better imagination because I could think of much better things for Congress to act on that could be characterized as “fantasies of left wing bloggers”
Maybe they heard this part from Obama’s speech where he swiped at the Democrats in congress…
Damn, somebody better check real close and make sure the House hasn’t been taken over by pod people.
A year from now, the “sturm und drang” of the hearings will be over. But what will remain will be civil rights lawsuits because of the concerted effort at voter suppression. These simply won’t go away. (Fielding knows it!) The evidence that Miers and Bolton may be forced to provide will be crucial to these suits.
Rove may yet do the perp walk because of what happened today?
Good for them for remembering that they don’t have to take orders from Boy Wonder. Let’s hope the Democrats are indeed willing to fight this thing out. We need to see some big name Democrats come out swinging (I’m talkin to you Clinton and Obama–get into the ring).
Let’s have it out. The Republicans want to fight on this issue–just look at them blatantly lie and demagogue the issue (“Democrats won’t let Bush spy on al qaeda–an enemy that wants to kill us”). This is the rotten go-to attack move that’s always worked for the Republicans in the past. There is only one way to fight this “blood libel”–a reciprocal and ferocious counter attack.
Do the Democrats really have the fight in them? If they eventually give in then they will be royally punked yet again and erase any doubt of their political incompetence. Maybe the Democrats have finally gotten it through their thick skulls that they have to fight Bush if they want to be seen as tough.
Despite what I said earlier today about there being corrupt Democrats, not all of them are corrupt. Personally, I don’t believe all the Republicans are corrupt either. Absolute judgments of good and evil should be left to Der Chimpenfuhrer, because that’s all he’s capable of making in his horrible little world.
But maybe there’s some hope left after all out here in Reality Based Land.