8% of registered voters in this state had a voice in the Democratic Primary ..

‘Democracies die behind closed doors’ …….Honorable Damon Keith

I respectfully ask that Senator Carl Levin , Governor Jennifer Granholm and State Party Chairman Mark Brewer to correct the impact of the course that the Michigan Democratic Leadership has taken and the position they have put the Democratic Party and the Nation in .

It would be one thing if the party leadership had ask for party members input and we all had a hand in the route taken ; that would have been the fair and practical thing to have done .

Instead, we were left with a process where none of the candidates came to our state , our issues were again an afterthought and only 592,000 of registered Democrats ,or  8% of registered voters in this state had a voice in the Democratic Primary ..

Start Change here in Michigan by scheduling a Democratic Caucus as soon as possible. Let the voice of the people be heard ..