It’s sad that John McCain voted against a prohibition on torture this week, but it’s amusing that Gordon Smith will now have to explain to his constituents not only why he disagrees with his party’s nominee on the war, but why he disagrees with him about torturing people.

Crazy Jim Inhofe hearts McCain (kind of):

In 2000, the first time McCain, R-Arizona, ran for president, Inhofe endorsed then-Gov. George W. Bush and told a group of Republicans in Tulsa that the party should have a nominee who preaches Republican values, not one “chosen by the Democrats, as is the case with John McCain.”

Now it looks like the GOP will have a nominee that is far from the first choice of Inhofe and conservatives like him.

But in an interview last week, Inhofe said his differences with the senator weren’t so wide that he would consider sitting out the race or — as some conservative commentators have suggested — voting for the Democratic nominee.

“I’m not part of that school,” Inhofe said. “I think too much of America to have (U.S. Sen.) Hillary Clinton as president.”

If you live in Kansas and want to meet your candidate to unseat Sen. Pat Roberts, you gotta get up pretty early in the morning tomorrow:

Greg Orman, a candidate for the U.S. Senate, will speak Saturday at a breakfast meeting sponsored by Wyandotte County Democrats.

Orman, a Democrat, is an Olathe businessman vying to unseat Sen. Pat Roberts, a Republican.

The meeting will begin at 8:15 a.m. at The Woodlands, 9700 Leavenworth Road. The breakfast costs $10. Students and those with limited income may pay $7.

For more information, call 913-788-9328.

Larry Craig continues to embarrass Idaho Republicans.

Rep. Tom Allen’s wife has been diagnosed with breast cancer. I wish them good luck and good health.

My preferred candidate has dropped out and left Jeanne Shaheen free to concentrate on John Sununu. She also got the League of Conservation Voter’s endorsement.