Out of the Democratic Party, that is, because this shameful, disgusting excuse for why he voted against the ban on waterboarding is the last straw as far as I’m concerned:

In the worst case scenario — when there is an imminent threat of a nuclear attack on American soil — Lieberman said that the president should be able to certify the use of waterboarding on a detainee suspected of knowing vital details of the plot.

“You want to be able to use emergency tech to try to get the information out of that person,” Lieberman said. […]

“It is not like putting burning coals on people’s bodies. The person is in no real danger. The impact is psychological,” Lieberman said.

Because suffocating and feeling water flooding into your nostrils and lungs only causes psychological harm we should allow it? The same torture for which we convicted Japanese soldiers of war crimes after WWII is now just another tool in the war on terror? And who decides when this mythical Hollywood ticking time bomb scenario actually exists? George “I like to blow frogs butts off with firecrackers” Bush, that’s who. That’s the guy he wants making this unilateral decision on when to use this “not torture” torture technique.

Please. Just kick this “I’m an Independent Democrat (wink, wink)” Bush kissing, McCain loving bastard out of the Democratic party. He’s a disgrace to himself, to all Democrats and to America.