The word ‘periodically’ does not refer to the menstrual cycle. Saying that your opponent goes negative when she is feeling down does not mean that your opponent has PMS. Stop insulting our intelligence.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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One of the main problems on the left is the continual process of “word cancer”. A word which formerly was just an innocent component of the lexicon suddenly becomes an Agent of Satan. In one place, someone informed me that the term “illegal” is now verboten, and its use, in and of itself, demonstrated that the user was a racist.
Will we now see the entire component of the lexicon related to time become off-limits?
This is simply ridiculous.
You may be on to something there. If we can just train ourselves to grunt rather than use language think what it would do to the wiretappers!
Illegal? WTF?
Actually, when you use it as shorthand for Mexican, it is offensive, and increasingly common. I am not very PC but referring to people as ‘illegals’ is disrespectful.
Obviously I’m not very PC either. In my soaring ignorance I have always translated illegals to be limited to GW et al.
You don’t like ‘illegal’.
Why, then, do you have a problem with the PC police hitting on “periodically”? It’s the same thing.
the same thing? I can’t take that seriously at all.
four years ago, wisconsin was howard dean’s last stand. considered the most favorable state to dean on the schedule after new hampshire, the dean nation buckled up to crash the gates. travelling with barack, there’s a whole other vibe. there’s some storming going on, but it’s no last stand …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Maybe I missed it, but I’m a little surprised I haven’t seen any mention here of Patrick Murphy being the lone dissenter on this vote.
I thought that was awesome, and I’m a Giants fan.
At least you can agree on this!
Here’s my theory. Periodically, Andrea Mitchell has to get off her ass, stop reading periodicals and actually report a story. So the other day she listened for a period of time to Obama’s latest speech and wondered what she could say about it other than: “Great speech. Period.”
Then she realized that she could write a story AND help out her friend Chris Matthews (the misogynistic twit) by taking the Clinton supporters’ focus off of his true sexism and focusing it on false charges of sexism against Obama.
If this works, Chris Matthews is buying Andrea a great gift. Something gold or maybe platinum (both of which can be found on the periodic table).
Best sig line evah.
doesn’t it.
What the hell are you talking about?
I had to look it up. Here
I guess we can assume that Tapper is regular visitor Talk Left and it’s hard to take anyone seriously if they actually give
Michelle MalkinTaylor Marsh any kind of credence.Here’s a funny. Roy Blunt was finally forced to endorse John McCain.
emphasis mine
Roy. Take back the House? With John McCain at the top of your ticket?
“Take back the house” is funny, but…”unite conservatives”?!?!
Here’s your “united” right here!
And here!!
And here!
Whew. Whew. A Schadenfreude headache can sometimes rival an ice cream headache. I think I need a moment…
Missouri is just coming out with loads of fun today. This came via WayneinMissouri over at dKos.
As some of you probably know, our esteemed governor suddenly announced last month that he wasn’t running for re-election. So a few Republicans filed including Kenny Hulshoff who is currently the U.S. Congressman in Mo-09. That gives the Dems a big opening to try to win the Mo-09 seat. Two Dems have filed for the seat but everyone was waiting to see who would file on the Republican side.
Well, a Republican has finally filed – former Missouri University of Missouri football star Brock Olivo.
His qualifications? “Most people know me as a football player but I was also in social studies class.”
I kid you not. He said it.
There are dumb people and then there are dumb republicans…a whole nother class of dumbness it seems. And thanks maryb for giving me my first good laugh of the day!
Dumb Republicans, brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department.
According to RBH at dKos, one of the Dems running for that seat is a former Missouri speaker of the House who got sued by the feds while serving on the Public Service Commission for trying to get info on telco collaboration with the NSA on the wiretapping.
I’m thinking I might have to give that guy some support in this race. It might make up for Claire McCaskill.
I took Social Studies in Middle School, not college.
a friend of mine stopped by, and whilst reading these periodic threads she had…and l paraphrase…the following comment:
PMS?! WTF…they’re talking about a 60 yr old woman…what f___‘g planet are these people living on?!
just a woman’s view…l’d dare not offend the PC.
When I read that above, I mentioned it to my husband said the same thing. These people are looking for any kind of sexism, that they’re turning themselves into laughingstocks.
How cute – that you’re still so young, you haven’t yet heard any of the cracks about “crazy” menopausal women!
Hey listen, I hate to spoil the fun here, but I actually worked with Hildebrand Tewes (Obama’s communications team) on another campaign and as a senior staffer, sat in on strategy sessions. This statement is exactly the sort of “dog whistle” statement they’d recommend for candidates.
But please, don’t let this factual information get in the way of your jolly time!
Booman, I might take your comment seriously if you hadn’t spent so much time making every syllable that the Clintons uttered racist. David Schuster’s comments were somehow okay, because the Clinton’s have clout. I don’t love the Clintons but your lack of perspective is impossible for me to read any longer.