Everything you need to know about Obama’s meeting with Edwards is in this diary.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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oh my.
Dare we hope for a Obama / Edwards ticket?
on line at booman….such a small world.
….hey that diary did not say much!
I’m sure that Obama was telling Edwards that he must reenter the race and that the O man will drop out and throw him all his delegates. Yep, that must be it.
In other news, Former President Bush, VP Cheney and several cabinet members reported for their trials at the Hague today…
That’s a good fantasy too!
Edwards has to be looking for a way of helping heal the intra-party fissure. Merely taking a side between the camps could exacerbate bad feelings, so I’m sure he’s looking for a way of portraying his endorsement as an effort to restore unity.
I also feel that his endorsement will be granted somewhat conditionally; as a reward for Obama’s willingness to pursue the issues that Edwards made a central theme of his campaign. This will be a benefit to both. It validates the reason for Edwards’ campaign, as well as allowing Obama to embrace themes that he will be using in the fall campaign. The appearance of a political deal won’t be problematic since these are issues he’d like to use in any case.
Wow, I disagree. I was a fan of Obama’s stealth populism. Much less in your face than Edwards’ version, and much more palatable to Republicans. But we’ll see.
Yeah, if Edwards made a big mistake, it was being in-your-face about his intention to take on the corporations and other monied interests. I’m hoping Obama will pick up some of Edwards’ ideas, but not unleash them until it’s too late for the oligarchs to do anything about it (i.e. after the election).
My secret dream ticket is Obama/Edwards. Let Obama be the smiling face of “yes we can” and let Edwards be the enforcer. Cheney has opened the door for more participation by the vice president, and while I wouldn’t expect Edwards to be an Edgar Bergen to Obama’s Charlie McCarthy, having him in a position to implement some of his programs would just make me kvell.
I was thinking of that too, and how Edwards might keep Obama from being assassinated, because the powers that be like Edwards even less!
Yeah, sort of like the 1989 version of “Advice to Would-Be Assassins:”
A touchy subject, as no one wants either man to be put at risk, but indeed, Edwards as VP garuntees that the monied interests will put LOTS of money into keeping Obama alive & well, lest we find ourselves enjoying a sad but dedicated President Edwards.
I could live with that.
Many could die without that.
It sounds like you disagree with Obama becoming too closely aligned with the Edwards agenda — although you haven’t made clear specifically what you disagree with.
My point was simply that Obama would like to embrace the Edwards agenda, and that the discussions with Edwards provides a covering rationale for this.
We’re in a stage of the campaign where the Obama campaign needs to fill-in his agenda, and embracing ‘economic populism’ appears to be the best way to go (IMHO). Defining himself before he’s defined by others is essential. The question of how an Edwards/Obama rapprochement looks is the only question. I’d prefer to see Obama defined as conciliating rather than as a closet liberal — but it’s a relatively minor point, and not one I’ve dead set on.
Considering the unavoidable speculation that surrounds these type of negotiations, I don’t see any way to avoid it. There will be accusations of political deal-making, the point is to use them to one’s advantage. My major point regarding this rapprochement is that it provides Edwards with a covering rationale for why he’s giving it. The main concern at this point should be finding a way of smoothing over differences with Clinton supporters.
I looking for John Edwards to endorse Obama. I don’t think Hillary is the best choice to fight poverty.
I was just poking around at Hillary Clinton’s site blog – several posters there think Edwards will endorse her. I think he’ll lose credibility with his base if he does.
Agree. He’s lost a little respect talking with her camp.
Just saying.
On the other hand, it seems like his agenda would be very different from hers, and if he were to endorse her, his standing with his supporters would go way down. This would hurt him big time down the road.
My opinion, freely given and guaranteed worth at least what you paid for it.
There was an interesting post at Plunderbund last week on the subject of a possible endorsement by Edwards: Why I Want Edwards to Endorse Hillary. (The blogger is pro-Obama, by the way.)
I’m rooting for Obama but I’m conflicted given the severe economic crises setting up for the next president.
But then I read Hilzoy (The Daily Dish) providing a link to a piece at Wapo Cold grief.
The experienced folks in charge of the Clinton campaign are likely to be the same advisers in her circle were she to be elected president. How is it possible that in prepping for the race they did not know this:
Greenhorns they are not. This is a third run for president:
Is she ready to lead from day one?
Per TPM, Edwards is apparently leaning towards Clinton.
old stuff. after the past week with Clinton moving the goal post – (first it would be wrapped up on March 4, then June 7, now “all the way to the convention) – imo Edwards like Gore will remain neutral.
Personally, I’d find it a little sad if Edwards went for Clinton, because it would lead me to believe that he was a fraud. His positioning was clearly more pro-Obama — “Change won, and the status quo lost” in Iowa, “forces of change vs status quo” in the SC debate, and all that — while he was in the race. His support has gone almost entirely to Obama, looking at the polls and endorsements. And, if Obama wins the nomination, Edwards can count himself out of an Obama administration.
…if the toy was shiny enough.
And it seems I might be right about that:
“Less attentive”??? Seriously? It seems like Edwards wants his ass kissed in a major way.
I always felt like I couldn’t trust him. I really don’t like what I see here.
It would run counter to everything he was preaching on the campaign trail, which is, I think, why you see so much anger from former supporters of him on the blogs.
(shrug) Fortunately, it doesn’t seem as though his support matters much this late in the game. He could help Obama in Ohio, but I don’t see how he hands Clinton much of anything.
For a very brief moment, I thought it would be tough to choose between he and Obama. I was already on board with Obama, but I REALLY liked what I was seeing and hearing. He was a solid #2 choice.
Until I remembered his Senate record.
I think he has a great capacity for good, and for “doing good.” But when you start approaching a Romneyesque posture, the willingness to say or do anything to position yourself, it’s a turnoff. And the trust is gone.
All because his ego wasn’t stroked enough. John should just stop the madness. This is not a game, and it is not about him. It’s supposed to be about the causes and the people he now says he represents.
he could be offered the AG spot?
I think that makes sense. But complaining that Obama is not sucking up enough is as counterproductive as it is ugly.
John needs to stop playing games. If he’s serious about changing the conversation and policy of this country, then he needs to fish or cut bait–and five minutes ago. We will need everyone’s help, because Clinton just will not go 5 inches beyond DLC parameters.
Those same DLC parameters that boxed him in while he was in the Senate–the reason why he was apologizing for every other vote he made in 2007.
Now he has an opportunity to do something about it, and he’s miffed because Obama hasn’t slobbered over his ring enough? Seriously?
Fact is, for all the talk about his “inspirational” speaking style, Obama IS fighting. He’s just not boring the crap out of us by saying it and bragging and excuse-making. He’s just doing the damned thing. He effectively has THREE challengers: a former president, his Democratic rival and his republican revival. None of them want a fundamental shift in our policies.
And Obama’s STILL outperforming them.
So it seems to me that John has a fundamental question to ask: Is he in this fight, or fighting for a job? As someone on TPM noted, his endorsement says more about John than it does about either Barack or Hillary.
Sorry. That would be republican rival. I should be caffeinated enough to catch such a stupid mistake.
The pic showed Obama holding Edwards’ hand the same way Michelle Obama did with Larry King – in gratitude.
Of course you could also read it that he was holding ONTO Edwards’ hand in a gesture of stay with me.