It looks like the train is leaving the station. Would you care to endorse someone?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
The image with the linked diary is wonderful!
Terrifying! Perhaps, he edited out the people who knew the correct answers. I’m going to believe that just so I don’t get more depressed than I already am.
Lord have mercy.
I’m sure that most people they interviewed answered correctly, but sheesh–the dumb answers given were really dumb. And that is really terrifying.
I only give a bit of slack to a few people, like the guy who didn’t know what state KFC was from. You can argue that you really don’t know where it’s from–does the title mean the chain started in KY or is the chicken prepared in a Kentucky-fried (or prepared) manner?
Kinda like Victoria’s Secret–for years, they tried to seem British, but it’s an American company.
Other than that–whoah!
Those were pretty basic questions, and I’m sure they edited out a lot of right answers, but damn. One side to a triangle? One! My two year old knows the answer to that and he barely talks.
Oh. My head…some of those people probably vote AND drive. Scary.
No doubt they’re the ones who voted for Bush!
The people who put the number on the map based on what they read or the guy who was listing states as part of who should be bombed next. I did like the coalition of the willing part when the guy listed all the countries that could make up a coalition of the unwilling to be bombed.
THESE PEOPLE are the reason that caucuses are a good idea, as opposed to primaries. These fucking morons wouldn’t even be able to find the caucus location on time, much less participate. Uggh!
Ignorant, lazy fukken (thanks, CI) americans.
Any of you catch the speeches last night in Wisconsin? Apparently Obama tore Clinton apart on her little “Just words” talk.
video of that great smackdown is here
They both spoke at last night?
No obama spoke, Hillary was murmuring something about being old and experienced.
Wow. He’s really got that preacher shtick down, doesn’t he? Powerful stuff.
I’m thinking that’s where part of his appeal comes from. Most politicians come off sounding like, well, politicians. Obama (at least when he’s up there talking) is equal parts politician, preacher and rock star.
gary hart had an interesting commentary at huffpost this past week that touches on that: politics as transcendence:
an interesting perspective.
He looks great in the cowboy hate, btw.
Sorry no segue, but regarding Wisconsin: does anyone know if Gov. Doyle has a good organization to GOTV? Has Sen. Feingold signaled either way or is he remaining neutral? Anything else we should be paying attention to?
Oh yeah.
Since they were trendy among hipsters around 10 years ago, I have a gag reflex when I see one. I also don’t think that the Sen. is all swooning hot like a lot of people I know. Still, when I saw that picture, I was like, “Damn yo. A brotha’s fine!”
Yeah, he does have a bit of a swagger to him–especially in that hat–he’s dignified and classy without being stiff. Tough to pull off.
He looks good in the hat because it hides his ears…lol.
That, too.
Glad I’m voting for his brains instead of his ears! :<)
“Obama, Obama, why do you have such big ears?”
“The better to hear you with, my dear!”
Well, some people can wear the hat, and some people can’t. I look better in the right kind of hat, but that ain’t it. More like, this one. I need a new one this year — I wore the old one so much it got sweatstained and dirty.
I think I look good in hats like those, but for everyday wear these days I tend to wear gimme caps or railroad caps.
the heart is saying that if I were going to vote it would be the O man. BUT- I will wait a bit longer. I want to see his progress.
Are you in PA?
This is interesting, Hawaii blog questioning whether Obama is indeed a natural born citizen
In this regard the McCain is not one either for he was born in the Panama is this what is being insinuated here?
At least, Hawaii was a state when Obama was born there. Hawaii became a state in 1959 and Obama was born in 1961.
MCCain was born in Panama! Yes, both his parents were Americans and he was born on an American military base but technically he sure wasn’t “native born” on American soil.
The trap here is that the post was trying to get some play time on the native Hawaiian claim of sovereignty vs a US state.
Edwards and Obama apparently met in Chapel Hill this morning. Elizabeth has allegedly been lobbying John pretty hard to endorse Obama, and, with the issue of electability apparently being a big factor for him, it doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility that an Edwards endorsement is cming shortly.
Edwards would do well to listen to her counsel; last time he didn’t, he ended up voting for the military authorization.
Doesn’t wearing a black cowboy hat make him a bad guy?
If this was a Yosemite Sam cartoon.
But he’d still look good in it!
Not everyone who wears a black cowboy hat is a bad guy.
Besides, he just looks good in that hat. I should look so good.
Omir the cowboy. I like it.
That is just an old stereotype upon which the American Conservative movement it based… and is all founded on good old American racism. The John Wayne figure in the White Hat is the Good Guy, while the guy in the Black Hat is the Bad Guy. Pure racist bullshit. It’s time we moved past those old stereotypes. Really.
Andf he does look good in that hat. Damn.
Umm, this was snark.
Next you’ll be racist for equating black with bad.
Well, it has permeated the language and all, but I don’t think so. I think it was just an honest mistake. We haven’t had enough snarky goodness to go around lately! We get a bit rusty when we don’t use our snark as much. We’re out of practice!
Sorry no segue, but I’m always glad to see you here. And I say that for no apparent reason–I just do. Mwah!
Hay, SS. I sincerely hope that this comment hasn’t been taken that way.,0,4428760.story
Big business meet America’s children
I think the only difference between Obama as Prezdunt and Clinton as Prezdunt is that Obama will be easily coerced into doing the bidding of global capital, and Clinton will willingly do the bidding of global capital.
Now you choose between the two. How?