Where, like democracy flows like water and the Taliban have been routed and all that jazz:
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — A suicide bombing at an outdoor dog fighting competition killed 80 people and wounded scores more Sunday, a governor said, in what appeared to be the deadliest terror attack in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban in 2001.
Officials said the attack apparently targeted a prominent militia commander who had stood up against the Taliban. He died in the attack. […]
Suicide attacks have been on the rise in Afghanistan, but rarely have they killed so many people. Militants carried out more than 140 suicide attacks in 2007, a record number.
Okay, you may now return to your daily dose of campaign bickering and related nonsense. Cause we all know drama is so much better than reality TV. That is, assuming the cable guys bothered to cover this story.
Hey Steven, if anyone thinks that Afgh. is going to be a “Victory” they are seriosly out of touch with reality. Besides the Taliban, the simply fact is that the illegal profit being generated by the major crop is beyond belief. Ya know that old political quote- “its the economy stupid”? Well, in the case of Afgh, all you have to do is change one word- get rid of the word “economy” and insert the word-“POPPY”!
Too bad Bush declared Mission accomplished in Afghanistan the day he failed to capture Osama.
Cuz Iraq became the central front in the war on terror ten seconds after the towers were hit in the minds of Bush, Rummy and Cheney.
Steven D,
Imho, you should ready yourself on Pakistan. Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq will pale in comparison with what’s ahead. Pakistan will keep on giving for the next 3 years…at at minimum.
Nuclear armed Pakistan is the most dangerous country on planet earth.
McClatchy: Pakistan’s attorney general caught on tape. In elections on Monday (that’s tomorrow) the votes would be “massively” rigged.
And here’s a scary story that has been buried – no one’s talking too loudly about:
The kidnapping of Pakistan’s nuclear staff
We’re being told Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal is secured. How secure? I’m just saying, connect the dots?
I’ve done Pakistan diaries before, so I know how screwed we are there. Waiting to see the reaction after Musharraf “wins” the election. Bet that will be fun and games.
And no one with half a brain thinks the Pakistani nukes are secure. It is the country that spread nuclear proliferation around the world after all.
Even remember that we’re in Afghanistan? When something happens there, it’s almost like they do everything to not mention that US troops are there.
funny, because drama is better than reality teevee.
Yeah, but sometimes you have to eat your vegetables and not just french fries and cheetos all day, every day. A lesson our esteemed media seems to have forgotten.
They haven’t forgotten Steven. Has Faux forgotten? Has Matthews forgotten? Just to name two! Nah, this is a determined, planned exclusin. Just look at the lack of reporting of the daily carnage in Iraq. Forgotten? I don’t think so.
The he-said, she-said stupidity of the campaign has obliterated any real news. Not that the networks offered much of that before the campaign.
If either of these candidates were worth a shit they’d be talking about incidents like this every day and offering real alternatives to the disastrous course Bush has taken.
The U.S. will follow the path taken by the British in Afghanistan and the path taken by the USSR/Russia in Afghanistan. No one has defeated, subdued these people.
For a good history and a good read, try James Michener’s “Caravans.”
Mission accomplished. Again.
See my diary …
Pro-government militia commander Abdul Halim Jan, who is fighting Taliban insurgents in south Afghanistan, is among those killed in the suicide blast in Taliban birthplace Kandahar, Kandahar governor Assadullah Khalid said.
● Kandahar needs more Canadian combat and reconstruction: Afghan leader
● BJP unapologetic about Kandahar hijacking episode
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
And the second most deadly attack was just last November. Not a good trend.
KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) — More than 900 people have now been killed across Afghanistan as the country suffers from one of its harshest ever winters. Below freezing temperatures and bitter snow storms have been gripping the nation since the onset of winter in mid December. At its peak temperatures in the region fell to -22C (-8F); the coldest in more than 30 years.
Nearly half the villages in western Afghanistan have been cut off from the major cities due to heavy snowfall, which reached 2 metres (79 inches) deep in some places. The cold snap has hit the agricultural and livestock industry hard with more than 130,000 cattle now perishing in the freezing temperatures.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
UNICEF said the return of 353,000 people from Pakistan and Iran last year, and the deportation of 260,300 more, was adding to the needs of people already affected by natural disaster.
Afghan people suffer some of the worst conditions in the world after decades of war and neglect. Around 1,600 out of 100,000 women die giving birth, while about 165 of 1,000 babies die in birth, according to United Nations figures. One child out of four does not live to five.
The UNICEF appeal said two million primary school-aged children, about 60 percent of all children, are out of school. About 1.3 million of these are girls.
Iran sends humanitarian aid to Afghanistan
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I can’t get worked up by people getting killed at a dog fight. They learned what the losing dogs suffer.