Take the Poll.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Take the Poll.
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
via Balkinization:
where’s huck? where’s gravel?
they’re still in the race, aren’t they?
CNNs Political Ticker has an extremely pointless entry on Bowling with the Huckabees.
I’m trying to think of what other kind of entry on bowling with the Huckabees there might be …
Seriously, though, thanks for the link and the laugh! I remember reading some time ago of a competition a British paper had for boring headlines — the kind that are so dull, so unlikely to inspire anybody to read the corresponding article, that they’re downright hilarious. “Huckabee Returns to US, Goes Bowling” deserves serious consideration.
Relieved to have made it home in one piece. Crazy, blowing snow started on my way home from class–practically zero visibility and barely any ability to brake. So nice to be inside now.
New song by political songwriter/satirist Roy Zimmerman
Via TheFatLadySings over at dKos, the Boston Herald reports the following about a Bush appointed federal judge:
He rear-ended someone. The jokes write themselves.
Well, in fairness, someone over there just pointed out that Bush didn’t appoint him:
Ah well, can’t have everything.
Great looking group of trouble makers
Man…I’ve gotta remember to go to my new local Dem. club meetings. I’m missing out on local fun!
Hi Carnacki-
Haven’t seen you comment here before, although your UID suggests you’ve been around from the beginning. And haven’t seen you “over there” recently, although my visits have become sparse in the past few months, so I may have simply missed you.
I’ve been pretty sparse here and Daily Kos compared to my past abuse of the two blogs. Mostly I’m at West Virginia Blue