According to Gallup’s national tracking poll, Clinton has lost her lead among registered Democrats, Hispanics, and women. (The generic numbers are backed by Rasmussen). If that’s true, it really is all over.

Meanwhile, in excellent news for McCain:

A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 61% of Americans would like to see U.S. troops brought home from Iraq within a year. That’s up a point from a week ago and two points from two weeks ago.

Good thing he splurged on the surge.

Here’s something I missed:

A footnote: The endorsement of Obama Wednesday by Puerto Rico Gov. Anibal Acevedo Vila gives him a big edge in the island commonwealth’s primary June 7, despite a predominant Hispanic population, with 63 delegates at stake. The governor will put the Popular Democratic Party, Puerto Rico’s most powerful political force, at Obama’s disposal.

Also, add Virginia and Iowa as states where Obama beats McCain but McCain beats Hillary. That’s beginning to hold in every state polled. So much for the electability argument.

But here’s the thing that seals it:

In Vermont, the smallest of the four states holding March 4 primaries, Sen. Barack Obama already had key support from the state’s congressional delegation, Democrats who hold statewide offices and almost all of the state legislative leadership.

Which is in all likelihood very useful and could help him win by a large margin in the state’s open primary next month, but isn’t anything you can drown in chocolate syrup or serve to voters in a sugar cone. So the Ben & Jerry’s vote could make all the difference. At an event in Burlington yesterday, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, the Ben & Jerry’s founders and former John Edwards supporters, formally announced their support for Obama.

Sen. Patrick Leahy, Vermont’s senior senator, joined the ice cream entrepreneurs and played a new Obama radio ad featuring himself and Leahy’s wife Marcelle that has begun airing across the state. As part of the event, Ben & Jerry and Leahy rode in customized Honda Elements they dubbed “ObamaMobiles,” to American Flatbread, a Vermont-based “artisan pizza” company. No word on whether, among all discussion of Obama’s commitment to affordable health care and getting children the “education they deserve,” anyone in the party ordered American Flatbread’s “Revolution” pizza. They were already handing out “Cherries for Change” ice cream, so perhaps there’s a limit on symbolically freighted food.

No one can recover from that.