Dying for every scrap of news from Wisconsin? Here are some live-blogging sources:
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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I was just reading this as I opened a fortune cookie. It says, “You have the makings of a winner.”
I sure hope so!!!!
If not on front page, try County Clerks.
Milwaukee and the smallest counties don’t post returns til next AM.
The following have usually had results up early:
Douglas, Bayfield, Polk, Dunn, Chippewa, Eau Claire, Marathon, Portage, Brown, Outagamie, Winnebagol, Trempeleau, LaCrosse, Monroe, Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Washington, Ozaukee, Rock, Kenosha, Racine.
Dane gets rural townships early, heavily Obama downtown Madison districts always come in last.
Milwaukee, we’ll hopefully see enough improvement to have numbers by Weednesday morning.
If you want to pick one early County as predictive of the rest, go with Rock. Slightly more favorable to Clinton than the State as a whole, so take the Rock result and add 4% to Obama.
Key delegate County: Eau Claire
Goes to Obama, but by how much?
Split between Kind’s 3d District, and Obey’s. Obama’s close to getting 4 of the 6 delegates from each, but can’t without taking EC big. If Clinton has 46% here, she likely saves both delegates. Dunn’s also split between these CDs.
That’s Winnebago, not Winnebagol.
I expect exit polling will help the networks project the results despite unevenness in the reporting of results. They’ve hinted at their techniques, which probably incorporate the weighting formulas used by the pollsters. High turnout in Dane, Milwaukee, etc., will indicate that Obama is doing well. Better than expected results elsewhere along with higher than expected turnout in groups such as younger voters will also signal this.
Hi Booman Tribune! Thanks for the link.
The contributors of dane101.com
via TPM
Philadelphia superdelegate endorses Obama
“HARRISBURG, Pa. — Barack Obama has his wife to thank for his latest endorsement from one of Pennsylvania’s Democratic superdelegates.
Carol Ann Campbell, a former Philadelphia city councilwoman, said she made up her mind Saturday after receiving a telephone call from the Illinois senator’s wife, Michelle.”
Good coverage this from *Milwaukee Journal Sentinel& the paper that has endorsed Obama:
articles from county to county that gives kinda exit comments of voters why they voted the way they did. From my quick read, If these comments replicate, it’s close. Too close for comfort. Strategic voting going on.
One voter went for Hillary because he wants to knock out Obama but will vote McCain in November.
go read..scroll down page for county to county wraps.
I’d love to hear why you think ‘raiding’ (i.e., strategic crossover voting) is going on. Wisconsin’s voting laws, in which one can show up, register and vote, makes it one of the most likely places for raiding at this point.
that link in my comment….go read the various reports in each county what voters are saying why and how they voted.
I see one former Democrat switched his registration because he was repulsed by Hillary — I hadn’t thought of that effect.
they’re running out of ballots here
City polling sites ask for more ballots
and Ambinder shares Wisconsin exit polls CBS:
for what it’s worth
I just posted this in the other thread, but it’s appropriate here, too.
Al Giordano over at The Field points to some early exit polls released by CBS online and did a little math:
Of course the post is named Caveat Emptor, but…
thanks RandyH but I’ve seen so much number crunching that I’m numbed.
soon we’ll see the real numbers.
Well, if they call it immediately after the polls close we’ll know it’s big.
I just tried to go back to the CBS link and they have shut the data off from view. Me thinks they had it up and on display early by accident. Whoops. Many people have been looking at it before they’re supposed to.