Just got home from Drinking Liberally and I see that Obama won!! What happened?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Well, he won.
This was a perfect place for him to say that in Texas – vote early and vote often applies.
Same old, same old.
CNN is saying that he won by 15%!
you drank too much. Obama cuts into her base
Big time. Even white women.
HRC got older white women,devout Catholics, least educated voters. Look at her margins in that group. Telling.
Obama is closing the gap in Ohio. HRC now leads by 9 points – not double digits.
Clinton’s base seems to be a poor, undereducated married white Catholic woman over 60.
That means she still has 7 groups to disenfranchise.
Which means she’ll do better in Ohio than in Wisconsin.
her lead in Ohio shrinking, now 9 points.
I have only watched a couple of Obama’s speeches, so I don’t really know, but is a lot of this one new? He seems to be stumbling a lot more than usual.
Maybe he’s just tired.
Or ate too much cheese over the last week.
Mmm. Cheese.
What else is big in Wisconsin?
Oh yeah. Beer.
Mmmm. Beer.
The beginning was all new. This part is part of his stump speech, moved around.
he is tired tonight, but he is hitting head-on the dismissal that some are giving him for being too young/unexperienced. he’s talking about the experience he does have as a community organizer. i like the subtle changes he’s made to the stump speech. apparently there are 20,000 there, wow.
I like this speech. It seems very geared toward Ohio even more than Texas but it works in Texas.
Are you really ready for change?
I like that.
I like it too, I was just a little surprised that the delivery was a bit below what I’ve come to expect from him.
It started out slow but he’s in the groove now, don’t you think?
I also think he is a little off on his delivery, even now. Must be fatigue.
He sounds hoarse and looks tired. But that’s ok. Now that he’s a frontrunner, tired makes him look serious.
What’s this crazy talk about keeping us safe? I thought he wanted to surrender and lose the war on terra.
Yes. I think whoever put the speech together did a good job of mixing in the new stuff with the old. He started out shaky at first (shaky for him, that is). Then he would start to bring in some new things, but with some old lines for emphasis where you could really see him getting going. And now he has really hit his stride.
MsNBC said it was going to be extemporaneous…
I have to admit a kind of aching sadness that him saying “We have to have a President who will abide by the United States Constitution” is an applause line.
An announcer said he was doing it without notes. Easier to ramble when you don’t have notes.
It’s a new speech.
guy needs A siesta. When do we get to Hawai’i? Most likely after !:00 AM.
A lot of it is.
Is the “we cannot wait” part new? I don’t remember it from before.
That kindergarten comment is priceless!
Please tell me! I missed the line.
He was saying that he’s not running for prez due to ambition….”I know someone’s been going through my kindergarten papers”….
“I’m not running because somehow I think it’s owed to me”
I wonder what he could be referring to…
This man might inspire me to fly the flag again.
May I suggest:
Gaaa! Not likely. 😉
instigator 😉
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
I heard the Cubs are going to win the Central this year, btw. It’s shaping up to be quite the year for the state of Illinois, eh?
we’re … rebuilding. yeah. It’s a rebuilding year.
Are you saying you’re inspired by the message of change? 😉
The Tigers have got me inspired.
What happened? I’ll tell you what happened. You hang out with disreputable people, and disreputable things happen, that’s what!!
I’m actually on my way home from work and blogging on my phone. It’s slow and painful compared to my nice fast shiny home and work boxen with the big monitors. There are people who do this all the time. I don’t know how they do it. I’d go nuts.
Well, well, well, so Obama won another insignificant state. Gives me something to look forward to when I get home.
he’s out-campaigned the Clintons. period.
small note: i noticed that he’s substituted the word Latino for Hispanic. not sure how I feel about that, but perhaps he is shifting rhetoric for a Tejas crowd.
you’ll have to explain the nuance for me.
the nuance is that you’ll get a different reaction from every latino/hispano/blah blah blah you ask. i rejected the hispanic label years ago because it is rooted in a government census system that i reject. Here’s a small excerpt of my thinking:
Hispanic is a direct reference to Spain and erases the history of Latin America and what we call the mestizaje.
That’s interesting. I never knew that. In fact I always wondered why different people use different terms.
as pejorative and even racist.
Yet there is a magazine called “Hispanic.”
Ug. I guess that’s for dye-blonde “Hispanics” looking to whiten their roots.
Literally and figuratively…but I digress.
I never knew that, Manny. Now I do.
“and knowing is half the battle” 🙂
the Obama organization takes care of every detail,… down to the spelling of a state names.
e.g. Hawai’i
won 24 states and on a roll. before the night is out we hope to make that 25.
Hawai’i “Your moment is now.”
Which do you prefer?
growing up, we called ourselves Mexican. Through years of community activism, I embraced a Xicano/Chicano identity, but my blog name is Latino Político – go figure 🙂 You’ll never hear me call myself Hispanic, though. I know it’s pretty common in New Mexico and parts of Tejas, so that’s why I think he’s using it. Dunno, just something I noticed.
I think it is for Texas. My IM got ping by 3 people on that. I told them to let it go, it means that he is tuned into Texas.
heh, i bet the change didn’t go over so well in SoCal 🙂
Seven of the Obama campaign’s top 14 donors consist of officers and employees of the same Wall Street firms charged time and again with looting the public and newly implicated in originating and/or bundling fraudulently made mortgages … These seven Wall Street firms are (in order of money given): Goldman Sachs, UBS AG, Lehman Brothers, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse … These latest frauds have left thousands of children in some of our largest minority communities coming home from school to see eviction notices and foreclosure signs nailed to their front doors … According to federal data, people of color are three times more likely to have subprime loans: high-cost loans account for 55 per cent of loans to blacks, but only 17 per cent of loans to whites. If there had been equitable distribution of subprime loans, losses for white people would be 44.5 per cent higher and losses for people of color would be about 24 percent lower.
More: http://tinyurl.com/ywwwz8
Mark Penn is a lot closer to being buried than to being born.
It’s like part stump speech, part inaugural speech. I can’t believe that MSNBC is still carrying it live.
they all are – even Fox
I’m going to be a president who’s learned the Constitution, who knows the Constitution, who will restore the Constitution.
That’s exactly what I’ve needed to hear to get 100% behind him.
I’m not sure if you saw this diary over at dKos yesterday, but it echoed the same sentiment:
This reminds me that I need to light another candle at my Obama shrine.
heh, on his energy policy segment he dropped the reference to oil companies making billions. Must be in Texas …
This has been a pretty long speech, no?
It’s about as long as his usual rally speech (I know because I stood on a hard concrete floor through one.)
Definitely not just a victory speech but a speech for the Texas campaign.
What time do they expect Hawaii results to start coming in?
“It was almost as if Hillary Clinton had been moved. Aside….Gently.”
Translation: This. Is. Not. A. Sexist. Statement.
Jesus, can’t anyone say “Youngstown” without also saying “gritty”?
No, a law was passed last week that demands it. You must have missed it.
another signing statement, no doubt
It would be ok if they would just say what they meant.
gritty (adjective) – A complimentary word used to describe people with a strong work ethic who are too busy trying to feed their families to complain much about how they are getting royally fucked by conservative governance.
Except that Y-town is overwhelmingly blue. I think by gritty they mean depressing and filthy. Which actually fits if I remember correctly.
Punkinhead seems to think Obama deliberately cut off Hill’s speech when she didn’t concede or congratulate him.
And what if he did? It’s not like she’s in a position to cry out, “Bad form!”
I’ll bet she’s pissed. But not in a sexist, PMS sort of way.
Of course he did. She wasn’t conceding; she was taking the free time for a campaign speech. He owned the moment – why let her have free time?
Actually, I can think of one reason to have let her have the free time. She was terrible.
That is true as well. I would have let her flounder for a few more minutes, but hindsight is 20/20. The Obama campaign was just tired of the previous post-loss sleights by Hillary and stole the moment.
I thought it was a good idea. Why give her free airtime for a boring stump speech if she can’t even be gracious enough to say, “Nice job, Obama.” or “Thank you Wisconsin.”
Obama extends streak with ninth victory over Clinton. I think the horse race metaphor is turning into the baseball metaphor.
Oh, Barack just sent me a personal email stating that if he wins Hawaii it will be 10 victories in a row….and please consider sending more money.
At least he didn’t use his speech to send you to his donate site like Hillary did.
That’s way better than the email that I just got.
I mean really, what would you do with an 18″…oh nevermind.
Sheesh! They’re offering REDUCTION now!
Nevermind, carry on.
haha boran!
You owe me a new keyboard 😉
And half of it is all over my keyboard and monitor. Thanks.
I taught my class this evening, and decided to stop at the grocery store on the way home. I have this superstitious notion–okay, I only half-believe it–that the best way for me to help the candidate I’m rooting for is by not watching the coverage.
When I finally arrived home with the groceries, I looked at the television on Demetrius’ desk, and saw the check mark next to Barack Obama’s name.
You’re welcome, Senator Obama. 😉
well, if you’re on a streak you never change anything. Make sure you need to do something the night of March 4. 😉
That’s why we always send BooMan out on election night.
I do the same thing with the Cleveland Indians. So far it hasn’t worked in the post-season, though.
AP “a fading Hillary Clinton”
“fading” – ouch
jinx, baby.
you just wanted an excuse to pinch 😀
I’m so transparent…
How does a Congressman supporting Obama NOT know his Senate record? That’s sloppy. Those people should be pounded with that stuff.
I switched over to CNN because Matthews was pissing me off, but you’re absolutely right that any surrogate on teevee needs to be well-versed on the record of the candidate they support
Yeah, that was horrible. The Clintons are gonna make a YouTube of that crap.
Just to be clear it was a Texas state Senator, not a Congressman, by the name of Kirk Watson
That was a TX State Senator…woefully unprepared.
And Matheews ripped him to shreds. Then Keith wooped Mathews good.
Mathews: “That’s whyt they call it Hardball.”
Keith: “But this is NOT Hardball. This is election-night coverage.”
I get the feeling there is no love lost between those two.
Georgia10 over at dKos thinks Obama’s victory might edge toward 20 points. If that’s true, this isn’t a victory, it’s a slaughter.
It’s showing 15 pts right now
yeah but here’s what she says:
I have cousins who live in Madison. They were part of my group that went to Italy – very cool progressive people. I’m dying to know how they voted.