I’m too tired to do much analysis. I basically think that Obama’s got this thing wrapped up and the party should unite behind him. I know Clinton can win a state or two down the road, but without some scandal, there is just no way for her to win the nomination. If she chooses to spend the next eight weeks bashing him, the party will never forgive her. That’s my analysis.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Obama got more votes than McCain and Huck combined….and then some.
“Once again”.
You should make t-shirts that say : I TOLD YOU SO
and McCain’s already trying to roll out the slime campaign against Obama. I think he’s probably intimidated by him.
They’re scared shitless of Obama over at the GOP. They can’t raise the cash he can. Moderate Republicans are bolting to OBama and if they having switched, their voting with their contributions.
Trust me. They’re scared shitless. Politics is all about organization and how you get to move people to work for you. That’s why Bush was a force to reckon with.
McCain? not so much
But Obama is blowing everybody out of the water with his political machine. It’s really impressive.
yes, he’s impressed everyone over here lately. We’re late comers but we ‘ve gradualyl come to like him the more we see of him
Heck – so did Clinton
Obama just got 17% more of more….
Don’t you need to go to a movie or something while we wait for Hawaii to come in?
Or maybe going to sleep would do it.
with the laptop set to the off position! 🙂
I think his evening at Drinking Liberally has gotten to him.
I can go to sleep if you want. I got this nice new comforter with lots of down in it. It’s like an oven and I’d be happy to sleep until Hillary concedes.
Well, I didn’t mean you had to be Rip van Winkle and wake up in a new administration. Maybe just a short nap.
So you’re going to sleep forever, Boo?
Pretty good analysis, Boo.
If she won’t let go, the party elders are gonna have to do an intervention.
they are saying that she has to win something like 65/35 in the big states on March 4th – i think your analysis is correct. the debate on Thursday night should be quite the event!
I wonder how negative she’ll go on him during the debate. I think that will backfire on her if she does.
they are throwing out anything that will stick at this point – even parroting attacks from McCain’s campaign against him. it’s a signal of the Clinton camp’s weakness that they are counting on Obama to trip up in order to have a shot at this.
I hope he uses humor against her during the debate. None of us win if they both get ugly.
Agreed. He’s got the poised “This isn’t serious and I’m not going to engage with it” response down, and that response powerfully supports his message about what kind of candidate he is. She’d be ill-advised to give him the opportunity.
On the other hand, what the hell else is there for her to do?
Barack needs to stay above it. Let her dig her own hole of negativism.
Not just the big states, all the states, I think.
So, basically Hillary Clinton is now Mike Huckabee, the Energizer Bunny, who now just keeps going and going and going for no good reason.
Bad analogy. Huck has a reason: 2012.
at the risk of being too mean, I might also point out that Huck has won some states since SuperTuesday…
Apparently I was wrong — Russert did say she needs to get 65% of the “big” states. Frankly, unless Obama comes out in favor of puppy torture, it aint’ gonna happen.
As Romneyiani-esque (Giulionmney-esque?) candidate; loan your campaign millions of your own dollars and ignore the smaller states at your own peril.
Obama’s lead just crept up to seventeen percent. 78% of precincts reporting.
same with 85% reporting
Holding steady still with 91% reporting.
Still a fair number of Dane Co. precincts to report (175 of 223 having reported); Milwaukee’s pretty much in (466/491).
I’m happy if it stays at seventeen. That’s a pretty good whuppin’.
Why are MSNBC and CNN both reporting results from “Washington”?
Washington primary today?
There is a Democratic primary but it doesn’t count.
Washington primaries were held today. As I understand it, both parties have a caucus date (already held) and a primary date. For the Dems, the caucus determines all pledged delegates. For the Reps, the caucus determines some, the primary the others. I think that’s how it works.
Yeah, basically the Washington Democratic primary is a beauty contest. I have no idea why they even ran one this year, unless it’s mandated by law or something.
WA law – yep.
Omar, a “beauty contest”? And who wins “beauty contests”? Women! Pig!
OK, thank you both. I had no idea.
Links to results as they come in:
Here are the Washington State Primary results
They don’t have any effect on delegate counts for the Democrats, but is very close:
Clinton 47.25%
Obama 49.64%
Do you remember what the caucus results were for Washington?
68% -31% is what I just got from CNN.
Obama beat Clinton by a 2-1 margin
I bet we hear how she did better in a primary than a caucus. But … she still LOST.
Anyone know why she did so much better in the primary? My guess is that that more of Clinton’s base bothered turning out to vote.
(BTW, I’m new here, hailing from Oakland, CA – I’ve been lurking for weeks, and have finally taken 1.5 whole minutes to get an acct.)
Stop by the ‘Welcome Wagon’ and introduce yourself. It usually is up some time in the afternoon on Wednesdays.
welcome! we’ll have a welcome wagon tomorrow (hopefully hosted by Omir the Storyteller…ahem…) hope to see you there!
Oh yeah, I’m supposed to do that aren’t I?
Omir might know the answer. he’s from Washington.
First off, welcome.
Close. LESS of Hillary’s base feels strong enough about her to spend a couple hours at a caucus with their neighbors than do Obama’s supporters. Voting only takes a couple minutes, so more people do it whether they feel strongly supportive or just so-so about their candidate. People who really feel strongly about their candidate or their civic duty will make the extra effort to caucus.
Of course, that makes sense! That had not occurred to us, dude.
(off to hop on the wagon)
If she “wins” the meaningless Washington Primary, will she do a Potemkin victory speech like she did in Florida?
“I Won! I Won! Now I’ve got MOMENTUM! I broke the losing steak!”
losing streak, that is.
It looks like those are final results.
MSNBC has:
Candidate Votes % of votes Delegates won
Obama 214,250 50% 0
Clinton 197,980 47% 0
47% of precincts reporting
Manny’s link to WA said 100% reporting. At least I thought it did.
Was to the caucus results from the 9th.
the one further up was to the washington state primary results.
Thanks. Then I have no idea why MSNBC is behind in the number reporting:
Candidate Votes % of votes Delegates won
Obama 238,998 50% 0
Clinton 226,672 47% 0
53% of precincts reporting
Those are the same exact numbers the link you provided has, but with 100% in:
Hillary Clinton 226,672
Barack Obama 238,998
Mail voting. She’s up because a lot of people voted weeks ago. I voted for Edwards before he dropped out.
But look at the upward curve from Feb. 9 (date of the caucus) to today!
Clearly her candidacy is on the rise, and Obama is plummeting.
Something like 68-31 Obama. I don’t remember the exact numbers but it was pretty close to that.
Did you bother to vote today?
No. Why would I? The primary was the only thing on the ballot for Democrats. I suppose I could have voted in the Republican primary to help throw a spanner into the works, but (1) you have to sign an (apparently completely unenforcable) oath stating that you didn’t vote or caucus anywhere else, and (2) I just didn’t think it was worth the effort.
Sounds perfectly logical to me. (btw I just wondered, I wasn’t hinting you should have. )
I just read a bunch of talkleft comments and it sure feels good to see those assholes squeal. They are the best evidence that I am right to oppose the Clinton campaign with all my capabilities.
now, now, you can’t judge blogs by their commenters. You judge them by their bloggers.
I bet A isn’t squealing.
j. is.
true dat
I’m with you, BooMan. It’s pretty shocking to hear anyone defend Clinton, at this late date. She’s insulted just about every demographic possible. She’s the least gracious person to ever run for this seat, that I can remember. And she sent 600,000+ innocent people to death so she could prove she was strong on terrorism. I am glad to see her getting her karmic rewards so quickly.
There was a comment there, where someone said that Obama had 20K people at his rally in Houston. Jeralyn actually replied back:
HAHAHAHA…That’s a serious comment.
I think j was far more offended that the commenter compared that 20,000 crowd to a Bruce Springsteen concert.
j is quite the celebrity worshiper.
isn’t 20K still 1%? For a concert or rally that’s A LOT of people.
On another note : We need to blogswarm against TalkLeft and Taylor Marsh. I’ve had it with the two. They’re poisoning the political ecology of the blogosphere.
They really have gone toxic.
I think we would be best to just stay away and let them whine all by themselves in the corner. Don’t give them traffic. Just let them die off once the primaries are done.
Sort of like “Blog Darwinism”
Even if the rally was held at some outside venue and like 175K people showed up, I’m sure the same response would have been given.
MSNBC is replying Obama’s entire speech again. I guess filler waiting for Hawaii to get some nighttime going on.
How long does it take those Hawaiians to caucus? Don’t they need to get back to the beach?
My guess is 8 PM HST, or about 15 minutes from when I post this.
I’m sleepy. I can’t believe you’re still awake. I’m ready to go to bed. I read today that results should start rolling in midnight/1am EST. That means I’m giving Hawaiians 15 more min. to start given me numbers.
I can’t believe I’m awake.
No, that’s not true. What I can’t believe is that I’m awake in order to get primary results from specific counties in Wisconsin, along with Hawaii.
Uncanny times, indeed.
i made a thread just for you.
I’m a night person, I could stay up for hours. But since I have to get up and go to work in the morning I’ll probably force myself to go to bed soon.
It’s only 7:46 PM Hawaii time.
stop being so logical. haven’t you figured out yet what a big whiner I am? 😉
I’m in Pacific time, so it’s only about 10 PM here. Early for me. But Hawaii results aren’t going to make any “mainland” newspaper deadlines tonight.
You’re not a whiner. Your question got me curious about the time zone in Hawaii is all. I thought I’d share.
Once again, the electorate breaking for Obama in just the last few days.
“Our poll showed that with a standard turnout, Obama would lead Clinton by just 47-44,” said Dean Debnam, president oif Public Polling Places (pdf). “But we expect Wisconsin will see the same record levels of turnout from young voters and black voters that Obama has been bringing out in other states. That should propel him to a double digit victory.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
At this stage the Clintons can only supply the enemy (repugnant Mc Cain) with ammunition for use against Barack Obama. May the Clintons be wise and generous. Of course she can go on and on and on and on…..